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Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No.

2, December, 2012 1  

Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A

Case of Public Community Participation
Govind Prasad Dhakal

Modern urban planning practices began in Nepal after 1950, when the country was freed
from the clutches of the age-old feudocracy of the Ranas. The initiative for urban
planning practices were undertaken with the support of the United Nations when it, under
the request of the Government of Nepal, sent three people to sketch the urban policy,
urban planning and urban rules and regulations. Since then, Nepal passed through
different policies and planning phases for urban development, the planning of urban
areas has remained one of the low key areas till date. As a result, unplanned growth of
the major cities of Nepal with haphazardly built urban infrastructures having negative
consequences on urban environment can be seen in the form of clumsiness, crowding and
congestion, absence of security measures and lack of neighborhood continuum. In the
absence of the government’s visionary intervention with an integrated plan for urban
land management and development has now created difficulties in making cities well
circulated and livable. To overcome this sorry state, the government, from the 10th five
year plan, has begun a policy and plan for land development with the concept of site and
service and land pooling system with the partnership of the land owners so that the city’s
bad shape could be changed to a minimum functional city specifically for Kathmandu
Valley. Under this policy plan, the government, under the banner of Town Development
Committees has been engaged in planning for better urban areas. Some projects have
already been completed and some more are gaining ground. So, this paper aims to
examine the urban policy initiations by the government of Nepal and their implications in
urban planning, and has taken a case to see how the present practice of urban planning
under the strategy of community (land owners) participation is continuing. Today, the
question is how to resolve the conflict that arises from the public consumer participation
and what major implications of such practices would be in reform and management of
urban areas. Basically, the paper has been based on the secondary sources of
information, however, some discussion with officials and the stakeholders have also been
undertaken so as to understand the problems and their effect on planning.
To chop a tree quickly, spend twice the time sharpening your axe. Chinese proverb

1. Introduction commonly seen in the form of water

logging during the monsoon, traffic
It is well-known that the Kathmandu
jams and pollution in major parts of the
Valley towns and other urban areas of
valley- Kalanki, Balkhu, Gangabu,
Nepal are facing planning problems
Narayangopal Chowk, Chabahil,
coupled with environmental and Gaushala, New and Old Baneswor,
management problems. These are
Putali Sadak, Jamal, Thapathali,
2   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

Tripureswor to Kalimati areas just to planning legislations with an example of

name for few. Whatever infrastructure British Town and Country Planning
services are available in Kathmandu Legislation 1909 which is perhaps the
Valley are either very sub-standard or best known example. Nepal followed
not functioning at all. Problems of the suit only in 1976 by creating a
roads, drains, sewerage, lighting, separate planning and urban
distribution of drinking water are very development authority as Kathmandu
widespread and the residents of the Valley Town Development Committee,
Valley have become accustomed to which is now converted into Kathmandu
these issues of very sub-standard Valley Town Development Authority
services. Though the government in the under the Kathmandu Valley
past had given much emphasis to urban Development Authority Act 1988
planning and urban management in the similar to that of Delhi Development
Valley with the support of the donor Authority. To give full momentum to
agencies, however, majority of them the development of urban areas, the
have remained merely as beautiful government in 1988 created a separate
reports, with little implementation. ministry- Ministry of Housing and
However, in recent days, the Physical Planning (now Ministry of
government has opted to launch urban Physical Planning and Works). Now this
planning practices in the form of land authority is headed by the former mayor
pooling, where community participation of Kathmandu Municipal Corporation
as consumers in the planning and the (KMC). This is how Nepal in line with
development of the land into modern the international practices pursued the
housing is adopted. planning practices institutionally.
History of Urban Planning and General Objectives of Development
Nepal Plans
Planning decisions are political by Development plans are the broader
nature and have basically four types- components of the urban planning. In
traditional, democratic, equity (hybrid of the context of development planning,
socialist and democratic) and urban planning occupies a small place.
incremental (Gann, 1968). Traditional In recent years, massive migration from
planners are accused of imposing their rural to urban areas has made the job of
version in planning whereas the urban planning not only aesthetic and
democratic planners call for top down to modernizing but has become a part of
a participatory planning process. social welfare. The development plan
Modern urban planning practice is found generally covers the following
to have actually begun when the First component in this text:
World War gave a death blow to laissez • Increase the overall rate of
faire (Sutcliffe, 1980, 2-3), however, it investment
received a new stimulus after the • Carry out special investment to
Second World War. The planning was break bottlenecks in agricultural
supported by passing the general production
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 3  

