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Chapter no 2

Vector and equilibrium

Page Topic Paragraph Line Correction/ suggested

number number numbe
2.1 Scalars and vectors as 2nd paragraph
Shift definition of vector quantity on page 30.
Put the 2nd paragraph in side box.
Rearrange the paragraphs.
Paragraph 2, line # 3 after correction if you were to
walk 4m in north……
Line 4 After correction m is east
Delete the last sentence.
Change the heading “symbolic Representation by
vector representation”
Omit paragraph 1
Delete the first sentence of 3rd paragraph.
Delete the text from “while the direction….. till end
as it will be discussed in topic “ unit vector”
Delete the heading “ graphical Representation”
Para 1 Line 3 After correction … by the length of the line
segment according to Chosen scale, and the ……
arrow head
Delete remaining text.
2.2 Cartesian ( Rectangular ) coordinate system
Para 1 Line 2 After correction … xy coordination system is
representated by two mutually perpendicular
Delete 2nd sentence.
Line 1 After correction the position of a point.
Line 3 These coordinates tell…….
Delete the heading “Rectangular coordinates in
three dimensional spaces”.
Delete sentence 4 start sentence 5 for
example (x,y,o) means…………..
2.3 some special vector quantities
Omit sentence 1
Delete sentence 3 and 4 add the sentence “ in
fig…. A,B and c are parallel vectors’.
Interchange the position of a sentence 1 and 2
Rephrase and put in side box sentence # 4, 5 and 6.
Equal vectors
Delete sentence 2
After sentence 2 add the sentence in fig A →,B→
and C→ are equal vectors symbolically written as
Line 2 After correction …. As follow in figure…..
Negative of a vector
Interchange the position of sentence 1 & 2

Sentence 1 after correction “ a unit vector is a

vector that has a magnitude equal to one
Line 2 Omit “ therefore sometimes” instead write it is
Line 3 Omit as we know that instead write “ A vector
Symbolically written as….
Include concept of i˄, j˄, k˄ r˄ and n˄.
Add solved problems
Null vector
Delete sentence 2
Interchange the position of sentence # 1 & 3
Line 4 Add the sentence therefore when we adds a
vector –A, to its negative vector a the result will
be a vector having zero magnitude called null
vector . [It will be the end of sentence 1]
Position vector
Incomplete information is presented. Describe in
the context of Cartesian coordination system.
Provide equation and fig.
2.4 Addition of vector
Omit the last sentence
Graphical addition
Rewrite the steps in the form of paragraph
Commutative property of addition of vector
Omit first four lines also omit heading
Para 2 Line 1 After correction now by replacing A1 by A2 by
adding A1→ into A2→
Rewrite the Equation as R1→ =A2→=A1→
Para 3 After correction from (1) and (2) we can see that
Subtraction of vector

Line 1 After correction This means ….. subtraction of A 1→

from A2→ .
Example figure is missing.
Omit diagram Tayyab 59.

2.5 Multiplication of vector by scalar

Sentence 2 After correction depending upon
nature of a number …….
What about scalar ,for instance when mass ‘m’ is
multiply by vector v→ ?
2.6 Resolution of vector

Line 1 After correction in the topic 2.4 we were …..

Line 4 After correction in general a vector can be
Resultant vector from rectangular components
Heading should be Determination of a vector from
rectangular components
Line 3 Omit” hypotenuse became . till (hypo)2 =(base)2 =
Line 3 After correction … theorem to determine the
magnitude of A→
Example #?
Shift this example after topic # 2.7
Example #?
Shift the example after topic # 2.7
Line 2 Of solution after correction corner of kitchen is
origin of coordinate system=(0,0,0)
Line 4 After correction
Add following sentence after line 3 Resolving R,A
and B into their rectangular components
Line 5 Omit it is clear that
Use symbol ... instead of became
Line 7 Shift “this means that the x” to next line
Line 17 Use only three dots
Line 18 After correction direction of a resultant vector R →
are given as R=
√ ( Ax + Bx+cx +… .. ) ͣ ̾ ˢ+¿( Ay + By+Cy+ …)¿

