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Cutback bitumen is a petroleum product produced by diluting bitumen in petroleum
hydrocarbon (Kerosene). The aim is to decrease the viscosity and to increase the penetration
of bitumen on asphalt surface. In comparison with bitumen, cutback bitumen is sprayed on
different layers of roads in a notably lower temperature. Once the solvent is evaporated, the
remaining bitumen equals with penetration bitumen in terms of hardness.
Bitumen requires fairly high temperature to reduce the viscosity sufficiently to use it to create
Asphalt paving (AKA macadam) This requires a lot of fuel and the hot sticky liquid can be a
serious safety hazard, thus there is some motivation to create a material that requires lower
working temperatures, but yet still have the required viscosity on a hot summer day.
This can be accomplished by mixing the bitumen with a solvent, which will evaporate after
application, leaving pure bitumen in place. Bitumen is non-polar so a number of non-polar
solvents will dissolve it. The resulting thinned bitumen product is called “cutback”.
Cutback Bituman is made by reducing the viscosity of and ordinary bitumen by adding mostly
petroleum type solvent. Cutback Bitumen are used because their viscosity is lower than that
of neat asphalt and can thus be used in low temperature applications. After a cutback is
applied the solvent evaporates away and only the Bitumen is left. A cutback bitumen is said
to cure as the petroleum solvent evaporates. Cutback bitumen are typically used as prime
coats and tack coats. Generally are divided into three groups depending on their volatility of
the solvent added:
Slow Curing often called "road oils," are usually a residual material produced from the
fractional distillation of certain crude petroleums. Traditionally any kind of aromatic,
naphthenic and paraffinic oils are used. Slow Curing liquid bitumen materials can be prepared
by blending bitumen with an oily petroleum fraction.Medium Curing are a blend of Bitumen
with lighter hydrocarbons such as kerosene.
Normal practice is to heat bitumen to reduce its viscosity. In some situations preference is
given to use liquid binders such as cutback bitumen. In cutback bitumen suitable solvent is
used to lower the viscosity of the bitumen. From the environmental point of view also cutback
bitumen is preferred. The solvent from the bituminous material will evaporate and the
bitumen will bind the aggregate. Cutback bitumen is used for cold weather bituminous road
construction and maintenance. The distillates used for preparation of cutback bitumen are
naphtha, kerosene, diesel oil, and furnace oil. There are different types of cutback bitumen
like rapid curing (RC), medium curing (MC), and slow curing (SC). RC is recommended for
surface dressing and patchwork. MC is recommended for premix with less quantity of fine

Formerly the advantage of application of cutback asphalt mixtures is a difference in the
reduced paving temperature.However in these days cutback asphalt are used mostly as prime
coat and/or tack coat.
When cutback asphalts are used as a prime coat, the cutback asphalt is sprayed to the surface
of untreated sub grade or base layers in order to fill the surface voids and protect the subbase
from water penetration; stabilize the fines and preserve the subbase material and/or
promote bonding to the subsequent pavement layers.
When used as a tack coat, the cutback asphalt is applied between hot mix asphalt pavement
lifts to promote adequate bonding. This cutback promoted adequate bonding between
construction lifts and especially between the exist¬ing road surface and an overlay is critical
in order for the completed pavement structure to behave as a single unit and provide
adequate strength. If adjacent layers do not bond to one another they essentially behave as
multiple independent thin layers, none of which are designed to accommodate the
anticipated traffic imposed bending stresses. Inadequate bonding between layers can result
in delamination (debonding) followed by longitudinal wheel path cracking, fatigue cracking,
potholes, and other distresses such as rutting that greatly reduce pavement life.

