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It is said that “Great nations are formed by great men”. Great men formed through enablers and
evolved it into a burning passion. Passion, is the core reason of every individual to keep on
moving do something worthy in one’s chosen field.

It all starts with God. The first reason that enables my passion is God’s Will. I have gone into
identity crisis and experience different courses prior to teaching however, in the long run, I
became a teacher and it really me. It took me years to understand that my calling is to teach and
I deem it is God’s who emplace me in this profession not my decision. So, without his will, I will
never be in this life-changing profession.

Second is my family. Being a teacher is indeed a commitment with a lot of sacrifices, hard work
and a lot of determination. After a tiring though fulfilling day and when things don’t seem to go my
way, it is my family who always cheers me up. They understand me whenever profession
demands are needed and love me unconditionally.

The third enabler is my learners. Every of them is perceived as a unique individual with hidden
skills, talents, potentials that needs to unlock and stories that melts your heart. Teachers are
hired, schools are built mainly because learners need to be educated. So am I, I am hired to
teach and educate them but who have thought that work can be inspiring as well. There stories
inspire me and lead me to the portals of understanding why they have turned out to be such kind
of person. It melts my heart especially if it really talks about socio-economic reasons. Thus, I
challenged them to pursue their study whatever it takes because it is their key towards success.

However, behind the learner’s success are the teachers who work as one for common. Co-
teachers, the fourth enabler. I considered myself luckily. Why? Others happen to quit teaching
not because they find teaching as a difficult job because of difficult people and that’s their co-
worker. Me? I may have challenging students but I found family inside the and that’s my co-
teachers. They make me feel that I am not inferior and answers me whenever I have confusions.

To sum it up, God’s Will, Family, Learners and Co-teachers evolve that makes me so hot until it
burns with what I call passion.

In return, I wanted to convert this passion and be a candle in the dark. Candle seems to have a
weak light, however, if the candle is flinted slowly it will catch attention of someone. It serves as
the light that guides the path, the light that can influence others to make a light of their own and a
light that gives hope to other. Me as a candle, I wanted to be the light of my students that attracts
them and they will be guided. Maybe the light may seem so weak at first as long it continues,
slowly the students will probably make their own and pass it on others unto others the whole
place would become brighter. Thus, hope can be visible through the learners who bears the
future of the country.

Three personal changes that I need to work on:

1. Pray and seek wisdom to God

2. Assess learner’s needs
3. Reflect and take actions

I choose Praying above all else. All things come from him and without him things would not be
possible without the higher intervention of the Almighty Father. Surely if it starts with God all
things will follow. Thus, it is good to establish a good rapport through prayer before asking

As they say, “you cannot give what you don’t have” and so knowledge plays a very important role
in inculcating the mind of the student. I should change habit, study my lessons and prepare
suitable activities first before entering the four corners of the classroom, so that, they can learn

Prayer and seeking wisdom follows action and I must go to the basic reason why teachers are
made to teach and that is to aim what's good to their learners. I should asses their needs
and think of what will contribute for a better and meaningful learning. Every child has its own
ability and weakness, thus, it is good to prepare and give varied activities to cater their
needs and identify the least learned.

Through the videos I have realized that teachers need to observe and evaluate the way they
behave or how they improve in teaching and that is through reflection. Just like them, I want to
gain a number of insights from my own experience by assessing and evaluating my performance
itself. On the other hand, it allows me to obtain information about my student’s performance and
their responses. Applying reflection to my profession will be a great help for me to see not just
the negative of you but the good thing is that it will help me to know the areas of improvement
that I should enhance/improve. Only after that, I think I can take actions and finds solutions in
areas where I am lack of or need to improve.


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