• Improve coordination among consumer participate in planning their

different parts of economy land,
• Embraces public as well as private
Importance of Participatory Planning
and NGOs
• National plan is coupled with Participation is the mental and
sectoral and local plans as envisaged emotional involvement of people in
by the decentralization and principle group situations that encourages them to
of subsidiary. contribute to group goals and share
responsibility for them. That
This paper focuses on how the private
participation regards people as adults
sector as consumer is being used in the
and, hence, people also will respond as
urban planning practices and whether
adults is the basic philosophical
this practice is successful in
response of the participatory planning
implementing the concept of
with the communities. The public
decentralized planning for urban areas.
participation in decision making,
A government may create plans and implementation, monitoring and
attempts to implement them but it can evaluation, and benefit sharing of urban
never be assured of their being carried planning is well taken by the public
out (Fainstein, S. and Norman Fainstein, itself. Goal, it is believed, will be
1996, 281). Though land is key to urban achieved only after the meaningful
planning and management, its supply is participation of public with their
scarce and its cost is very high. Urban involvement from the low level to the
land use pattern is important to modern decision-making level. Participatory
cities but it is really impossible where planning also encourages planning to be
the settlement is already developed socially adaptable, culturally acceptable
without any plan. Without proper urban and environmentally viable. Without
land use pattern, the planners and urban question, it imparts a sense of ownership
managers would find it difficult to and control, management and skill
implement the urban policies and plans transfer, monitoring and evaluation and
in the desired way. The urban land use follow-up and maintenance capability to
pattern not only determines the people, which is exactly what
settlement patterns but also determines decentralization planning process
the quality of services to be provided to expects.
the residents which impacts living and
Generally, public participation seeks and
working conditions of the urbanites
facilitates the involvement of those
(Dhakal, 1995, 87). Land availability
potentially affected by or interested in a
and its utilization, therefore, are vital for
decision. The principle of public
urban planning and urban development
participation holds that those who are
though costly and scare. In the
affected by a decision have a right to be
participatory planning, it is believed,
involved in the decision-making
that the issue of cost of urban land and
process. Public participation implies that
non-availability can be minimized to
the public's contribution will influence
some extent when the land owners as
the decision.
4   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

Objective of Participatory Planning in 1969, covering a number of aspects of

The objective of participatory planning planning and conservation expecting to
is to create a platform for learning rather be completed within 20 to 30 years
than plunging directly into problem period. This plan was really extensive
solving. The process is expected to though the government did not accept it
enhance (Joshi, 2008, KVTDC, 2012) as (Dhakal, 1995). This was followed by
follows: another plan in 1976 known as the
Kathmandu Valley Physical
• Identification of the felt needs of the
Development Plan, which was adopted
people and bringing forth consensus
as policy document for the development
among them.
of the urban areas of the Kathmandu
• Empowerment of local
Valley. This plan had a number of sub-
disadvantaged groups
plans, such as urban design, residential
• Integration of local knowledge
development, zoning, infrastructure
system into project design
development, building regulations for
• Two-way learning process between
central core areas etc. Unfortunately,
the project and local people
this plan also remained in the file and
Legal and Institutional Bases of the course of urbanization went on
Planning in Nepal unabated without any guidance, thus,
The initiation of planning was first leaving the Kathmandu Valley in the
begun in Nepal after the establishment natural process of development.
of democratic polity in Nepal. The first However, some achievements like
such institution- Upatyaka Nirman vegetable market, residential areas in
Samiti (Valley Construction Committee) Dallu, Kuleshswor, and Galfutar were
- was a five-member committee formed made (KVTDC, 1984). With the support
in 1952 with the mandate of preparing a of the USAID in 1986, the government
planned urban development of the main again prepared a study report as
centers of the Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu Valley Urban policy The
However, a conflict between the study also suggested having land use
committee and the Road and Building plan participating with the concerned
Department ultimately led to the demise stake holders in urban land management
of the committee. This committee was (see Planning and Development
replaced by a small town planning unit, Collaborative-PADCO). Even the
established under the Department of planning interest of urban areas was
Public Works and Building under UN shown in the regional planning of Nepal
assistance. (Gurung, 1969)
Owing to the dearth of human resources Planned Policies and Strategies in
in the field of urban planning, the Nepal
government had decided to get technical During the first five year plan (1956-
assistance from the UN. P. O. Lefvert 60), Nepal did not have basic
(1962-64), F. Ortner (1965-66) and Carl infrastructure services so attention was
Pruscha (HMG/N 1969) helped prepare paid to supply drinking water,
the first kind of master plan for Nepal, networking of roads and other
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 5  

