Mini Project Evaluation Notice

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Mini Project Evaluation Notice for 4 th Sem

Each student has to prepare the following:

Video Presentation: Each student should prepare a video presentation of at least 15 minutes
giving complete details of their project. Wherever possible, the video should contain a
demonstration of the project. The student should talk about the problem statement and
motivation, the methodology followed, tools/languages used, working of the project, what new
things he/she learned in the project. The video presentation should be named as
UniversityRollNo_miniproject.extension (e.g.,2012011_miniproject.mp4)

Soft Copy Report Submission: Students should prepare a very short report on their work.
Along with the title of the project, student name and roll no, the report should contain the
problem statement, a brief motivation for doing the project and the methodology followed. The
report should NOT exceed more than 3 pages. Name the report as
UniversityRollNo_name_miniprojectreport.docx/pdf (e.g., 2012011_miniprojectreport.docx)

Submission: The video and the report should be either mailed to the email id provided or
uploaded to the drive provided.

The last date for uploading the Video and the Report is 25 June 2020

Students who have filled for even semester back exams in Mini Projects should also follow the
same dates. They will mail or upload their videos and report in the drive (name it as your
UniversityRollNo_name_back) and send the link to the concerned faculty on his email.

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