Bituminous Emulsion:
Bitumen emulsion is a liquid product in which bitumen is suspended in a finely divided
condition in an aqueous medium and stabilised by suitable material. Normally cationic type
emulsions are used in India. The bitumen content in the emulsion is around 60% and the
remaining is water. When the emulsion is applied on the road it breaks down resulting in
release of water and the mix starts to set. The time of setting depends upon the grade of
bitumen. The viscosity of bituminous emulsions can be measured as per IS: 8887-1995. Three
types of bituminous emulsions are available, which are Rapid setting (RS), Medium setting
(MS), and Slow setting (SC). Bitumen emulsions are ideal binders for hill road construction.
Where heating of bitumen or aggregates are difficult. Rapid setting emulsions are used for
surface dressing work. Medium setting emulsions are preferred for premix jobs and patch
repairs work. Slow setting emulsions are preferred in rainy season.
Benefits of Bituminous Emulsion Good cohesion (ability to stick to) with aggregate is due to

 opposite charge of the bitumen to the aggregate

 greater surface coverage of the aggregate resultant from rise of the binder up the
aggregate and the initial water content of the emulsion which then evaporates. This is
commonly referred to as Binder Rise, Binder Uppage or Binder Creep.

 Able to be applied in cooler conditions, which extends the sealing season.

 Utilised at lower temperature so no/less chance of sustaining serious burns

 No fuming
The Marshall Mix Design method was originally developed by Bruce Marshall of the
Mississippi Highway Department in 1939.The main idea of the Marshall Mix Design method
involves the selection of the asphalt binder content with a suitable density which satisfies
minimum stability and range of flow values. The Marshall stability and flow test provides the
performance prediction measure for the Marshall mix design method. The stability portion of
the test measures the maximum load supported by the test specimen at a loading rate of 50.8
mm/minute. Load is applied to the specimen till failure, and the maximum load is designated
as stability. During the loading, an attached dial gauge measures the specimen's plastic flow
(deformation) due to the loading. The flow value is recorded in 0.25 mm (0.01 inch)
increments at the same time when the maximum load is recorded. The Marshall Method of
mix design is intended both for laboratory design and field control of bituminous hot-mix
dense graded paving mixtures

The Marshall method of asphalt mix design is widely practiced in construction materials
laboratories to select and proportion aggregate and asphalt materials for pavement
construction. This holistic approach to asphalt pavement mix design involves the selection of
mineral aggregate and binder materials, preparation of trial samples, load testing for strength
and flow of materials, and lab tests of material properties. The focus is on the determination
of an optimum asphalt content that will provide maximum strength to the mix with minimum
deformation from axle loads. Marshall stability and flow test values, density, and air voids in
the mix and the mineral aggregate are all used for evaluation of trial mixtures of lab-mixed,
lab-compacted (LMLC) asphalt mixtures. Marshall stability and flow tests can also monitor the
production of the asphalt mixture using plant mix, laboratory-compacted (PMLC) samples.

Objective of Marshall Mix Design:

 To determine the density – voids analysis for the given bituminous mixture;
 To determine the strength (Marshall’s stability value) and flexibility (flow value) for the
given bituminous mixture;
 To determine the suitability of the bituminous mixture to meet the specified criteria for
the surface course..

The Marshall Mix Design method consists mainly of the following steps:
(i) Determination of physical properties, size and gradation of aggregates.

(ii) Selection of types of asphalt binder.

(iii) Prepare initial samples, each with different asphalt binder content.
For example, three samples are made each at 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5 percent asphalt by dry
weight for a total of 15 samples. There should be at least two samples above and two below
the estimated optimum asphalt content.

(iv) Plot the following graphs:

(a) Asphalt binder content vs. density
(b) Asphalt binder content vs. Marshall stability
(c) Asphalt binder content vs. flow
(d) Asphalt binder content vs. air voids
(e) Asphalt binder content vs. voids in mineral aggregates
(f) Asphalt binder content vs voids filled with asphalt
(v) Determine the asphalt binder content which corresponds to the air void content of 4

(vi) Determine properties at this optimum asphalt binder content by reference with the
graphs.Compare each of these values against design requirements and if all comply with
design requirements, then the selected optimum asphalt binder content is acceptable.
Otherwise, the mixture should be redesigned.

Materials Selection:

Aggregate selection begins with lab testing to measure the physical properties of aggregates.
Abrasion resistance, soundness, durability,and particle shape all combine to ensure the
aggregates themselves are durable and will also contribute to the strength and resistance to
deformation of the final asphalt mix.