infrastructures. In the second five year collect detailed information of the urban
plan (1963-65), some major roads like areas so that the cities could be
Kathmandu-Dakshinkali, Kathmandu- developed into living places. The plans
Bauddhanath and Kathmandu- emphasized on the local resource
Bhaktapur roads were constructed mobilization, institutionalization of
however, no concrete work like urban urban reforms and prepare and
development management were done. implement the development plans for
Even in the third plan (1965-70), the urban areas. The policies and plans of
concentration was basically on basic the eighth plan were focused on the
services like drinking water supply and establishment of a GIS center,
solid waste disposal. However, the preservation of the agricultural land, and
government proposed to run "site and prepare a national level master plan for
service" program to build around 400 the transport sector. For the first time,
houses to be sold to the government the government decided to provide
servants in the Kuleshor area of housing loan through the banks, and
Kathmandu, which was initially planned encouraged the private housing
to be built in Kalimati area. This project companies. In the ninth and tenth plan
was completed much later. In the fifth also many policies and strategies were
plan also, there was little effort for the adopted and even, with the assistance of
integrated development of Kathmandu Asian Development Bank (ADB) a
and elsewhere in Nepal. The focus was comprehensive plan ((Halcro Fox et al,
on the regional development plan. 1991) was prepared for the Kathmandu
During this plan, the government Valley urban areas. However, most of
declared five development regions viz. the policies and programs were not
Eastern Development Region, Central implemented.
Development Region, Western Now, the government, in the three-year
Development Region, Mid-western interim plan (2007, 414-15), accepted
Development Region and Far the lack of urban development policy,
Development Region. In the fourth plan, lack of coordination among the urban
there were only four development region agencies regarding physical
and in the fifth the Midwestern development plans, and unhealthy
Development region was added for the competition between town development
faster development of the country. In the committees and municipalities due to
sixth plan, the government, with the overlapping the roles and
assistance of famous architect Kantz responsibilities, the urban development
Tange, prepared a master plan for the function could not be implemented duly.
development of Lumbini. It was realized In the present context, the urban areas
that the growing population of the urban are facing numerous challenges which
areas in Nepal would pose a threat to the are:
systematic development of the cities, so
• How to manage uncontrolled and
planning the cities in accordance with
disorganized urban areas?
population growth was realized. In the
• How to manage adequate supply of
seventh plan, the government decided to
human resources to manage the
6   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

cities with adequate infrastructure Similarly, theLocal Self Government

services? Act (LSGA) 1999 has made the
• How to maintain coordination following provisions for participatory
among plethora of organizations and local level planning:
working in the field of urban • Preparation of periodic and annual
management? and plan for the purpose of Local Bodies
• How to provide the people easy (LBs) (local governments in Nepal
access to housing and other urban are known as local bodies).
services? • Planning Commission and the
Now, the government seems concerned concerned ministry (Ministry of
about how to check the haphazard Local Development- MLD) would
growth of urban areas, and how to provide policy guidelines at the end
strengthen the institutional capabilities of Kartik (around the end of
of the organizations engaged in urban November). These are the basics of
development. local plan preparation in Nepal.
Beginning of Local Planning In the periodic plans indicating
geographical, economic, and natural
The Land Acquisition Act 1977
resources and their use is necessary.
authorizes the government to acquire
Similarly, the LBs have to identify the
land for the purpose of planned
comparative advantages of such plans
development and for the extension of
relating to productive possibility of the
the roads. However, the first district
level plan was prepared in 1974, where
the Chief District Officer (CDO) was While preparing the plans the LBs have
made the head and coordinator of the to consider the following components:
works carried out in the district. The • Focused on backward communities,
underlying features were that the people poverty stricken areas and already
would be involved in the preparation, running activities and the
implementation and evaluation of such development activities to be
plans which were carried out by the undertaken in the future.
people. • Income generating and skill-based
The regional development plans also programs for the women
focused on the urban development by • Implementing procedures and
developing regional development maintenance provisions for the
headquarters in five development completed ones
regions- Dhankuta in the East, • Possible short-term and long-term
Kathmandu in the Mid, Pokhara in the development plans and programs
West, Surkhet in theMidwest and • Human resource development plans
Dipayal-Silgadi in the Far West. But, and programs prepared by the local
these developments under regional people
development efforts were totally • Major considerations while
controlled by the government. preparing plans and programs at the
local level
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 7  

