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Implementation Analysis of ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System

(EnMS) on a Small/Medium Enterprise

Article · January 2015


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Muzaffar Ali
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila


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Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

Implementation Analysis of ISO 50001:2011 Energy

Management System (EnMS) on a Small/Medium
Ali Ahsan1, Muzaffar Ali1,*, Hafiz.M.Ali1, Tanzeel-Rasheed1, M. Adil Qadeer1, Sher Asim Khan1
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan
*Corresponding author.,

Abstract-Environment and energy management tools and Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme imposes
techniques are getting immense importance to control the improvement in energy efficiency [iv]. The development of
global impact of rising energy demands and adverse climate EnMS represents a “proactive”, systematic and logical
effects. The addition of Energy Management System (EnMS) approach to address the problem of energy efficiency rather
on the global horizon is another step towards sustainability. than the “reactive”, piecemeal activities prevalent up till
The current study is focused on the energy saving potential
now. ISO 50001 [v] is compatible with other recognized
and technical challenges faced by a small-medium
organization (KSB Pumps) in order to implement the energy management system standards.
management system ISO 50001:2011. To minimize the The number of organizations worldwide claiming to be
implementation efforts, status evaluation of a currently the first in their country or sector to have adopted the new
implemented environmental management system of the ISO International Standard on energy management, ISO
organization is performed. Subsequently mandatory 50001:2011 is an evidence of its keen anticipation. Energy
requirements of the EnMS ISO 50001:2011 standard are management systems, could result about 60 % of the
fulfilled. Four key areas of the organization are identified world’s energy use on a positive note with increased
including compressor shop, machine shop, foundry, and energy efficiency, improved energy performance and
lighting. Then EnMS ISO 50001:2011 standard is
reduced costs [vi]. Many companies are implementing ISO
implemented by using suitable Energy Performance
Indicators (EnPIs) grading criteria. Complete energy audit 50001 and gaining reduction in carbon emissions, energy
plans are implemented for each area and the management costs and power consumption benefiting communities,
plans are proposed accordingly. The results of the environment and manufacturing plants. Dongguan factory
implementation clearly indicated a positive trend towards of Delta Electronics in China has confirmed the
improved energy performance. The resulted improvement in achievement of ISO 50001 certification. Additionally, the
the energy performance is 7%, 8%, and 14% based on three power consumption was reduced to 23.97 thousand
months implementation comparison of years 2012-13. kWh/million USD that is about 34 % compared to 70.5
thousand kWh/million USD in 2008 [vii]. Schneider
1. I. INTRODUCTION Electric, a global energy management specialist achieved
The rising cost of energy in industrial processes, the certification of ISO 50001 for its head office. The CEO
growing concern over the shortage of energy resources and commented that all the facilities of Schneider electric
the significant increase in greenhouse gases (GHG) around the globe are in process of certification due to its
emissions has encouraged the organizations to implement resemblance to EN 16001 and compatibility with ISO
the best practices and international standards on energy, 140001[viii] which is already implemented in most of the
such as ISO 50001. Through such standards, the companies facilities [ix]. Another company, Reliance Infrastructure
can improve their processes in terms of energy Limited operates Dahanu Thermal Power Station in
performance and efficiency. Maharashtra, India. The plant is also certified with
Over the past century, earth`s surface has witnessed an standards like ISO 9001 and ISO 140001. Reliance
average variation in temperature of 0.6±.0.2˚C with infrastructure limited has been investing heavily on energy
warmest being the latter half of 1990`s [i]. This variation in conservation since early 2010[x]. A target of around 30000
climate change does seem significantly bleak but still it tons is set by AU Optronics in terms of reduced carbon
contributes to dramatic effects and subsequently adverse emissions and up to 55 million kWh of electricity is set in
impacts on human life. In 1992 the Climate Change terms of energy conservation which is most likely to be
Framework Convention of United Nations [ii] and in 1997 achieved in 2014 [xi]. A 2400 inhabitant community of
the Kyoto Protocol [iii] defined targets to reduce Bad Eisankappel in Austria adopted the framework of ISO
greenhouse gases for countries. The Carbon Reduction 50001.The installation of solar thermal units over the