Asphalt binder selection is not performed according to a specific procedure in the Marshall
method.The Superpave Performance Grading (PG) binder system is often used,but final
selection may be based on experience, previous performance, or a local procedure. The PG
system characterizes the suitability of an asphalt binder based on the expected climatic
conditions as well as aging conditions under which it is to be used.PG binders are classified
with two numbers that represent the maximum and minimum pavement temperatures (in
Celsius) at which they are suitable.

Determining the Design Asphalt Content:

• The selected trial blend becomes the design aggregate structure.

• Batch, mix and compact more samples with this gradation with four asphalt contents.

• Determine volumetric properties

• Select P b at 4.0% air voids and check other volumetric properties

Apparatus of Marshall Mix design:

Following are the apparatus used for the Marshall stability test:

 Specimen mould Assembly comprising mould cylinders 10 cm diameter by 7.5 cm height,

base plate and extension collars.They are designed to be interchanged with either end of
cylindrical mould. Three mould cylinders are recommended.
 Specimen extractor for extracting the compacted specimen from the mould. A suitable bar
is required to transfer load from the extension collar to upper proving ring attachment
while extracting the specimen.
 Compaction hammer having a flat circular tamping face 4.5 kg sliding weight constructed
to provide a free fall of 45 cm. two compaction hammers are recommended.
 Compaction Pedestal consisting of a 20 x 20 X 45 cm wooden block capped with a 30 x 30
x 2.5 cm MS plate to hold the mould assembly in position during compaction. There is use
of a Mould holder consisting of spring tension device designed to hold compaction mould
in place on the compaction pedestal.
 Breaking head. The breaking head consist of upper and lower cylindrical segments or test
heads having an inside radius curvature of 5 cm. the lower segment is mounted on a base
having two perpendicular guide rods which facilitate insertion in the holes of upper test
 Loading Machine. Loading Machine is provided with a gear system to lift the upward
direction. Precalibrated proving ring of 5 tonne capacity is fixed on the upper end of the
machine, specimen contained in the test head is placed in between the base and the
proving ring. The loading jack produces a uniform vertical movement of 5 cm per minute.
Machine is capable of reversing its movement downward also. This facilities adequate
space for placing test head system after one specimen has been tested.
 Flow meter. The flow meter consists of guide sieve and a gauge. The activating pin of the
gauge is arranged in such a way that it can slide inside the guide sleeve with a slight amount
of frictional resistance.
Least count of 0.025 mm is adequate.The flow value refers to the total vertical upward
movement from the initial position at zero load to value at maximum load. The dial guage at
the flow meter should be able to measure a accurately the total vertical movement upward.

In addition to the above the following general equipments are also required:

 Ovens or hot plates

 Mixing apparatus
 Water bath
 Thermometers of range upto 200 C with sensitivity of 2.5 C and
 Miscellaneous equipment like containers, mixing and handling tools etc.


 Measure out 1200 g of aggregates blended in the desired proportions.Heat the aggregates
in the oven the mixing temperature.
 Add bitumen at the mixing temperature to produce viscosity of 170± centistokes at various
percentage both above and below the expected optimum content.
 Mix the materials in a heated pan with heated mixing tools.
 Return the mixture to the oven and reheat it to the compacting temperature ( to produce
viscosity of 280 ± 30 centistokes).
 Place the mixture in a heated Marshall mould with a collar and base. Spade the mixture
around the sides of the mould. Place filter papers under the sample and on top of the
 Place the mould in the Marshall compaction pedestal.
 Compact the material with 50 blows of the hammer (or as specified), invert the sample,
and compact the other face with the same number of blows.
 After compaction, invert the mould. With the collar on the bottom, remove the base and
extract the sample by pushing it out the extractor.
 Allow the sample to stand for a few hours to cool.
 Obtain the sample’s mass in air and submerged, to measure density of specimen, so as to
allow, calculation of the voids properties.

