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Name:_________________________________ Date:______ Score:_________

School:________________________________ Teacher:___________________

DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the father of Symphony?
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
d. Johann Sebastian Bach

2. Which Classical composer who became deaf and continue composing despite of the condition he
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven
b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
d. Johann Sebastian Bach

3. What is the reason why Mozart lived in poverty despite of being so talented in terms of music?
a. he was born in a poor family
b. someone stole his money
c. he is a trouble-maker
d. mismanaged finances

4. How was the aristocrats and noble people connected to the composers and musicians of the classical
a. they are the composers and musicians themselves
b. they serve as patrons of the composers and musicians
c. they provide service to the composers and musicians
d. they are not connected at all
5. What characteristics support that the music composition is inspired by Classical period?
a. a music which is monophonic in general, minimized use of loud and soft dynamics, and Alberti Bass
was not practiced
b. a music which is polyphonic in general and extensive use of fast tempo is evident
c. a music which is heterophonic in general and extensive use of slow tempo is evident
d. a music which is homophonic in general, extensive use of loud and soft dynamics is obvious, and
Alberti Bass was practiced
6. Compare the music Fur Elise by Beethoven and Piano Sonata no. 11, K133 in A Major by Mozart in
terms of tempo.
a. the tempo of Fur Elise is faster than Sonata no. 11
b. the tempo of Fur Elise is slower than Sonata no. 11
c. the tempo of Fur Elise is as fast as Sonata no. 11
d. the tempo of Fur Elise is as slow as Sonata no. 11

7. Classify the piece “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”, by Wolfgnag Amadeus Mozart according to musical

8. How can you describe the distinct section of sonata-allegro form called Development?
a. it is the middle part of the sonata from where are themes are being developed
b. repeats the theme as they first emerge in the opening exposition
c. the first part of a composition in a sonata form that introduces the theme
d. it is in three-four time and in a moderate and fast tempo

9. Predict the outcome if sonata music is performed together with an orchestra.

a. Concerto music will be created
b. Symphony music will be created
c. Opera will be created
d. it will remain as Sonata

10. What could be created if classical music was performed in a set together with singers and musicians in
theatrical form.
a. It would be a very nice performance
b. there will be a stampede
c. a Classical Opera theater will be formed
d. it would be exciting to watch

1. Renaissance period was an era of great artistic and intellectual achievement which focuses on realistic
and humanistic art. Which is the most appropriate analysis of the Renaissance artwork based on the
above statement?
a. the artwork depicts real-life figures and their sculptures were naturalistic portraits of human being
b. the artwork follows the principle of abstraction that are obvious in their paintings and sculptures
c. the artwork shows traces of Mozarabic influence through elongated oval faces, large staring eyes and
long noses, figures against flat colored bands and heavy outlining.
d. the artwork manifests different kinds of media cramped in a single masterpiece
2. If you are going to make a portrait inspired by Renaissance period, how would you develop such work
of art following its distinct characteristics?
a. the portrait should be vibrant and colorful regardless of the true nature of the subject
b. the portrait should be rough in texture leaving the artwork unevenly painted
c. the portrait should be in accurate anatomy of a person and it should be as realistic as possible
d. the portrait should be vague which allows the artist to insert exaggeration of feelings to deepen the
emotion of the portrait

3. What characteristics are evident that proves that the sculpture “Ecstasy of St. Teresa” was classified as
a creation of Baroque period?
a. the sculpture shows exaggeration of motion, drama, tension and grandeur, thus, it is a Baroque artwork
b. the sculpture displays more elaborated pattern found on the clothing of the subjects makes it a Baroque
c. the subject of the sculpture itself is enough to be considered Baroque artwork
d. The material used on the sculpture was only available during Baroque period

4. Among the artists of Renaissance Period, which one has the title of “the Ultimate Renaissance Man”?
a. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
b. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
c. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi
d. Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci

5. Who was the artist of Baroque period that was considered as the last in the list of the dazzling universal
a. Amerigi da Caravaggio
b. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
c. Peter Paul Rubens
d. Diego Velasquez

6. Among the choices below, what statement best describes the main idea of the message shown in
Michelangelo’s “PIETA”?
a. Portrays the emotion of pain which is connected with the idea of redemption
b. it simply shows the mourning of a mother for her son who died
c. the son was just tired and having a nap on her mother’s lap
d. the artwork doesn’t have message at all

7. What facts can you gather that define the mood or idea of Raphael’s “The Transfiguration”?
a. the idea of admiration of Christ for displaying such miracle upon ascending to heaven
b. representation of ignorance of people who doesn’t know why Christ float towards the sky
c. a biblical setting that portrays salvation from sin which represented by resurrection of Christ from death
d. the idea of what Christ is capable of doing

8. What word best define Renaissance?

a. Rejuvenate
b. Reincarnate
c. Recycle
d. Rebirth
9. How can you categorize the use and function of Baroque art according to the Roman Catholic Church?
a. Used as icons for identity
b. Used as tool to propagate Christianity
c. Used as decoration to beautify the place
d. Used as investment for future preferences

10. what would best explain why the artworks of Baroque period is significant to the Roman Catholic
a. it serves as important part in decoration on the walls, arches, columns, ceiling and etc. of the churches
b. it serves as an instrument to reassert Roman Catholic Church in the wake of Protestant Reformation
c. it serves as memento from an important person
d. it serves as offering from the talented individuals in the period

11. Which statement best classify the difference of the artwork of Renaissance Period from the artwork of
Baroque Period in terms of characteristics?
a. Renaissance art is classified as “mannerism” while Baroque art is “idealism”
b. Renaissance was the period of artistic experimentation while Baroque was the period of artistic styles
in exaggerated motion, drama, tension and grandeur
c. Renaissance focus mainly on Christian subjects while Baroque explore deeply on secular subjects
d. Renaissance arts shows traces of Catholic dogma while Baroque pays attention on realistic and
humanistic art

12. Who was the Italian Baroque artist who wanted to deviate from the classical masters of Renaissance
a. Peter Paul Rubens
b. Diego Velasquez
c. Amerighi da Caravaggio
d. Gian Lorenzo Bernini

13. What would be the best analysis if a person is called “The Renaissance Man”?
a. a well-rounded man, knowledgeable in a number of fields who applies his knowledge to productive and
creative activity
b. a man who was born exclusively during Renaissance period
c. a man who was dedicated himself solely in arts and the other field don’t matter to him
d. a man with potential of becoming famous when his time comes

14. The teacher assign a student to paint a portrait in completion of his performance in Arts. The teacher
stressed that his painting should be inspired by the characteristics of the Renaissance period. What criteria
would the teacher use in assessing the student’s output?
a. Overall Performance, Choreography, Mastery, Costume
b. Relevance of the Theme, Creativity, Color Harmony, Neatness of the artwork
c. All instruction was followed, Proper use of Materials, Neatness of the artwork
d. Overall Performance, Quality of the Voice, facial expression

15. What facts can you gather that shows the influence of the Renaissance and Baroque arts are present in
the Philippine culture?
a. SM Malls built around the country
b. Paintings and sculptures made by the famous Filipino artists such as Juan Luna, Felix Hidalgo,
Fernando Amorsolo, etc.
c. schools, offices, mansions, church and other buildings built in the Philippines during the American
d. Churches and buildings built in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization

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