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

buildings will increase the energy performance of the  Determine the key energy consumption
buildings and add to the aesthetics appearance of the departments by assessing the energy bills and time
structure [xii]. of usage;
 Estimate the energy use regarding specific fuels;
2. II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  Establish a baseline case of existing energy use;
Energy Policy, being the most important aspect of  Selection of the critical areas for opportunities of
Energy Management System, plays a pivotal role in the improvement in energy use;
implementation of the standard as described through Fig 1  Calculate the energy performance indicator by
which states the improvement cycle of energy management machine and energy service type;
system, and can also be correlated to the Edward Deming`s  Augment the further actions and strategies for
plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle [xiii]. Energy policy can continual improvement;
be considered as the planning part of the PDCA cycle
(plan, do, check, and act). Energy baseline, energy
performance indicators and operational controls are the
main contributors towards implementation and operation of
the cycle. The aspect of monitoring and measuring is also
addressed in the standards (clause 2.6, checking). Checking
and corrective action along with monitor and measure
shares the check part and contributes towards the audit
aspect of the improvement cycle. The outcome of the
system audit activity contributes towards the improvement
in the energy planning process through management
reviews [xiv]. It is an ongoing activity that delivers
continual improvement.

Fig 2: Energy Management Framework

2.1 Case Study and Utilized Data
2.1.1 Gap Analysis
The checklist consists of questions derived from the
requirements of ISO 50001. Each question involved four
options that can be chosen to satisfy the requirement, such
as not fulfilled ( 0 points) partially fulfilled (0.50 points),
fulfilled (1 point) and not applicable(simply filling the
space with X). The introduction of a field for evidences
and comments helps further investigation regarding each
requirement. The data gathered from the checklist is
Fig 1: Continual Improvement Cycle narrated in terms of GAP analysis as shown in Fig 3. The
area in green, red and yellow colors shows the percentage
The following research process has been devised for of each clause as fulfilled, partially fulfilled and not
proper implementation of energy management system in fulfilled by the organization. Afterwards, the importance
the small and medium enterprises (SME) of an industrial for the fulfilled, partially filled and unfulfilled clauses is
sector: highlighted by the help of numbering criteria [xv].
1. Evaluation of the existing implemented ISO standard or From the Gap analysis stated in Fig 3, it is evident that
any other management standard in the underlying case the organization has not declared and documented any
organization; specific Energy Policy for their facility. The results
2. Development of a checklist tool to assess the current describing the clause 4.3 implementation status in the
status against the ISO 50001 EnMS clauses; Table 1 clearly shows that the already implemented
3. Gap analysis to determine the critical and weak links Environmental Policy recognizes the significance of
following the estimation from checklists; sustainable energy use but in reality no documented Energy
4. Deployment of Energy Management Framework (Fig Policy is available. In any case the concerned facility has
2); partially fulfilled the requirement for having an Energy
Policy, which is a matter of interpretation as standard does

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

not require a separate energy policy rather it integrates with Manager Production and D.G.M Quality, Health Safety and
other policies already implemented. Therefore, a good Environment), a draft version of Energy Policy was
practice proposed to KSB pumps is to declare and developed which was provisionally approved by the
document a separate energy policy rather than an integrated management. It was the basic requirement of the system
policy. and was completely missing earlier.
For implementation of ISO 50001 EnMS on KSB
Pumps facility, a series of interrelated activities has been
performed within the scope of its business processes. These
activities and aspects when joined together formed a
framework that was mandatory for the implementation of
EnMS within an organization. On a working level of
operations certain controls are essential including training,
communication, operational control, design and
procurement etc. For implementation of ISO 50001, all
activities and aspects of the framework must be given equal
attention. The sequential mode of activities is illustrated in
Fig 2. According to that, inputs to energy review activity
demand the consultation of energy bills, process flow
diagrams, and energy sources etc. The focus of the research
Fig 3: Gap Analysis of the industry is aimed on the output of this energy framework rather than
the operational activities. That includes the formation of
The analysis of clause 4.4.2 given in Table 2 depicts energy focused training, communication, design and
that the organization is regularly keeping its legal procurement procedures and their implementation.
obligations up to date through electronic and print media.