Test procedure:
1. Specimens are heated to 60◦ ±1◦ (37.8◦ ± 1◦ for specimens in which tar has been used in
place of bitumen), either in a water bath for 30-40 minutes or in an oven for a minimum of
two hours.
2. Remove the specimen from water bath (or oven) and place in the lower segment of the
breaking head. Then place the upper segment of the breaking head on the specimen and
place the complete assembly in position on the testing machine.
3. Place the flow meter over one of the post and adjust it to read zero.
4. Alpply a load at a rate of 50 mm per minute until the maximum load reading is obtained.
5. Record the maximum load reading in Newtons (N). At the same instant obtain the flow as
recorded on the flow meter in units of mm.

Apply stability correction:

It is possible while making the specimen the thickness slightly vary from the standard
specification of 63.5 mm. Therefore, measured stability values need to be corrected to those
which would have been obtained if the specimens had been exactly 63.5 mm. This is done by
multiplying each measured stability value by an appropriated correlation factors as given in
Table below.

Table 1: Correction factors for Marshall stability values

Volume of Thickness Correction

specimen of specimen Factor

(cm ) (mm)

457 - 470 57.1 1.19

471 - 482 68.7 1.14

483 - 495 60.3 1.09

496 - 508 61.9 1.04

509 - 522 63.5 1.00

523 - 535 65.1 0.96

536 - 546 66.7 0.93

547 - 559 68.3 0.89

560 - 573 69.9 0.86


Determine the optimum binder content for the mix design by taking average value of the
following three bitumen contents found form the graphs obtained in the previous step.

1. Binder content corresponding to maximum stability

2. Binder content corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity ( )

3. Binder content corresponding to the median of designed limits of percent air voids (

) in the total mix (i.e. 4%)

The stability value, flow value, and are checked with Marshall mix design specification
chart given in Table below. Mixes with very high stability value and low flow value are not
desirable as the pavements constructed with such mixes are likely to develop cracks due to
heavy moving loads.

Table 2: Marshall mix design specification

Test Property Specified Value

Marshall stability, kg 340 (minimum)

Flow value, 0.25 mm units 8 - 17

Percent air voids in the mix %

Voids filled with bitumen % 75 - 85

The Superpave mix design system is a comprehensive method of designing paving mixes
tailored to the unique performance requirements dictated by the traffic, environment
(climate), and structural section at a particular pavement site. It facilitates selecting and
combining asphalt binder, aggregate, and any necessary modifier to achieve the required
level of pavement performance. The Superpave system is applicable to virgin and recycled,
dense-graded, hot mix asphalt (HMA), with or without modification. In addition, the
Superpave performance tests are applicable to the characterization of a variety of specialized
paving mixes such as stone matrix asphalt (SMA). It can be used when constructing new
surface, binder, and base layers, as well as overlays on existing pavements. Through materials
selection and mix design, it directly addresses the reduction and control of permanent
deformation, fatigue cracking, and low-temperature cracking. It also explicitly considers the
effects of aging and moisture sensitivity in promoting or arresting the development of these
three distresses. The objective of the Superpave mix design system is to define an economical
blend of asphalt binder and aggregate that yields a paving mix having:
* sufficient asphalt binder
* sufficient voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) and air voids,
• sufficient workability,satisfactory performance characteristics over the service life of the
The Superpave mix design system has several distinctive features. First, only performance-
based and performance-related properties are used as the criteria for selection of a mix
design. Performance-based properties directly govern the response of the pavement to load;
performance can be predicted from this response. Performance-related properties are those
which are indirectly related to performance. They affect performance, but do not, in
themselves, control it. As the traffic and environmental demands on the pavement increase,
the Superpave mix design system relies more on performance-based properties to select the
optimum mix design. The maximum possible contribution of the materials in the paving mix
to pavement performance can be achieved regardless of its structure.Second, the Superpave
performance-based specification for asphalt-aggregate mixtures is based on the predicted
performance of the pavement built with the paving mix under design.The Superpave system
provides a uniquely tailored specification, expressed in terms of the rut depth, area of fatigue
cracking, and spacing of low-temperature cracking expected over a selected service life,for
any paving project with significant traffic and environmental demands.These specifications
may be compared to criteria presented in this manual or to criteria established by agency
policy for discrete classes of traffic. Third, in determining pavement performance, Superpave
explicitly considers the interaction of pavement structure, traffic, and environment with the
paving mix. Thus, the mix design and structural design can be integrated into an single system.
Finally, the design method provides a truly objective measure of the benefits or penalties
associated with the use of materials of varying levels of quality.
The concept behind the Superpave mix design system is straightforward:use available
materials to prepare a mix design that achieves a level of performance commensurate with
the demands of traffic,environment, structure,and reliability (or, conversely, risk) on the
pavement.This concept is illustrated by the general flow of a Superpave mix design.At each
step in the design,from materials selection through volumetric design and engineering
evaluation of trial mix designs to field control, decisions must be made on the basis of
satisfying the specific pavement performance requirements to the extent possible.


