Vi B.Tech (Pe), B.Tech Subject: Pec16101: Directional Drilling Assignment Sheet Q.NO. Marks 1.

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Assignment sheet


1. Following are the data of a directional well (20)

 = 2o /100 ft.. KOP drilled depth = 3000 ft. max. = 50o.

Find out the coordinates of the target to be penetrated at total drilled depth 12,500 ft.
for ‘S’ shape profile if 20o final inclination is left after the end of drop off operation at
total drilled depth of 11,000 ft.

2. Following are the survey data of a directional well: (20)

Station 0 KOP = 1000 ft. NS = 2400 ft. ES = - 200 ft.
Station 1 MD1 = 1200 ft. α1 = 150 ß1 = 3200
Station 2 MD2 = 1400 ft. α2 = 190 ß2 = 3100
Using Minimum curvature method determine well path correction plan and find out
actual three dimensional coordinates of the bit. Draw a surface coordinate figure of
the well path.

3. A directional well is planned to be drilled using slanted drilling rig of 30 0 inclination at (20)
surface position, to penetrate the target reservoir located at 7000 feet true vertical
depth and 8000 feet horizontal distance. The build up rate of deflection tool is 1 0/100
i. Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.
ii. Draw a correct figure of the profile
iii. find out the true vertical depth and true horizontal
distance at total drilled depths of 3000 ft and 5000 ft.
iv. find out the true horizontal distance and total drilled depth at true vertical
depths of 3000 ft. and 5000 ft.

4 What are the reasons for the deflection in well path from planned trajectory? (12)

During a kick off operation, the well has to be turned for 25 o left from present heading
N 165oE. If the tool face is to be set at 75 o left of the high side and present inclination
is 10o Calculate the length of the correction run and final inclination. Draw the
Ragland diagram for the correction run. Given: build up rate of available deflection
tool is 2 0/100 ft.

5. With the help of neat and labeled figure describe the single shot magnetic surveying (12)
tool used in directional surveying. Draw a magnetic surveying photo film showing
N700E Azimuth and 8 degree inclination.
6. What are the advantages of MWD (Measurement while drilling)? Draw a figure of (12)
MWD system showing the components in sequence. What are objectives of
Telemetry system of MWD? Describe various types of “Telemetry systems” used in
MWD Tools.

7. With the help of figure derive and explain the following- (12)
i. Drainage area covered by a Horizontal well using elliptical model.
ii. Performance of a Turbodrill
iii. Dogleg severity in deflected well

8. With the help of figures describe the following- (12)

i. Requirements of drilling fluid suitable for HPGHT Well.
ii. Functions of Dump Valve and Universal joint in Down Hole Motors.
iii. Well configuration of a slim well.


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