Table 1: Evaluation of Energy Policy

2.2 Significant Energy Uses
The review of energy consumption identified some
areas of concern for the organization with significant
energy use such as the foundry and compressors. In Fig 4,
the running load of the organization as per energy
consumption data is illustrated in terms of percent energy
consumption. It is evident that foundry and compressors
are leading energy consumers.

Table 2: Evaluation of Legal and other


Fig 4: Running Load of KSB

The Gap analysis provided a cursory view of all the
direct and indirect efforts that the organization implied on 2.3 Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI`s)
their management system [xvi]. The areas of concern As a criterion for energy performance, Energy
needing more attention are highlighted by the status Performance Indicator (EnPIs) can be the most effective
analysis. These required areas should be passed from a and versatile tool to check the processes conformance to
rebuilding or evolution phase to be practically acceptable the organizational energy goals and objectives [xvii]. The
phase and should be considered a positive step towards energy data acquired form KSB pumps helped to develop
implantation of EnMS. the EnPI for the various departments; like foundry,
machine shop, compressors and lighting. The equations
The status evaluation highlighted that the KSB pumps
used in the next section are developed by professional
has not formulated an Energy Policy for its operations.
experience in Energy Performance Indicator`s and Key
After initial meetings with the top management (General

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

Performance Indicator`s has helped in finalizing the given 2.3.3 Machine Shop
formulae/equation for the evaluating the energy The specific parameters include; cumulative
performance. over/under sizing of machine shop motors designated as
2.3.1 Compressors (∑SM), No of exact sized motors (n), the energy
consumption for a specific time period (Quarterly or
The specific parameters include: the overall energy
monthly as per requirement)(CM) and the possibility of
saving potential of compressors (Ec), the energy
renewable energy resource (RM) as defined in Equation 3.
consumption for a specific time period (Quarterly or
(∑ )
monthly as per requirement) (Cc) and the possibility of ( ) ( )
renewable energy resource (Rc). Then EnPI is defined in
equation 1 as The grading points of CM and ∑ are given in Tables
( ) 3 and 5, respectively. Where n is No. of exact sized motors
( ) ( ) i.e. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…). Similarly the grading points for CM are
The ranking points of compressor, foundry, machine from 9 – 1; 9 being the maximum and 1 being the
shop and lighting are given in Table 3. minimum. The grading points for RM are equal to 4. The
resulting EnPI value is between (0.2 -2.6), for a machine
Table 3: Ranking points of compressor, foundry, machine shop consisting of 2 exact sized motors i.e., n=2.
shop and lighting (C represents energy consumption)
Table 5. Cumulative over/under sizing of
machine shop motors (∑SM) ranking

2.3.4 Lighting
Generally, lighting is one of the aspects that are mostly
The resulting EnPI value is between (0.1- 4.4), 0.1 being taken for granted in most enterprises [xviii]. Different
the lowest while 4.4 being the highest band as shown in Fig office blocks and production halls do tend to install
5. oversized lights and appliances which consume enormous
2.3.2 Foundry amount of energy. By operational controls, an enterprise
The specific parameters include the energy can track the energy consumption. Switching off the
consumption for a specific time period (Quarterly or unnecessary light can make a difference. Installation of
monthly as per requirement) ( ), Heat recovery potential right sized lighting fixtures and utilizing the natural light
( ), Preventive maintenance factor ( ), and the can be another option. The specific parameters are given in
possibility of renewable energy resource ( ) as defined in Equation 4 that include: cumulative over sizing of lighting
Equation 2. fixtures in offices and production hall (∑Sl), No of exact
() ( ) sized lighting locations (office or a facility) (n), the energy
The values of Cf and are given in Tables 3 and 4, consumption for a specific time period (Quarterly or
respectively. monthly as per requirement) (Cl), the opportunity for
natural light utilization (Nl) and possibility of renewable
Table 4. Energy Saving (Ec) and Heat Recovery (Hrf) energy resource (Rl).
Potential ranking
(∑ )
() ( )
The grading points are same as define previously
in Tables 3, 4, and 5. The band scores relevant to energy
consumption of lighting are shown in Fig 5.
The has grading from 1 – 2; 1 being the minimum
and 2 being the maximum. Preventive maintenance as per
schedule ≤ 50 % = 1 and preventive maintenance as per
schedule 100 % = 2. The has maximum value equal to 4.
The resulting EnPI(f) value is between (3 - 20), 3 being the
lowest while 20 being the highest band. The band scores
relevant to energy consumption of foundry are shown in
Fig 5.