• Guidance • Preparation of development reports

• District level policies and plans that includes the information about
prepared in line with the national the local economic, social,
plans geographical and human resources
• District level policy and plans
Formulation of Local Plans
identified by the periodic plans
• Plans and projects received from • Choice of the projects and program
VDCs and Municipalities to be included in the annual plans
• Design the structure of plan
Before planning takes place at the local
document and the procedures for its
level, the LBs have to take a stock of the
adoption by the decision makers
resources available for successful
• Adoption of resolution by the
implementation of planning. These are:
elected representatives of the local
• Own resource base to implement the bodies that enunciates the inter-
plan sectoral and the intra-sectoral
• Block grant and other grants from priorities
the government • Higher levels have to coordinate,
• Sectoral investment grant received integrate, and fill in the gaps of the
from the sectoral ministries local plans
• Other sources including NGOs and • Integration of local level plans with
INGOs. the block or district level plans
Steps Followed in Participatory Planning • Appraisal and approval of plans by
an expert political commitment and
• Conduct local level meetings to
identify the needs of the people
• Mobilization of the people These are the general practices that are
• Adopting small group approach followed in preparing the local level
• Preparation of a model agenda for plans. The Decentralization Act or the
meeting Local Self Governance Act has made it
• Adopt a Semi-structured mandatory to follow these steps and
questionnaire approach derived procedures while preparing the local
from the Participatory Rural plans for the local areas. This indicates
Appraisal (PRA) techniques for that the people's participation is
discussions involved in every step of planning, and
• Assessment of the local resources now this participatory practice in
and problems and accordingly planning of urban areas in land pooling
formulate development reports is being practiced.
• Generate a comprehensive database Planning is basically a responsibility of
for every locality for local level the Ministry of Physical Planning and
planning Works (recently it is converted into
• Identification of significant Ministry of Urban Development, but is
ecological variations in the area to take its full shape). Under this
through Rapid Rural Appraisal ministry, there are Departments and
(RRA) and PRA Town Planning Committees which are
8   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

made responsible to the planning and lawyer, 3 fiscal officers (KVTDC,

physical development of the urban 2011). The committee has 19 members
areas. Among them, the KVTDC is one represented by the secretaries of the
which is a high-level body chaired by seven ministries- Ministry of urban
the Minister concerned. Similarly, development, home, water resources,
planning responsibilities are also given information and communication, forest
to the municipalities. Besides this and soil conservation, law justice and
ministry, the Ministry of Local parliamentary affairs; Director General
Development (MLD) is also responsible of the Department of Urban
for managing the human resources and Development; Chairman of the
approving the budget and the rules and Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur
regulations of the municipalities. The District Development Committees;
chief executive officers and even mayors of the five municipalities of the
planning and finance officers are valley; and is headed by the Minister of
deputed from this ministry. So, the Urban Development. The mandate of
municipalities have dual institutional the committee, in the long run, is to
responsibilities in planning and urban (KVTDC, 2011):
management. The following paragraphs • Gradually raising the standard of
will shed light on the planning living of the people of the
authorities in Nepal: Kathmandu Valley; and
Planning Authorities in Nepal • To conserve and promote the man-
made and natural, historical,
1. Town Development Committees religious and archeological
The government has created planning monuments and places.
authorities in all the 58 municipalities, The other short-term objectives (ibid):
and some VDCs which are called urban-
• To control the haphazard growth of
oriented VDCs, however, these planning
the municipal areas and give the
authorities are merely tooth-less and
right direction to the development of
jaw-less bodies. These committees do
the cities,
not have sufficient budget and technical
• To protect the agricultural and
competence from the viewpoint of
pasture and forest land,
human resources, who can plan the
• To protect and improve the
urban areas themselves nor can they
archeological, natural and tourist
advise the municipalities in their own
capacity. Most of the committees are • To control the pressure on the city
without the planning officers, and their
core of Kathmandu, Patan and
authority is mostly challenged by the
Bhaktapur municipalities,
• To develop the residential places to
Some planning authorities like KVTDC promote planned settlements,
(recently converted into authority) are • To initiate expansion of the city
rather competent planning authority development in the suitable places,
with adequate human resource (114 and
employees including 4 engineers, 1 • To prepare land use plan so as to
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 9  