There are four major steps in the testing and analysis process for the Superpave volumetric
mix design:

1.) selection of materials (aggregates, binders, modifiers, etc.):

Selection of materials consists of determining the traffic and environmental factors for the
paving project as a first step.From there, the performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder
required for the project is selected.Aggregate requirements are determined based on traffic.
Materials are selected based on their ability to meet or exceed the established criteria.

2.) Selection of a design aggregate structure:

Selection of the design aggregate structure consists of determining the aggregate stockpile
proportions and corresponding combined gradation of the mix design.The design aggregate
structure, at the design asphalt binder content, should yield acceptable volumetric and
compaction properties when compared to the mixture criteria (based on traffic and
environmental conditions).

3.) Selection of a design asphalt binder content:

Selection of a design asphalt binder content consists of varying the amount of asphalt binder
in the design aggregate structure to obtain acceptable volumetric and compaction properties
when compared to the mixture criteria (based on traffic and environmental conditions). It is
a verification of the results obtained from the previous step. This step also allows the
determination of the changes in the volumetric and compaction properties with changes in
the percentage of asphalt binder

4.) Evaluation of moisture susceptibility of the design mixture:

Evaluation of moisture susceptibility consists of testing the mixture at design asphalt content
by KT-56 to determine if the mix will be susceptible to moisture damage.


The Superpave mix design system contains three distinct levels of design, termed level 1, level 2, and
level 3. This feature permits the agency to select a design process that is appropriate for the traffic
loads and volume (expressed as total 80 kN equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) over the service life of
the pavement) expected for the paving project.

Level 1 (Low Traffic) Mix Design:

Level 1 mix design employs a performance-based asphalt binder specification with empirical,
performance-related aggregate specifications, and principles of volumetric mix design to
obtain a paving mix with satisfactory performance for low-traffic paving projects without the
need for performance-based testing. Final selection of the design asphalt content is based
upon attaining specified levels of air voids, voids in mineral aggregate, and voids filled with
asphalt at initial, design, and maximum levels of compaction. It is not possible to estimate the
pavement performance of level 1 mix designs with regard to permanent deformation, fatigue
cracking, or low-temperature cracking without the level 2 or 3 performance-based tests.
However, the level 1 mix design provides a reasonable guarantee of adequate performance if
all of the specified criteria are met. Gyratory compaction is the key to successful level 1 mix
designs. In addition, this design level explicitly considers the effects of moisture sensitivity
and aging in selecting the final mix design.

Level 2 (Intermediate Traffic) Mix Design:

The level 2 mix design incorporates the selection of a design asphalt content with the
volumetric (level 1) design procedure.Candidate mixes prepared at the design asphalt content
and at a high and a low asphalt content bracketing the design value are subjected to a series
of performance-based tests selected for use in routine mix designs.The Superpave software
uses these test results to estimate pavement performance predictions for permanent
deformation, fatigue cracking, and low-temperature cracking. The reliability of these
predictions is consistent with the designation of level 2 as the method of choice for routine
mix designs. The optimum asphalt content is determined from these performance
predictions. The use of gyratory compaction and the Strategic Highway Research Program
(SHRP) shear test device is essential to successful level 2 mix designs. This design level also
introduces a test for tertiary creep to screen out early in the design process trial mixes that
may be susceptible to catastrophic rutting failures or unacceptable long-term permanent
deformation 2. In addition, this design level explicitly considers the effects of moisture
sensitivity and aging in selecting the final mix design.