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

Fig 5: EnPIs score of compressor, foundry, and

lighting Fig 6: Motor Loading of Machine Shop

2.4 Energy Objectives, Targets and Energy Management Figure 7 shows that almost all motors except sand
Action Plans dryer upper blower motor are underutilized. If the load
The energy objectives and targets set the path to requirement is 7.5 kW and someone selects a higher size
achieve energy performance by setting action plans motor, then there is loss of efficiency that causes extra
consistent with organizational energy policy [xix]. KSB power consumption [xx]. Therefore, it was suggested that
pumps energy management plans are structured on a simple the preventive maintenance of motors should be focused to
format, focusing on specific facilities. Various energy improve the energy performance and efficiency.
management plans were developed that incorporated Additionally a checklist to maintain motor efficiency,
sequence of activities highlighting significant potential for inspecting motors regularly for wear, dirt/dust, and
improvement at different facilities and areas. checking motor loads for over/under loading will also help.
2.4.1 Energy Management Plans
Compressors efficiency is the key parameter that
dictates its performance. The specific energy management
plan developed for compressors of KSB pumps focused to
reduce energy consumption up to 20% by installing energy
efficient compressors within allotted period. The heat lost
in foundry was focused while developing an energy
management plan of the foundry. The object was to install
a waste heat recovery system in the foundry area that
would reduce energy consumption by 20%. Similarly, to
reduce energy consumption in machine shop it was
proposed that a natural gas generator set had to be installed
within a prescribed period. A target of 30% reduction in
electricity consumption was set for machine shop by
installing gen-set. Finally, energy management plan for
lighting was developed with an objective of reducing high Fig 7: Motor Loading Trend of Machine Shop
bay lights that would reduce energy consumption in shop
by 25%. The specific activities related to all objectives Various cases are also considered as given in Table 6.
were planned in a sequential manner. Case 1 is the ideal situation for the motor loading whereas
the case 2 indicates a condition in which the motor is
3. III. RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTATION utilized up to 75% loading capacity and the case 3 indicates
3.1 Improvement Opportunities the motor utilization capacity up to 50 % only.
Out of several energy consumption areas and domains,
electric motors were examined and their loading percentage Table 6. Cases for motors of the machine shop
was analyzed for the investigation of any improvement
Figures 6 and 7 show the results from secondary
investigation data of various electric motors installed at
different facilities of KSB pumps.

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

3.2 Internal Energy Audit Results 4. Check alignment of motor and equipment.
After implementing the proposed energy framework, a 5. Ensure supply wiring and terminal box are
brief site survey or an internal energy audit was conducted properly sized and installed.
which primarily focused different facilities and equipment 6. Every time a motor is rewound, its efficiency
within the organization identified in the energy reviews and drops by 2%.
energy performance indicators. An energy audit requires a
full term implementation of usually one year to witness 3.2.3 Energy Saving Opportunities in Lighting
significant improvement in the system.. Later on the energy Out Door savings
data is reevaluated and compared with the previous year in At first energy saving potential for outdoor lighting
terms of energy consumptions. was evaluated along with the installed street lights. Details
It has been only few months since the energy of energy consumption of streetlights are given in Table 7.
management system is implemented in KSB pumps. The best practice is to replace the existing lights with
Therefore, the results might not be that significant but still energy efficient LED lights or if the initial investment does
the commitment or improvement can be seen throughout not allow, the installation of energy saver could
the organization. significantly improve the energy performance.
The focus of this research is the practical aspect of the
implementation not on the theoretical or documentation Table 7: Cost Analysis of Energy Savings.
side. The aspects relating to operations (training,
procurements, design and communication) and procedural
requirements laid down by the standard have not been
assessed. Numbers of energy saving opportunities were
highlighted relating to individual areas.