develop the city zoning. Development (GLD), Site and Service

The KVTDC has also a Steering and Land Pooling (for details see Joshi,
Committee where mayors of the 5 2008).
municipalities of the Kathmandu Valley, Guided Land Development
chief of the infrastructure services, chief
In the GLD planning, the committee,
of the religious land trust, and the chief
under the request or by the government
planner of the KVTDC works as the
intervention, opens up the road networks
member-secretary of the committee.
in the unplanned land of the people
Besides this steering committee, the
where it does or sometimes does not
sub-committees can be formed to look
charge for opening the track, building
after the sectoral programs in the
retaining walls and gravelling the road
planning of the development activities.
but the people will have to contribute
2. Municipalities’ Role in Planning their land for the track. Till date, the
and Physical Development (LSGA, committee during 1988 to 1990 has
1999, Article 96 (b)) successfully opened around 300 km of
Besides the Town Development roads in Kathmandu, 137 km roads in
Committees, municipalities are also Patan and 38 km in Bhaktapur
entrusted the role of planning and municipal areas (KVTDC 2011). The
physical development of their cities. The length and width of such road is 4, 6, 8,
following are the mandates given to the and 11 meters.
municipalities by the LSGA, 1999: Site and Service
• To frame land use plan in the It is another kind of planning adopted by
municipal areas indicating the KVTDC for the planning and
industrial, residential, recreational physical development. In this process of
and agricultural zones; planning, the committee purchases the
• To prepare housing plans and land and develops it into fully serviced
implement them in their areas; plots and sells them back to the public.
• To plan, operate, maintain and Kuleswor and Gulfutar are such projects
repair the drinking water and which were planned under site and
drainage; service and distributed as housing plots
• To plan and operate green belts, to the public at current prices.
parks and recreational areas;
• To manage public toilets; Land Pooling
• To approve the design of buildings In the land pooling type of planning, the
to be constructed in the municipal committee, under the request of the land
areas; and owners of a particular area to plan their
• To build community buildings and land, takes the application and conducts
rest houses. the feasibility study of the area. The
basic of such planning is that the land
Planning Modalities owners themselves contribute the cost of
The modalities adopted by the KVTDC the project by contributing around 30 to
in planning are basically Guided Land 35 per cent of the land as project cost.
10   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

The practice is that some portion of the KVTDC.

