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i Much, many; how much? how many?; more 1 Nezziik meg az aldbbi példakat There aren't many people in the restaurmrt ae Iddon’t have much money. incs sok pénzem.) Amuch (megszamialhatatlan fénevek elétt) &s many (megszamilalhato fonevek elt) hatdrozatlan névmas jelentése: sok. > Amuch és many névmést legtbbszér tagadé és kérdé mondatban hasznéijuk. (Tovabbi informacié a 79. fejezetben talalhaté.) | T’n 50 hungry, but we don't have much food in te house. (= nincs itthon sok ennival6) Do many tourists come here? Is there much snow in the mountains? How much luggage have you got? How many tines have you been to London? 2 A much/many névmas kézépfokui alakja: more (= tobb): John has got two biscuits, but he wants two more. | We have some food, but we need some more. Asome more és any more (= valamivel tébb, még egy kis...) gyakori szdkapcsolat: A: Would you like some more toast? B: No, thanks. I don’t want any more. But I'd like some more orange juice. Gyakorlatok i Dy irjuk a fénevek elé a much vagy many névmast. 0 How MUCH... money? 6 How 0 How Many... films? 7 How 0 not MANY... people 8 How. 1 How snow? 9 How 2 How tables?) 10 How 3. How... cats? 11 How 4 How petrol? 12 How 5 How advice? 13 How. Figyelem! A some more kijelent6 mondatban, az any more kérdé és tagadé mondatban hasznainats 3 A muchimany (=sok) és a more (= t6bb) hasznalata: > much - megszamiaihatatlan fénevekkel: much food much luggage — much snow much time much money Figyelem! Anak ellenére, hogy a pénzt meg lehet szémolni, a money fénevet megszémlaihatatiannak tekintjik Ugyanez vonatkozik a luggage (= csomag) széra is, (Amegszamiaihatésagra vonatkoz6 tudnivalékat a 70. fejezetben talaljuk.) > many — megszamilaihaté fénevekkel: many things many books many records many people many tourists many times (= sokszor) Figyelem! A time fonév ‘id6’ jelentésben megszamilaihatatian, de megszamidlhato, ha azt jelenti,‘alkalom’ > more — megszamiaihate és megszémial- hatatlan fénevekkel egyarant: more toast/juice more glasses (= t6bb pohar) > Amuch/many/more fénév nélkiil, énailléan is hasznalhaté: How much did that coat cost? (= Mennyibe keriilt az.a kabst?) A: That cake was delicious. B: Would you like some more (cake)? cigars? 14 How times? sugar? 15 How... information? buses? 16 How toast? books? 17 not... news food? 18. not exams cups? 19 not luggage -- watches? 20 not children homework? 21 not museums, Begeszitsik kia parbeszédeket a kévetkezékkel: much, many, more, how much, how many. 0 A: How many. CDs has your sister got? B: She hasn't got MAY. 1 A; Is there Ive got more. cheese in the fridge? B: No, and there aren’t 212 - eggs, either than she has. A money do you earn? B: Not but Learn than my brother, A: Do you have homework? B: Yes, because there aren't days before the exams, A food do we need? B: We haven't got vegetables, so we need to buy some A: Is there luggage in the coach? B: There aren't big suitcases, but there are a lot of small ones. A toast do you want? ......-. pieces? B: Two please, and without butter. A spoonfuls of sugar do you take? B: No sugar, thank you. I don’t usually eat ss... sugar. As Are there ...eccsssee letters in the post? B: No, there's not news today. Egészitsiik ki a parbeszédet a much, many, vagy more hatarozatlan névmasokkal enn: Is that bag heavy? Have you got 0. MANY........ books in it? steve: Only three, but I don’t have 1 .. to do this weekend, so I want to buy some 2 .. tomorrow, jexny: want to buy a magazine. You know, 2 magazine with lots of pictures and not 3. seen Words. [don’thave 4........ time to read at the moment. Wet re 50 busy at the office. We have a lot of projects and there aren’t people who can do them. steve: How 6 +». hours a day do you work? Jenny: Eight hours at the office and then I often do two 7...........e:.:+, hours at home. steve: How 8........00:. do you earn? Do you get a good salary? JENNY: Not bad, but I don’t get. holidays. Some people get a lot 10, sreve: How 1, .