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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
SDO 1 Pangasinan I
Dagupan City, Pangasinan
Graduate Studies in Education


(Cassia alata)
In partial requirement for Biological technique (Med-Bio 207)

Submitted to:


Submitted by:


March 25, 2020

I. Introduction:
Nowadays, the world is suffering many diseases that could be result to death in
many parts of the world. Disease is inevitable we cannot considered ourselves immune
to any kind of fatal ailments. The only thing we could do is to avoid contaminations of
our body and food and strengthen our body immune system and take medicine if it is
needed to stop the disease before it worsen our health conditions. But there are
diseases that can easily cured with simple medications to avoid reoccurrence of the
Organic medicine is very usual today since people are extra careful in terms of
applying and taking medicines because there are some conventional medicine that
have been proven with side effects in our vital organs that could add or destroy,
weakens our body. Alternative medicine can be used as treatment with simple disease
example of this fungal infections. It is very annoying and irritating literally if you have
fungal infection, its symptoms really destroy the beauty that God have given us, so by
applying alternative natural medicine could be a great relief in our body to alleviate the
symptoms and eradicate it for total hygiene feeling. Jack itch, dandruff, ringworm, an-an
and athletes foot can be cured with natural medicine like Acapulco ointment.
The Akapulko leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat
fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies and eczema. Akapulko leaves are also known
to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, used to treat intestinal problems including
intestinal parasites. Akapulko is also used as herbal medicine to treat bronchitis and
asthma. Because of Akapulko’s anti-fungal properties, it is a common ingredient in
soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The Philippine Council for Health
Research and Development (PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for a
Akapulko herbal medicine lotion. Akapulko is an erect, shrubby legume with dark green
compound leaves. Akapulko leaves have orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets.
Akapulko produces an axis of golden yellow flowers that has 4-winged pods containing
50-60 flattened, triangular seeds. Akapulko flowers are enclosed by yellow-orange
bracts that are later shed in time. A study done in Department of Biochemistry,
University of Port Harcourt, investigated the protective activity of Cassia alata against
carbon tetrachloride– induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Crude extracts of petals of the plant
in 0.5% ethanol were administered by intubation for 14 days prior to injection of 0.5ml
Kg-1 CCl4 into the rats. Serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine
aminotransferase levels, 18 hours after CCl4 administration, decreased significantly (P
< 0.05) in rats treated with the extracts than in CCl4 – treated rats only. These findings
suggest that Cassia alata may be protective against hepatotoxin-induced liver damage
in rats.


Homemade akapulko, a traditional medicine for fungal infection was used to treat
5 patients with tinea wersicolor and 4 patients with tinea corporis by applying the
ointment on lesions that were severe, persistent, and lesions located in different parts of
the body. The treatment was also associated with other independent variables such as
age and gender. The active ingredient in akapulko for treating fungal infection is
chrysophanic acid that can be extracted from akapulko and can also treat ringwork,
scapies, and eczema. Treatment of the lesion is classified as no clearing of lesions,
partial clearing, and complete clearing over a period of one month with a thin application
of akapuldo on the lesions twice a day.
The akapulko ointment was made from washed fresh akapulko leaves fried
cooking oil and mixed with white candle wax and when cooled, stored in clean
container. Necessary permissions were requested and the patients were informed of the
program and their  permissions were also solicited. The respondents were mostly 40-50
years old, 56%  male and 44% female. The severity of the lesions was 56% moderate
and lesions were mostly in the extremities and the trunk. 89% of the lesions were 5 or
more months already being suffered by the patients. The patients have not used any
other medication for their skin problem. After one month of treatment, akapulko failed to
clear the lesions for those affected by tinea versicolor but was able to achieve from
partial to complete clearing for tinea corporis.
Akapulko leaves are safe for most adults, however the seeds should not be taken
for long term.
Allergy. Akapulko have been reported to cause allergic reaction to sensitive people.
Counter indications:
Akapulko contains Vitamin K that may act as an anticoagulant. it is thereofre advised to
avoid using Akapulko when taking coagulant drugs.
Akapulko contains canavanine, an amino acid that is known to aggravate symptoms of
auto-immune diseases such as lupus. Excess intake of Akapulko can also cause
breakdown of red blood cells which maybe serious.
Akapulko possesses Immunosuppressive action. Therefore, avoid taking corticosteroids
(eg, prednisone) or cyclosporine with Akapulko.
When taking medications for diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, etc., Akapulko
may couter-act or aggravate its effectiveness. It is advised to consult your doctor before
using this herb.


