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TLE - Information and Communication Technology



Name: Date:

Grade Level and Section: Teacher:


Direction: Read the questions/statements carefully and write the corresponding letter of your answer
before the number.

1. This refers to the classification of these tools, namely, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls
and spoons, sifters, rubber scrappers, and baking pans.
a. Basics c. Convenience
b. Specialized d. Custom-made
2. It refers to cooking in dry heat, especially in an oven, where the temperature is uniform as hot air
circulates to cook a cake, pie, cookie or bread.
a. Baking c. Cooking
b. Grilling d. Steaming
3. Which weighing device is appropriate if you want to measure ingredients in grams?
a. Weighing scale c. Dietetic scale
b. Measuring cups d. Graduated measuring cups
4. Which mixing tool is able to incorporate air in your mixture, in a process known as whisking or
a. Hand mixer c. Electric mixer
b. Whisk beater d. mixing machine
5. Danny wants to cut the skin of the baked products without damaging its soft part. What kind of
knife he needs to use?
a. Paring knife c. Kitchen knife
b. Clever knife d. Serrated knife
6. What do call an improvised oven which made from an empty can?
a. Tin oven c. Charcoal oven
b. Convection oven d. Kerosene can oven
7. What regulates the temperature of a turbo broiler?
a. Gas range c. Thermostat
b. Chassis/body d. Thermometer
8. It is a natural cleaning material used in disinfecting cooking ware, oven and even floors?
a. Calamansi juice c. Wash soda
b. Baking Soda d. Vinegar
9. It is another natural source of acid cleaner and it can be mixed with baking soda to form a cleaning
paste for pots and pans.
a. Calamansi juice c. Wash soda
b. Baking Soda d. Vinegar
10. Which measuring tool is appropriate to use if you want to measure flour, sugar and powdered
a. Measuring cup c. Measuring teaspoon
b. Dietetic scale d. Liquid measuring glass
11. It is the sophisticated version of the portable front glass oven and it is economical, convenient,
easy to use, and easy to clean and store.
a. Wonder oven c. Turbo Broiler
b. Charcoal Oven d. Kerosene can oven
12. It disinfects and removes stains and odor and can kill molds and mildew
a. Borax c. Baking soda
b. Acetic acid d. Liquid detergent
13. It is commonly known as Clorox and used for cleaning, disinfecting, and bleaching cloths.
a. Acetic Acid c. Lemon Juice
b. Liquid detergent d. Sodium Chloride
14. What is the abbreviation for Pound?
a. lb c. ml
b. ug d. cc
15. How many teaspoons in 4 tablespoon?
a. 12 c. 24
b. 14 d. 8
16. It is to reduce to fine pieces or shreds by rubbing the food against a rough perforated surface.
a. Grate c. Glaze
b. Grind d. Knead
17. It is an act of putting together dry and wet ingredients to form bread dough.
a. Mixing c. Whipping
b. Stirring d. Pressing
18. Its aim is to prevent or minimize losses through quick and appropriate assistance extended to
victims of disaster.
a. Disaster preparedness c. Fire safety code
b. Contingency measures d. Emergency procedure
19. It is an organized and coherent approach to avoid or lessen injuries and diseases in a workplace.
a. Risk management c. Material safety data sheet
b. Protective equipment d. Safety and health standards
20. It is the physical removal of dirt from equipment, tools, and work surfaces.
a. Cleaning c. Disinfect
b. Alcohol d. Sanitizer
21. Which step in cleaning an electric mixer should be applied first?
a. Wipe with clean, dry cloth c. Detach the beater from the machine
b. Store in a clean, safe place d.Read manufactures’ manual for instruction
22. It is an amount obtained by calculating or by measuring size or dimension.
a. Standard c. Conversion
b. Accuracy d. Measurement
23. How many millimeters can be obtained from 2 liters?
a. 20000 c.200
b. 2000 d. 20
24. These are ingredients that take the place of the ingredients originally required in a recipe
a. Conversions c. Substitutions
b. Inventory d. Measurements
25. In the absence of 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour, you can substitute it with _________?
a. ½ tablespoon cornstarch c. 1 cup heavy cream
b. 1 cup of sifted cake flour d. ½ cup of non fat dry milk
26. It is to heat sugar until a brown color and characteristic flavor develops
a. Emulsify c. Pasteurize
b. Caramelize d. Fermentation
27. It is the process whereby sugar and other carbohydrates with the aid of yeast form carbon
alcohol and acids allowing a bread dough to rise.
a. Emulsify c. Pasteurize
b. Caramelize d. Fermentation
28. It is to manipulate with pressing motion accompanied by folding and stretching.
a. Knead c. Press
b. Whip d. Grind
