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1. You are at a bus stop and you can’t see the timetable well.

Ask the man/woman

next to you to help to read it.

Oh I’m sorry, but I forgot to bring my glasses with me.

2. Your classmate is asking you to help with the Math homework. Tell him/her that
you can’t understand it.

Well, in that case who would you recommend?

3. You are in a museum and can’t find the way to the exit. Ask the security guard to
help you.

Yes. Just turn right at the next corner and go along the corridor. The exit is at the end of
4. Your father is asking you to find something on the internet for him. Refuse it and
tell him that you are very busy because of the exam.

You should have one minute for me!

5. Your teacher is looking for her book. Offer him/her your help.

Thank you very much, that would be great.

6. You are in a shop and see an old friend. Great him/her and ask about his/her life.

Well, I am fine, I work as a teacher. And what about you?

7. Your neighbour is listening the music too loudly. Ask him/her to stop it because
you would like to study.

I think it is not loud. You should close your windows.

8. Your friend had a birthday yesterday and you forgot to call her/him. Apologise.

No problem. I know you are always busy.

9. Your TV isn’t working. Call the TV repairman to come and repair it as soon as

I’m really sorry, but I can go only tomorrow afternoon.

10. Your friend didn’t arrive home yesterday and his/her mobile phone is not
available. Call the police and report it.

I see. Can you give me a description of him/her?

11. Your friend has just taken a difficult exam. Congratulate him/her.

Thank you very much. It has been the most difficult exam for me so far.
12. The telephone company switched off your mobile in spite of the fact that you have
paid all the bills so far. Complain about it.

According to the computer you didn’t pay your last bill. Could you show me your bank
slip about the payment?
13. You are on holiday and your colleague is always calling you to help in her/his work.
Ask him/her politely not to call you.

I am so sorry I thought it is not a problem for you.

14. You are in a Zoo and see a person who is feeding the animals but it is forbidden.
Call her/his attention for it.

I think it is not bad for them. They look really hungry.

15. You are in a restaurant. You ordered 40 minutes ago but your meal hasn’t arrived
yet. Complain to the waiter/waitress.

I am really sorry but we are quite busy today. I’ll get your meal within 2 minutes.
16. You bought a pullover yesterday but after washing it become smaller with two
sizes. Complain in the shop.

You should read the label first. This pullover is made of wool and can be washed at 30
degrees only.
17. Your friend is really upset because he/she has lost his/her dog. Offer your help to
find it.

Thank you but I don’t think we can find it.

18. Your boss is asking you to travel to London for a business trip tomorrow but you
wouldn’t like to go because your son is sick. Tell it to him/her.
I see, but I need you really much. Maybe you can ask your mother to look after him.

19. One of your friends is having a birthday party tomorrow but you don’t know what
to buy. Ask another friend to help you.

Well she really likes going to concerts. Maybe you should buy a concert ticket for her.

20. You are in a shop and cannot find the dairy products. Ask a shop assistant for help.

I am afraid I can’t help you. We don’t sell dairy products.

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