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University Of Missouri assistant He concluded that, there is no positive

professor,David Brunsma reaches a correlation between uniforms and school

conclusion in his studies about the safety or academic achievement.This is a
impact of school uniform.In his 2004 study involving 1000s of schools,millions
book The School Uniform Movement of students in America.Uniform has no
and What It Tells Us About American effect, I repeat no effect at all on the
education. students and school.

According to Northwestern University This means schools uniforms were

economist Joel Mokyr in his 2001 designed to train students and prepare
research. During the first industrial them as factory workers.Have you ever
revolution era, in the 1920’s, millions seen the google office? They do not wear
were spent by stake holders to ensure uniform!!! And if we are preparing our
schools are preparing the “right” type of students for the industrial revolution 4.0
workers for the factories. we shouldn’t require them to wear
Mr/ Miss Speaker,
Prime Minister (Definition)
This house believes that online games should be I am delighted to address this august house on the
banned among children. opening of this debate by defining the key terms of the
In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most definition of today’s motion, this house believes that
merciful. Assalamualaikum and a very good day to online games should be banned among children. The
the wise and just adjudicators, time keeper, my key term online means controlled by or connected to a
worthy opponent and members of this great august computer. Games mean activities that one engages in
house. for amusement or fun.

The key term ‘should’ used to indicate obligation, So, the motion this house believes that online games
duty or correctness, typically when criticizing should be banned among children means the
someone’s actions. Be, a be verb, banned means amusement or fun activities controlled or connected
prohibit or prevent from doing something. Among to a computer should be prohibit from young human
means indicating a division. The key term ‘children’ under the age of 13 years old.
means a young human being below the age of

(specify stand) Mr/ miss Speaker,

So members of the floor, (specify role)
This house strongly believes that online games should As the 1st round for the Government team, allow me
be banned among children. We, the government to specify on the roles of my ever ready team. I,
team strongly believe that today’s motion should and ………………. the prime minister has defined today’s
must stand. motion and focus on these children will get addicted
and possessed by online games.

My deputy prime minister …………., will provide you I will present my reply speech to conclude the dispute
with details and samples on how children are by reasoning and convincing everyone here on why
influenced negatively by the games they played with today’s motion must and without hesitation should
and the impact on their health. My last but not least stand.
minister, ………………, will rebut and answer all the
misunderstanding and misdemeanor that the
opposition panel had raised.
Members of this noble august house, world of Warcraft and Grand Theft Auto will top £3bn.
Online games should be banned among children as That is a big sum of money. To add on, video game
children tend to be addicted to the online games addiction also known as gaming disorder or internet
intensively. Medical and addiction experts, charities and
gaming disorder, is generally
parents are becoming increasingly concerned about the
amount of time children are spending playing online games
as figures show that UK spending on titles such as League
of Legends,

defined as the problematic, compulsive use of video Ladies and gentlemen

games that results in significant impairment to an What makes the games addictive? The games are
individual’s ability to function in various life domains designed to get the gamers addicted to it. They
over a prolonged period of time. accomplish this by making a game just challenging
enough to keep gamers coming back for more but so
hard that the player eventually gives up.

Now what happen to the children and kids that are Members of this great august house
addicted to the games? Online games and video What are the effects of these addictions? The kids and
games dominate their lives. Kids will tend to have children will tend to be fully occupied by the online
unhappy and unsettled feelings if they could not play games. They despise and ignore their duty as kids,
the games. Kids will experience ‘withdrawal if they For an example these children will not attend to their
are denied access to games. duties as school children,

where they need to do school work such as simple Members of the floor,
assignment and homework. These kids will easily get Do you notice what is happening to our society today?
distracted and unfocussed. Based on a documentary Kids are too addicted that they are now entering the
by the world health organization, gaming addiction stage of having social isolation. Kids are just too
has officially been recognized as a mental health hooked up with the online games that they could not
condition. It can confuse healthy enthusiasm and have a proper table manner. No more open
enjoyment with a clinical disorder conversation during meal.

The isolation is so obvious and noticeable. Being Members of the house

together is as if not being together. Being in the same I would like to again reinstate that when a child is
room but no conversation. This no social interaction talking about their game incessantly, play for hours
is not a positive aspect in a family. Online games and get defensive and even angry and aggressive
destroy family institution. Perhaps the meaning of when made to stop, then it is a sign for parents to act
family is no longer having bonding but being there as these are symptoms of addiction.
but not really there.
Another sign to look out for, is their daily needs like Other than that, if they are isolating and detaching
food and sleep are being disrupted. Next, they may away from the family parents should take it seriously
appear preoccupied, depressed or lonely as some as they are truthfully in trouble. Help them to recover.
games can be quite isolating. If you spot any of these Show them the right path after all they are only
signs in your child, it’s a good idea to address the children and kids that still need proper guidance and
issue as soon as possible. not neglected.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please do not deny this urgent issue that really need
everyone’s attention. What kind of generation are we
producing if we let the children without any
guidance. With that I thank you.

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