land is set for sale in the market to • Formation of consumer society from
generate the resources. Till then, the among the land owners.
government lends the project cost from • Public notice to hold the land by the
a trust fund (at present, it is around Rs. committee for re-plotting, re-
50 million), which is especially created registration, physical development
to fund the planning activities with an and selling. However, one can sell
annual interest of 13 per cent. A project the land without re-plotting.
in charge with necessary staffs is • Preparation of the detailed project
appointed by the committee. From the report (DPR)
discussion with the officials of the • Formation of the management
committee, the average time to complete committee and sub-committees for
a project is five to six years. The project dispensing the planning.
first collects all land ownership • Under the recommendation of the
certificates from the owners and designs consumer society, the management
the plot for the road (around 22 per cent committee puts forward the final
of the total land), open space (around 5 proposal to the KVTDC
per cent) and for others around 7 per • DPR also has to be approved by the
cent. The people then get a temporary consumer society
land ownership certificates from a sub- • Action or implementation of the
committee formed for this purpose. The project. Before the implementation,
committee also forms sub-committees around two years is needed to come
for every sectoral purpose of the to implement the project and around
planning. The construction work of the three years is generally taken to
planning can be carried on by the finally complete the project in such
consumer society itself, but heavy works land pooling planning project.
like paving the roads, electricity works, Among the three planning strategies in
sewage and drinking water is carried out Nepal, land pooling is becoming
through e-bidding. The limit of the work popularity since it is fully controlled by
of the consumer society is not more than the consumers, though the technical
6 million at a time, but it can apply for component is totally managed by the
the second or third after clearing the committee's project office. The
assigned tasks to the management of the consumer society members are regularly
consumer society. trying to minimize the cost and
The following steps are taken in land maximize the number of plots so that
pooling kind of planning: they would minimize the contribution of
• Submission of the application to the the land in the project cost. While
KVTDC by the community land discussing with the consumer society
owners, with a request for the members, it was found that they have
development of their land into minimized the contribution of the land
modern plots in a planned way. to roads just by diverting the initial plan
• Conducting a feasibility study of the but without affecting the planning
area identified for the plan by the design.
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 11  

Till date, the KVTDC has been development plans of ten areas under
successful in completing physical the land pooling project (table 1)

Table 1: Projects under Land Pooling

SN No. of Ropanis (5476 sq.ft. in Total Total road
Projects one ropani) plots length
1. Completed projects 10 4366 10,779 78.52 km
2. Ongoing projects 10 7271 11,590 Not clear
3. projects about to 2 1453 2,581 21 km
Source: KVTDC 2011

From the above information, it seems developers from developing the

that this kind of project is quite popular urban land in a planned way. So,
in the planning and physical most of the land brokers are
development of Kathmandu Valley. working without registration. In one
That is why the committee is successful way, a huge amount of money is
in completing 10 projects, ten projects siphoned to such broker's pockets,
are running and another two projects are and thereby a huge amount of tax is
about to complete soon. Despite its lost by the treasury. It is a kind of
popularity and people’s participation, incompetence. These brokers
the planning is not free from issues. informally intervene in such plan for
not letting it succeed because they
Emerging Issues in Land Pooling fear that planned development of the
Planning land means losing the land for
Naturally, the planning under the brokering.
community participation might have • Some of the land owners are holding
many conflicting interests (see Lee and more land than that specified in their
Courtney: 1988). Some are within the land certificates. Naturally, these
community members and some others people oppose such planned
are from outside the community. development for fear of losing such
However, three types of conflicts may illegally captured land.
arise during planning phases in such • The other people who oppose the
projects (discussion with the KVTDC planned development of the land are
officials): those who already have access roads
• Broker originated conflicts, In to their land. Naturally, they feel
Kathmandu Valley and elsewhere in that they would have to lose the land
Nepal, most of the land is sold by for additional roads in the interest of
the brokers. This is because the other and for increasing the prices of
government is neither able to other's lands. In planning, people
intervene for the land management stand to lose around 32 to 35 per
nor is able to control the individual cent of their lands for roads, open
12   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