3.2.1 Energy Saving Opportunities in

Compressed Air
During the site audit, air leakages were observed at
various locations around the facility. Due to unavailability
of measuring equipment for air leakages, estimation for the
leakage was made. The energy saving opportunity for 3.3 Mid-Term results
compressed air leakage are given in Table 3. 3.3.1 Machine Shop
In view of saving potential, following aspects are In machine shop, five of exact sized machines out of
recommended. 20 are available having n=5 and cumulative over/under
1. The possibility of down setting the delivery sizing of machine shop factor be taken as 2. The average
pressure should be explored by careful study of over/under sizing of machines lies between 50-74% and
pressure requirements of various equipment, and Energy Consumption factor for September, October and
the pressure drop in the line between the November 2013 are 3, 3 and 4 respectively. Fig 8 gives the
compressed air generation and utilization points. 1 details of the results achieved by the machine shop in terms
bar can save 6 -10% energy? of EnPI score and energy savings as given in Table 8. After
2. Conduct leakage survey once a month. the completion of energy management objective (increase
3. Cleaning point should be locked. in number of exact sized machines/motors) the results for
4. Remove the bends, joints, unnecessary line machine shop`s EnPI will definitely increase significantly
branches, and diameter changes that result in in the future.
pressure drop. A 4 ºC rise in operating
temperature of each component increases 1%
power consumption (use natural ventilation).

3.2.2 Energy Saving Opportunities in Machine Shop

The best practice to save energy in a machine shop is
to switch off the machines during the break (1-hour break
during lunch timings): The energy saving opportunity for
machine shop is given in Table 7.
In view of saving potential, following aspects are
recommended for machine shop.
1. Inspect motors regularly for wear, dirt/dust.
2. Check motor loads for over/under loading. Fig 8: Energy Performance Results of Machine
3. Lubricate appropriately.

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

Table 8: Machines Energy savings

3.3.2 Foundry
Foundry as the main energy utilizer of the KSB Pumps
also has the largest potential to improve the energy
performance. The EnPI of the foundry has been developed
to emphasize the importance of heat recovery and
maintenance. No points for heat recovery system have been
allotted, as the heat recovery system has not been installed Fig 10: Energy Performance Results of Lighting
since the implementation of this system.. However, there
are plans to introduce such recovery system by April2014. Table 10: Light Energy savings
Fig 9 describes the results of EnPI score for foundry. For
September 2013, the value of energy consumption for a
specific time period (Cf) was taken as 1 due to energy
consumption up to 95.3% compared to the last year and the
value of Preventive maintenance factor (Pmf) was taken as
0 due to the absence of any preventive maintenance in
September 2013. The energy savings are given in Table 9. 3.4 Full-Term Expected Results
The overall savings found in the current work are
shown in Figure 11. The resulted savings are 7%, 8%, and
14% for September, October, and November for 2012 and
2013 respectively. It can be expected that the results of
energy performance would be significant in terms of
achieving baseline results after the completion of full year
in June 2014, as at that time most of the Energy action
plans would have been completed. Additionally the
operational activities such as training of employees, design
activities, procurement, legal requirements and
communications must have casted their positive effects by

Fig 9: Energy Performance Results of Foundry

Table 9: Foundry Energy savings

3.3.3 Lighting System

It is evident from the EnPI results that the organization
has started the conservation of energy by simple methods Fig 11: Overall Energy Consumption and Saving Potential
i.e. utilizing the maximum day light and sizing of the light
fixtures. Fig 10 describes the EnPI results and energy
savings are given in Table 10. The inclusion of 02 sized 4. IV. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS
offices or location out of three main areas designated by (n)
has increased the score from 0.7 to 2.7. Also the factor for In current study, ISO 50001:2011 Energy
natural light utilization gets maximum 4 points. Management System was implemented practically in an
organization (KSB Pumps) and the results showed
significant improvement trends. By practically
implementing the Energy Management Framework the

Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 20(SI) No.II(S)-2015

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