«. days do you get at Christmas? JENNY: Five and three weeks in the summer, steve: That's quite good. And remember if we have longer holidays, we need .. money to pay for them! D Pipaijuk ki a hibatlan mondatokat (/), a hibés mondatok mellé pedig tegyiink ikszet (X). o 0 Naoron x v Idon't have many work to do today Do you have many meetings this week? We haven't got many information about the conference, We need some more people in our department. I've got any more paperwork to do this afternoon, Have you got any more holiday time this year? Thaven't got many time, I'm i a hurry. Is there many news in your department this week? Thaven't done much today. ‘Are there much people off sick in your department? 213 tk Hatarozatlan névmasok — a lot of, a little, a few 1 Nezzik meg az alabbi mondatot She's got alot of luggage. (= Sok csomagja van.) (a lot of = nagy tmegi vagy nagy szamu) Abeszélt nyelvben ailité mondatban much! many helyett inkabb az a lot of vagy lots of kifejezést hasznaljuk There's a lot of information int this book (= Sok informécié van ebben a kényvben.) (NEM Fetes itediatoninttiandttte tle) Thought a lot of new books today, tanta de) A lot of students work in the holidays. Amuch/many névmast allité mondatban a solveryitoo much/many szdkapcsolatban, illetve az irott nyelvben hasznalhatjuk: There is so much tine left. Britain tins many problems. 2 Aza lot of / lots of kifejezés megszamiaihato és megszémlaihatatian fénevek eldtt egyarant ailhat: a lot of luggage a lot of information alot of books a lot of students alot of things a lot of people 3 A lot of utan a megszémlalhaté fénév tobbes szémban, a megszdmléihatatian pedig egyes szdmban all, €8 a létigét vagy jelen idejd iget is eszerint egyeztetiik A lot of students work ... (NEM: ... works...) There isa lot of information ... (NEM: ... ae ...) 4 Nezzuk meg az alabbi példakat az a few és. alittle nevmas haszndlatara: he has a little luggage (= Van egy kevés csomagia.) She has a few bags. (= Van néhany téskaja) Aza few és alittle hasznéihato a more széval: Would you like a little more coffee? (= Kérsz még egy kis kavet?) Aza few és az a little hasznalata > a little: megszémiéihatatlan fnevek eld Thave a little money, but I don't have much, (= Van egy kis penzem, de nem sok) > a few: megszamiihaté fnevekkel Can you wait a few minutes, john? varni nehany percet?) Tudsz Mindketté hasznéihaté fénév néikil is: A: Have you got any money ? B: Sorry. Lonly have a little (money). 6 Az alabbiakban felsorotunk néhany gyakran hasznalt megszamlalhatatian fénevet: cake advice homework cheese money luggage information coffee milk water bread sugar news tea toast Figyelem! A news (= hir) sz6 végen az s nem a tabbes szam jele. A sz6nak nines tobbes széma. This is good news. (= Ez.j6 hi.) Gyakorlatok BV egeszitsik ki a kévetkez6, email-lizenetekbél vett mondatokat a z4rdjelben megadott szavakkal 0 I've invited °.4 few friends (few /friends) to my house tonight. Would you like to come? 1 (Lots/things) have happened since we last met. Sorry for taking so long. I've had (lot/messages) to answer. (few/minutes) yesterday and she was fine. - (lots/jobs) to do. 2 3. Tsaw Mary £08 .o.cccssse 4 I'mafraid I can’t come tonight. I've got 5 I'm going away for (few/days) and Ill contact you when I get back. 6 Tunderstand that you're having (few/problems) at the moment. 214 Di mit tatunk a kepeken? irjuk te a lot of, a few vagy a little haszndlataval. ‘ » .a few pens 0 Would you like some coffee? Would you like a little coffee! 1 Can I get you some biscuits? Can I make some sandwiches for you? ... Do you want some more cheese? .. Can I bring you some more cake? Do you want some milk in your tea? 6 Would you like some more sugar in your coffee? ... D Attapitsuk meg, hogy helyesen hasznaitak-e az alahuzott szavakat a kévetkez6 mondatokban. Pipaliuk kia hibatlan mondatokat, a heiytelendl hasznait szavakat pedig hitzzuk dt és iruk melléjak a helyes megoldast. 0 There ig .A78 a lot of tall buildings in New York 0 Toften have lunch with afew .%. friends, 1 Alot of people travels ............-- to work by cat 2 She only has alittle .. luggage with her: 3. We need allittle ss... tomatoes for this meal 4 There ate ....eccseeees a lot of news on TV in Britain, 5. My grandfather gives me alittle money every week, 6 Can you give me afew . water, please? 7 Alot of children use -s-- Computers in school. 8 Are you hungry? Can I make you alittle essen toast? 215

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