29. It refers to the product made by mixing flour, water, salt, and other ingredients in making bread.
a. Dough c. Knead
b. Baking d. Bread
30. Nardo lists the all baking tools and equipment in his bakery. Upon checking, he classifies in his
notes the devices with defects or damages for repair. He then separates the devices that are
still working. This activity is an example of _____________.
a. Sorting c. Inventory
b. Repairing d. Maintenance
31. These are hazards brought by unhealthy working conditions, poor lighting, poor ventilation,
insufficient facilities, and insufficient or faulty equipment.
a. Physical hazards c. Biological hazards
b. Ergonomic hazards d. Psychological hazards
32. As an employee, what must you do to make your workplace safe?
a. Inform the customers about your workplace
b. Request your manager to check your workmates
c. Hide information about the hazard in the workplace
d. Apply tools and equipment properly and do usual checking.
33. Which is NOT a good practice to make the workplace safe for the workers?
a. Giving new equipment and work attire on the first day of work
b. Employer who still allows defective equipment to use for work
c. Workers attend usual trainings and seminars for professional growth
d. The management allows extra time of rest when workers need to rest
34. What is the BEST thing you do to address damaged electrical equipment in your work?
a. Disregard them and let others to fix it
b. Bring your tools and try to repair the equipment
c. Argue with the other workers to know whom to blame.
d. Inform the management and request for immediate response
35. Which of the following shows standard procedure on occupational health and safety in the
a. A baker who continues to work with no proper attire
b. Continuous operation of Minda’s bakery with poor ventilation
c. Stock room for baking products with cleaning chemicals inside
d. Mang JP does frequent supervision to check the sanitization of his business.
36. These are hazards brought about by too much stress from work which may cause mental and
emotional strains, anxieties and the like.
a. Physical hazards c. Biological hazards
b. Ergonomic hazards d. Psychological hazards
37. John often experience muscle pains, soreness, and back injury in his work because of his 10
hour duty as a guard. The hazard that caused his pains is _____________?
a. Physical hazards c. Biological hazards
b. Ergonomic hazards d. Psychological hazards
38. It is a method of converting solid wastes into residue and gaseous product.
a. Reuse c. Dispose
b. Recover d. Recycle
39. Mr. Giron used empty bottles of soda for gardening. He planted different vegetable and harvested
plenty of crops every month. Which step in waste management he applied?
a. Reduce c. Recover
b. Recycle d. Dispose
40. This is a program of government designed to make people aware on how to manage their
household wastes by implementing practices.
a. Waste safety rules c. Waste production
b. Waste reduce program d. Waste management
41. It is the part of the nail that is crescent in shape where in the matrix and the nail bed meet.
a. Lunula c. Nail Plate
b. Free edge d. Squoval nail
42. What do call the base part or root of the nail where the nail plate cells and the nail itself grow?
a. Matrix c. Nail Mantle
b. Cuticle d. Hyponychium
43. Which nail shape will make the hands more feminine and can add length to a nail?
a. Oval Nail c. Square nail
b. Squoval nail d. Pointed nail
44. This nail shape is not usually seen, but it creates length and conjures artistry.
a. Oval Nail c. Square nail
b. Squoval nail d. Pointed nail
45. It is a shape of a nail that goes with any types of nail bed. It has length of a square nail but has
the soft edges of an oval one.
a. Round nail c. Square nail
b. Squoval nail d. Pointed nail
46. it is a part of the nail that is composed of living skin which holds the nail plate as it lengthens
toward the free edge.
a. Matrix c. Nail Mantle
b. Nail Bed d. Hyponychium
47. It is a part of the nail that is located on or beyond the tip of the finger or toe.
a. Lunula c. Nail Plate
b. Free edge d. Hyponychium
48. It is a semi-transparent scarf skin that envelops the nail and the matrix to shield them from
physical damages that cause infections.
a. Cuticle c. Nail Plate
b. Free edge d. Pointed nail
49. Part of the integumentary system of the human body and usually described as the hard protective
plate situated at the end of a finger or toe.
a. Nail c. Hair
b. Skin d. Lunula
50. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a healthy and normal nail?
a. Shiny c. Firm and Flexible
b. Brittle d. Slightly pink in color

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