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Please follow the following rules Religiously.

1. Wash your hands regularly, 20 sec rubbing with soap and rinse with warm
water, especially before meal.

2. Do not bring out side shoes inside house even do not enter front door.
Designate outside and inside shoes. Put these on designated place.

3. Use mask while going outside. Keep and distance from class fellows. Do not

share water bottle. Do not eat out side.

4. Use hand sanitizer.

5. Take steam daily.

6. Brush your teeth morning and brush teeth and gargles at night.

7. Do not hand shake.

8. Groceries rules.
a. Quarantine the stuff for 24 hours.
b. Clean with soap and water.
c. Wash and rinse with very hot water.
d. Keep Sizeable stock.
e. Good washing of water bottles.

9. Do not use cold water or cold drinks.

10. Cut nails regularly.

11. Take bath regularly.

12. House should be sanitized with bleach water before sleeping; electric
buttons, doors handles, entrance, dining & center table.

13. Floor cleaners and bleach should be used while doing mop in house.

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