Day 1 - BusCom Basics UPDATED (Summer 19)

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Business & Human

Communication BUS-201

Course Teacher

Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed

Associate Professor &
Head of Research
BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL)
BRAC University
A partner in one of New York’s leading private banking firms
went to Singapore to meet one of his clients. In Singapore
there are three different cultural traditions: Chinese,
Malaysian, and English. His clients were ethnic Chinese.

The banker wanted to do everything correctly, so on his way

to Singapore he memorized the names of the three
representatives he would meet. In the first meeting with the
representatives and some other business contacts, he began
by addressing the top man, Lo Win Hao, as Mr. Hao. As the
meeting continued, he made sure to address each
representative by name. After a while, one of the contacts
passed a note to the American banker. The note said “Too
friendly, too soon.”
Now think…..
1. What did this note mean? What mistake was the
banker making?

2. Why is it important to know about the traditions

for address­ing your foreign business partners?

3. Have you ever been called by the wrong name or

had your name pronounced incorrectly? How did
you feel? What did you do? Did you correct the
person or ignore the mistake?
What is it actually?
• Think about these issues:
– Communication
– Human communication
– Business communication

Why is communication skills

Crucial ?
Studying communication can
improve the way you see yourself.

~Affects self-perception

~Leads to self-awareness

~Increases self-confidence
Studying communication can
improve the way others see you.

~Helps to realize own faults

~Leads to improvement of self-presentation

~Creates more favorable impression of you

in other’s eyes
Studying communication can increase
what you know about human

~ Generates affection (receiving and giving warmth

and friendliness)

~ Generates pleasure (sharing happiness and fun)

~ Generates inclusion (feelings that we and our

listeners belong to the
messages that we exchange)

~ Generates control (to manage our lives and to

have influence)
Studying communication can teach
us important life skills.

~Allows critical thinking, problem solving,

decision making, conflict resolution, team
building, media literacy, and public

~Injects leadership and interpersonal

6 Levels of Communication

• Interpersonal
• Intrapersonal
• Extrapersonal
• Organizational
• Cross cultural
• Mass
Topics %
Attendance & participation 05
Quiz 10
Assignments 10
Mid-term 20
Mid-term Presentation 10
Final Exam 30
Final Report (in group) 10
Final presentation 05
Total 100%

Participation & performance in every

class will be notified & counted.
Having chewing gum
inside your mouth is a
deadly offence, similar
to smoking in class!
Smart phone and i-phone policy

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