Level 3 (High Traffic) Mix Design:

The level 3 mix design incorporates the selection of a design asphalt content with the
volumetric (level 1) design procedure. Candidate mixes prepared at the design asphalt
content and at a high and a low asphalt content bracketing the design value are subjected to
a series of performance-based tests selected to develop mix designs suitable for very heavy
traffic, severe climates, or any situation where only a minimal design risk is tolerable. Level 3
mix designs require considerably more time and a greater number of specimens than level 2
designs.The Superpave software uses these test results to estimate pavement performance
for permanent deformation, fatigue cracking, and low-temperature cracking. The degree of
reliability of these estimates is consistent with the designation of level 3 as the method of
choice for mix designs where high performance is mandatory.The optimum asphalt content
is determined from these performance estimates.


The Superpave mix design system has certain ground rules which the user must know in
advance and keep in mind while producing design.


In itself,moisture sensitivity (or damage) is not a pavement distress mechanism,but it does lead to or
accelerate the occurrence of distress mechanisms such as raveling, cracking, or rutting.Moisture
sensitivity may be considered in a performance-based mix design system in two ways.In one approach,
the moisture sensitivity of a trial mix design is tested directly, and the test result is compared to a
pass/fail criterion.If the trial mix design fails,remedial action, such as introducing an antistrip agent or
completely redesigning the mix, is necessary. In the second approach,the effect of moisture
conditioning on the estimated pavement performance of the trial mix design is determined.Testing
and analysis of both dry and conditioned specimens will provide an appraisal of the performance
penalty expected from accelerated distress development due to pavement moisture. The Superpave
mix design system employs the first approach.The moisture sensitivity of a trial mix design is assessed
by use of AASHTO Standard Method of Test T 283, Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to
Moisture Induced Damage, or SHRP Standard Method of Test M-006, Determining the Moisture
Susceptibility of Modified and Unmodified Hot Mix Asphalt with the Environmental Conditioning
System, and compared to a pass/fail criterion. If the trial mix design fails the moisture sensitivity test,
remedial action is required before proceeding with the remainder of the mix design process. The
performance characteristics of a trial mix design that passes the moisture sensitivity test are evaluated
without further moisture conditioning.


Like moisture sensitivity, aging of the asphalt binder is not a pavement distress mechanism,but it does
affect the rate of those mechanisms,particularly of low- temperature cracking,fatigue cracking,and
permanent deformation.Aging is accounted for in the Superpave system through both pass/fail tests
and conditioning procedures. The asphalt binder must satisfy a pass/fail mass loss requirement in the
rolling thin film oven test (AASHTO Standard Method of Test T 240, Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving
Film of Asphalt (Rolling Thin Film Oven Test)).This test is intended to simulate the effect of hot mix
production on the asphalt binder. The asphalt binder residue conditioned in the rolling thin film oven
test and in the pressure aging vessel must satisfy specific rheological requirements related to
pavement performance. These requirements assess the behavior of the asphalt binder at the time of
pavement construction and after long-term (5 years or more) exposure in the pavement. Compacted
specimens used in a Superpave mix design are prepared from loose mix that has been conditioned in
a forced draft oven to simulate the HMA production process and several years of pavement service.
Therefore,all estimates of pavement performance obtained in a level 2 or level 3 Superpave mix design
are calculated from material properties similar to those found in an in-service pavement.The
Superpave system also provides an optional conditioning procedure that simulates about 10 years of
pavement service through the long-term oven aging of compacted specimens. Use of this procedure
permits an estimate of the effects of long-term pavement service on predicted pavement
performance, particularly the development of fatigue cracking and low-temperature cracking.