spaces and community halls. want that land to be registered under

• The other category of people who their name. Their claim is that the
oppose the planning in land pooling land has been used by them for
are the farmers. Many people are years. But, such cases are dismissed
still surviving with farming in the in the consumer society meetings.
city areas. Not only this, some of the • The selection of the plot also
farmers are enjoying farming in the becomes a source of conflict since
land of others but do not have to pay everybody would like to have the
anything to the landlords. So these plot in commercial and advantaged
people have complaints against the area which is not possible. Also,
planning authorities many people would lose their land
During the planning period, many at the same place where it was
people are not satisfied with the because of the land size being too
activities of the planning project. So, small. In such a case, the planning
they prefer to go to the project office has a provision to shift the
implementation committee and land or in case of total loss the
sometimes to the court complaining people are offered the current price
against the planning authorities. for their share or are asked to pay
more money to get additional land,
The other conflicts that generally arise
which sometimes becomes beyond
in the planning period are (Project office
the reach of the people. In such
of the Planning committee):
cases, settlement becomes quite
• Many cases come to the office difficult.
complaining about the size of the
The process to solve the case is that at
land, and they must get a bigger size
first the monitoring and supervision sub-
land instead of the present one.
committee takes the case and tries to
People feel that there must be some
arrive at settlement. If the claimant is
wrongdoing on the part of the
not satisfied, the case is forwarded to the
planning management. This happens
consumer society which, through
just because of ignorance.
thorough discussion with its members,
• Many people have not renewed their
tries to resolve the case. But, if the
registered land, so planning office
claimant is still not satisfied, the case is
cannot maintain the record of those
forwarded to the project implementation
people. Sometimes such land is
office where most of the cases are
counted as public land. In the
resolved. However, if the person is still
meantime, some people come to
not satisfied, he/she can move the court.
claim their land. So, the monitoring
Till date, none of the cases has been
and supervisory committee looks
won by the individual person
after the cases and if the cases are
(discussion with project official).
found to be genuine, the land owner
gets the serviced and developed Discussion
plot. Planning in Nepal is not a new
• Sometimes, public land is also phenomenon; the first was during the
occupied by the people, so they
Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, December, 2012 13  

1960s. After that, subsequent plans have government, in the present context,
been formulated with or without the cannot afford to buy the land in
cooperation of the donor community and Kathmandu, where land prices have
international donor agencies. The Nepali multiplied and still soaring. So, the
plans, during the planning effort, had participatory planning could be the best
mostly focused on reforming the alternative. In the beginning, the
Kathmandu Valley so as to make it the government opted to use Site and
capital city, tourist city, cultural city and Service method to regulate the
so on. The regional concept was unplanned growth of the valley, but later
introduced in Nepal for minimizing the the government was criticized of doing a
population pressure in Kathmandu kind of business like job in such a
Valley and other big cities of Nepal. method. Also, the government was
Also, most of the plans were focused on finding difficulties to purchase the
saving the major cities from congestion, costly land of the cities so it opted to
overcrowding, pollution and problem of follow the Guided Land Development
infrastructure services. But, during these (GLD) method in urban planning and
years, preparing and implementing a physical development of the Kathmandu
comprehensive plan was missing. Most Valley. However, the recent method
of the areas were developed through the adopted is land pooling, where the
concept of owner builder’s plan without community itself participates in
any strict land use plan and intervention decision-making to plan implementation
of the government and the planning of urban planning. At first, the majority
authority. The government neither of the people opposed this method of
provided the housing and building planning, but when they understood the
construction loans nor facilities for benefits of the planned and serviced
loans. Only in later days the government land value people themselves become
realized that loans for building the messengers of such planning. That is
construction was necessary. Now, the why the government has already
banks and finance companies and even completed 10 land pooling projects, two
employees’ provident fund have are in the verge of completion and 10
managed to facilitate this type of loan to more projects are running in the valley.
the construction companies and the With the success of the land pooling and
public. people’s participation therein, the
If we look at the previous discussion, we government is in a mood to have more
find that Nepal suffices from the similar projects in the future.
multiplicity of urban development The method is not free from conflicts.
agencies including the agencies for People still have many grudges against
infrastructures and social services. the procedures of such planning and in
However, their coordination is mission. the method of re-distribution of land.
In recent days, the government has However, many such complaints and
undertaken a participatory planning conflicts are settled in the project office
approach to develop the urban land in a itself. Those cases which go up to the
planned way. The reason was that the project management committee and
14   Policy and Practice of Urban Planning in Nepal: A Case of Public Community Participation

even to the courts have been resolved Summary and Conclusion

duly. Though planning exercise was initiated
However, the planning authorities have in Nepal during the 1960s with the
missed some of their mandated jobs. For support of the UN, and there were many
example, in the duties of the KVTDC, it planning exercises but unplanned
is clearly written that the authority will growth of the Kathmandu Valley
be working to protect, among others, the continued unabated. However, these
farmland but most of the plans are taken days the government, among other
in the most fertile rice fields. Even this things, has adopted a participatory
symptom has been passed on to the planning method to regularize the
Tarai plains of Nepal, which is known development of the urban areas, which
as the granary of the country. is becoming quite popular, though it is
not free from conflicts and resentments.

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