Step v after correction to find the magnitude and
direction of R use the formula
R=√ Rxˢ+ Ryˢ
And θ=tan-1 ( ¿ respectively.
Line 10 After correction where θ is the angle which the
resultant in the antilock wise direction
Line 18 point 2 replace θ by resultant vector
Line 21 Point 3 replace θ by resultant vector
Line 22 After correction angle θ is found by calculator and
Point 4 after correction if Rx is …. Then resultant
vector is in fourth quadrant given as θ=360◦-θ
F1→,F2→,F3→ and F4→.
2.8 product of two vectors
Rephrase first paragraph avoid repetition
Line 1 Correct the sign of ‘.’ Between A→ & B→ write as
A→.B→ .
Line 12
Instead of A.B=(Acosθ)B write B.A =

Line 18 Instead of “which are given as” write For

Line 19 Shift point (iii) to next line commutative
property line 3 omit i.e and write as
A.B= ABCosθ line 4
Parallism property
Line 2 After correction then product has maximum
Line 4 Omit ‘we get’ add “ Then product is equal to the
square of its magnitude
Mention that interims of unit vector
Orthogonal property
Write this property in the same pattern as
parallism property (ii0 in terms of unit vector
Distributive property
Line 3 After correction
A.(B+C) = A.B=A.C
Shift the proof to this property in side box.
Assoccitive property
Line 1 Sentence 2 after correction if we exchange the
Add dot product interm of rectangular
2.9.2 vector product or cross product
Line 1 Repharase the definition of cross product
Line 8 Use small letter w for where.
Line 9 After correction becomes magnitude of product
Line 15 Instead of ‘ resultant’ use ‘product’
Para 3 and 4 Shift these lines in characteristics of cross
Para 4
Omit line 5 and 6
Characteristics of vector product
Instead of “Anti- commutative property’ write ‘
Non- commutative property”
Provide fig to describe non commutative

Line 2 After correction becomes 180◦ the product is a

null vector
Add i×i= j× j=k ×k =0
(iii) orthogonal property
Write this property on the parallel of parallism
property add i× j , j× k . k × i… . .
Add cross product in terms of rectangular
component also proven determination from A
× B= i j k
[ ]
Sentence 1 and 2 do not make sense Rewrite
Line 1 Omit “or rotational force”
Line 2 After correction becomes…. Opening or closing a
door as shown in fig
Line 4 Omit
Repharase paragraph 1 and 2
Rephrase and shrink the text about factors
affecting torque
No need of text about maximum torque and
minimum torque
Line 22 Omit the line
Line 25 put the information in side box after repharasing.
and 26
Line 6 After correction becomes zero I,e a=o and
no change…….
Omit line 3 to line 12 just explain in singal
sentence that if body is at rest it in static
translational equilibrium and if it moves with
constant linear velocity it is dynamic translated
Rephrase and shrink static dynamic rotational
equilibrium in single sentence.
Condition of equilibrium
Put the information about collinear and
concurrent forces in box and shift b as side
Omit line 1 to line 6
2 condition equilibrium
Provide fig
Solution of example is confusing . solve it again
Replace MCQ# 7 and 8
In MCQ# 6 apply correction | A . B| =| A × B|
conceptual question
Q1 triangles law of vector ? these in no
concept of this law in text
Q3 putt? At end of question
Replace Q5,Q6,Q7,Q10
Include conceptual question related to the topic
position vector rectangular components of a
vector, scalar product dot product etc
Numerical problem
Problem 1 answer is not correct
Problem 5 Copied from Punjab text book
Problem 8 a answer is not complete
Omit problem 9
Add more numerical concerning the topic
position vector, scalar product , dot product, unit
vector, vector addition by rectangular

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