The first, critical step in the Superpave mix design process is selecting materials suited to the demands
of traffic and environment expected over time at the paving project. This chapter presents guidelines
and requirements for selecting aggregate, asphalt binder, and modifier on the basis of specific
pavement performance criteria related to :

• the environment (climate);

• the anticipated traffic volume over the service life of the pavement; and

• the pavement structure.

It also presents a method for determining the chemical compatibility of the asphalt binder and
aggregate in the presence of moisture. A mix design must balance the fulfillment of performance
requirements against the cost and availability of materials. The Superpave system simplifies this
balancing process by providing objective performance criteria that are used to directly assess the
potential benefits or penalties of the use of one material compared to another and decide on the most
cost-effective combination of materials that satisfies the project specifications.

The following rules apply generally to aggregate gradation analysis and the development of aggregate
blends in the Superpave mix design system:

•Washed sieve analysis of all fractions, including filler, must be conducted in order to ensure
maximum accuracy in proportioning.

• The gradation of an aggregate or aggregate blend is specified on the basis of the total aggregate
gradation, that is, on the total percent by weight passing the designated sieve sizes.

• Following the conventions stated in Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2, the individual fractions of the
total aggregate gradation are designated.

In general, it is recommended (but not required) that as the traffic level increases,the aggregate
gradation move toward the minimum control points,below the restricted zone.Gradations that pass
above or below the restricted zone,but within the relevant control points, should produce acceptable
mixtures in the Superpave mix design system.No guideline or requirement is given for selecting the
appropriate nominal maximum size.Specifying agencies may select or specify a nominal maximum size
for surface,binder,and base course mixtures according to established policy, their past experience.


he performance-based specification for asphalt binders within the Superpave system is

designed to quantify and maximize the performance of the binder in reducing the occurrence
of permanent deformation, fatigue cracking, and low-temperature cracking.The choice of
asphalt binder grade alone will not eliminate permanent deformation which is strongly
dependent upon the aggregate properties and the volumetric properties of the as-
constructed paving mix, or fatigue cracking which is also highly dependent upon pavement
structure.However, selecting the proper grade asphalt binder essentially eliminate low-
temperature cracking.The Superpave mix design system facilitates selecting asphalt binders
that provide different levels of protection or reliability.

In summary, selecting a design asphalt binder grade requires the following steps carried out
with the aid of the Superpave software:

(1) Select weather stations in the vicinity of the paving project. Weather data from as many
as three stations may be evaluated to estimate the climate at a paving site remote from
established stations. (Note: At its discretion, the agency may input specific weather data for
the site.)

(2) Select a degree of design reliability for high and low temperature performance. The
reliability for a particular project is established by agency policy or assigned on the basis of
the engineer's judgment of direct and indirect costs for maintenance and rehabilitation.

(3) Estimate the design pavement temperatures corresponding to the assigned reliability at
the location of the paving project.

(4) Determine the minimum required performance grade of asphalt binder that will satisfy
the selected maximum and minimum design pavement temperatures (and the associated

(5) For paving projects in locations that experience, slow or heavy truck traffic, frequent
braking or acceleration of heavy vehicles, frequent, heavy standing loads, and (or) traffic
volumes above 107 ESALs, adjust the performance grade determined in step 4.


Modifiers can enhance the ability of paving mixes to resist the development of pavement
distress. There are no strict guidelines to determine beforehand when modifiers may be
required in a mix design or to select among the many modifiers intended to control one
distress or another. Nonetheless, it should be noted that when a binder grade is selected that
binder may have to be modified to satisfy the performance properties. The modification
technique is the responsibility of the supplier. In a sense, the need for modification is
determined by the initial binder grade selection.



Compacted samples of the Superpave mix are used to determine the volumetric and
mechanical properties during the mix design phase and for quality control/quality assurance
during construction. These volumetric properties are then evaluated to select a mix design or
to control the mixture quality during production. The specimens produced with the
Superpave gyratory compactor very closely simulate the density, aggregate orientation and
structural characteristics of the mixture on the actual roadway. The gyratory compactor is
used to prepare specimens for later analysis of the volumetric properties of the mixture,
evaluation of mixture densification properties, evaluation of moisture sensitivity, field quality
control and/or other testing purposes. This text will explain the method of compacting
samples of the Superpave mix using the Superpave gyratory compactor and determining their
percent compaction. This method may be used with laboratory-prepared specimens, as in the
mix design process,or with plant-mixed material during construction.


