Digital Marketing Campaign

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Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy

Existance of brand in social media is the first requirement to choose the number of audiences
in right channel. Since, my client is one of the biggest players in Bangladesh FMCG sector, I
am assuming 70% of my brand’s target audience is active daily on Facebook and the rest is
on other channels. To begin with-

Facebook- Since, my target audience is between 12-35 years old, so from this range
generation x and generation y will be my target audience in Facebook. To introduce my new
product to generation x and generation y I would focus on Ad contents which includes health
benefits and attractive offers of my new product which must attract potential customers and
strangers. If we can attract generation X and generation y, then we are likely to have the
attention from generation Z (between age group from 12-18).


 Dry run is necessary.

 Community Management is required.
 Content should be niche and value should be clearly proposed to the customer.

Google- Having a great website, Facebook page link will help appear higher in search results.
Google Adwords, Google my business will help me find specific words and claim free ad
space for my product.


 Bid by keywords and by region.

 Common search terms might be expensive.
 Cannot show image or have control over how my Ad will look.
 I have to pay on a cost per click basis.

Email- To establish a brand, winning new customer is as important as nurturing the

relationship with customer I already have. Staying in touch with loyal customers and
introducing them with new product might make them feel special about brand and aware of
the new product. This email requires attractive subject line and body includes the health
benefits and attractive offers of newly launched product.


 Include time for preparation.

 Presenting product from every angle.
 Solicit external reviews.
 Tracking responses (what type of subject line words result in the highest number of
opens? Where are my readers clicking?)

Media Buying

Since, my initial target will be generation x and generation y, so, I will reach out to rest
automatically after engaging my first target group. As, my client is one of the biggest players
in Bangladesh FMCG sector, so I am choosing Facebook where I will target 70% of my
target group and my target location will be all big cities and towns in Bangladesh.


 My target group below 18 is mostly unavailable in Facebook.

 Monitoring and optimizing Ad performance.

Then, I will target rest of the 30% target group through Google and E-mail. I will buy Ad
space in google so that whenever my audience searches product with specific word in
google, they will get to see my product first. However, google Adwords and google my
business will be my helping hand. Finally, I will do the background check and come up with
potential customer’s list and contact them via E-mail.


 Make sure my advertisement appears in the desired location, in front of the right
audience and in the right context.
 Respond to customer behavior or competitor activities.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy for
Tracking KPI

Analytical tools for Facebook, Google and E-mail will help me know the consumer insights,
track the record of my ongoing campaign. This analytical tool will help me know the number
of customers reacting to my post, which gender and age group are they, at what time they are
reacting on which location. This analytical tool will also let me know about how many people
opened my E-mail on which device, where they are and what time it was read.

Plan to ensure sales through this


There will be 2 types of contents for this newly launched product which will generate sales.
Those are based on health benefits like- which ingredients used to make this product and how
it’s made, how refreshing it is etc. Purchase this product and propose attractive offers like-
purchase our product and get free home delivery or try our newly launched product and get
dessert bowl free, buy this product from your nearest super shop and get 10% discount. This
is how I will generate my sale. Hence, sale will be directly proportional to Ad during this
campaign we would post an Ad asking the consumers to ‘share the moment with our product’
and observe the response. This will also boost the sale effectively.

The End

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