The compaction of a Superpave mixture,both in the field and in the laboratory,is an important
characteristic to be determined for mixture quality control. The bulk specific gravity (Gmb) of
compacted specimens can be determined on pavement cores or laboratory compacted
specimens. The bulk specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures, using a saturated
surface-dry specimen, is used to determine air voids (Va), and may be used for comparison
between roadway compaction tests and laboratory compacted specimens. The Gmb is
determined by measuring the volume of the specimen by displacement when submerged in
water. Measure the specimen dry mass, mass of the specimen submerged in water, and the
SSD mass to determine Gmb. The submerged mass is subtracted from the SSD mass to
determine the mass of an equal volume of displaced water. Dividing the dry mass of the
specimen by the mass of an equal volume of the water as the specimen yields the Gmb.


Maintaining the proper asphalt content consistency in the Superpave paving mixture is a key
factor in producing quality pavement. Various means of determining asphalt content, such as
chemical extraction or nuclear gauges, have been used for many years.This process uses a
very high temperature oven, commonly called a muffle furnace, to burn off the asphalt. By
comparing the mass of the sample before and after the burn off, the asphalt content can be
determined. Some aggregates tend to break down at the high temperatures used in the test,
and, therefore, a correction factor for each mix may be needed to get accurate results. After
the asphalt content has been determined, the aggregate that is left behind can be tested for
gradation and other properties.(Note: Some aggregates have demonstrated significant
breakdown at the high temperatures applied in this test and may produce erroneous
gradation and specific gravity test results.) Although the technician may encounter very hot
materials and must use proper precautions, this is the easiest and safest method available for
determining asphalt content and providing clean aggregate for further testing. This test
method is appropriate for both field labs conducting quality control tests and Agency labs
performing independent assurance, verification and acceptance testing.


Superpave mixtures may be sensitive to the presence of water in the pavement.Water will
cause the asphalt to separate from the aggregates.Since the asphalt is the “glue” that holds
the aggregates together, rapid failure of the pavement can be expected if the asphalt cannot
act as a binder.This phenomenon is often referred to as stripping. To help prevent stripping,
additives,such as hydrated lime or liquid anti-stripping chemicals may be required. KT-
56/AASHTO T283 is a test method that can be used to determine if the mixtures are
susceptible to stripping and can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-stripping
additives. The test is performed by compacting specimens to an air void level of 6.5 to 7.5
percent. Three specimens are selected as a control set and tested dry without moisture
conditioning, and three more are conditioned by saturating with water, then freezing,
thawing and hot water soaking. The specimens are then tested for indirect tensile strength
by loading at a constant rate and measuring the load required to break the specimen. The
average tensile strength of the conditioned specimens is compared to that of the dry, control
specimens to determine the tensile strength ratio (TSR). This test may also be performed on
cores taken from compacted pavement.


After the Superpave design is completed, the designer needs to ask two final questions:

• Is this HMA design reasonable and logical?

• Is the binder content reasonable for the type of aggregate, the nominal maximum aggregate
size, the VMA, and the gradation used in the mixture?

If the answer to either question is "No,"the design should be re-evaluated and/or

redone.Once the answers to both questions are "Yes" and mixing plant operation has begun,
the mixture volumetrics of the plantproduced mixture must be checked and those
volumetrics must meet the minimums required in the design.In addition,performance tests
should be repeated on the plantproduced mixture if these tests were performed during the
original design phase. During plant verification, enough mixture should be produced to ensure
that the plant is operating uniformly. The designer should be prepared to make mixture
adjustments to account for changes caused by plant production. If changes are made, the
mixture should be re-verified.A key to good mixture performance is to verify the HMA plant-
produced mixture properties.

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