The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of akapulko -a traditional

medicinal cure for fungal infections tinea versicolor and tinea corporis among resident
patients from Barangay Mabini Mangaterem Pangasinan during the year March 2020.

1. The study aimed to determine whether age and gender of the patients are
determinants in the treatment 

2. To assess whether the severity, location, and the duration of the lesions affected the

3. Compare the effectiveness of akapulko with other fungal medicine.


The outcome and findings of this study will prove significant and beneficial to the
treatment of the fungal infections.
This study will benefit the community in making alternative homemade akapulko
ointment in treating fungal infections in helping the community to have herbary for
alternative medicine most especially the vulnerable community that has no capacity to
buy expensive anti-fungal infection readily in the pharmaceutical and market.
This will serve as basis for improvement of and identifying other uses of
akapulko which could give interesting products that could help the consumers. This
would encourage the community and students to undertake another study on the use of
herbal plants and medicine in alleviating other diseases.


This study aims only to treat fungal infection in some selected neighbors in
Barangay Mabini Mangatarem, Pangasinan specifically nine (9) patients with minor
fungal infections in their body.
They will be treated for about two weeks for further clinical trial after in it
administered for their fungal infections. Ranging from March 9-23, 2020 for taking up
the reults if it is effective to used homemade akapulko ointment as an alternative
treatment for fungal infections.

For better understanding of the readers, the researcher has defined the following
terms as they are operationally used in the study.

Akapulko = it is called as Cassia alata is a a shrub that contains chrsyophnic acid,

oxymetyhyl anthroquinoine 2.2% aloe-omedin, rhein, and cassia xanthone that helps
cure skin diseases.
An-an/tinea flava = it is caused not by a worm that appears whitish discoloration of the
skin that sometimes it cause itchiness in the skin.

Ringworm = it is not caused by a worm but group of fungi that lives in the body affected
area in the skin that warm and damp because of accumulated perspiration. It appears
as a brown rounded with some blisters around it.

Efficacy = it means the effectiveness of akapulko leaves in treating skin diseases.

Herbal = it is pertain to plant that juicy and have soft stem.

Ointment = is a homogenous, slimy solid medication preparations intended for external

application to the skin affected.

Dandruff = it is a scaly and itchy skin specifically in the hair scalp affected by a fungi
that causes irritation and flaky skin the head.

Athletes foot- A skin infection caused by a fungus called Trichophyton that thrives
within the upper layer of the skin when it is moist, warm, and irritated. ... Also known as
tinea pedis, athlete's foot is a form of ringworm.

Scabies = a contagious skin disease marked by itching and small raised red spots,
caused by the itch mite.
II. Review and Related Literature
Akapulko or Acapulco in English is shrub found throughout the Philippines. It is
known under various names in different regions in the country. Local call the plant
katanda, andadasi, and palochina in Tagalog, Ilocos and and in the Visayan regions
respectively. The shrub belongs to the family of Leguminosae, and it grows about one to
two meters tall. It has thick braches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets
that are oblong-eliptical in shape. The flowers of the akapulko have oblong sepals, and
its fruit are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous. A medicine herb that
contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like ringworm,
scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contain saponin, a laxative that is useful in
expelling intestinal parasites.
Akapulko is also known as bayabas-bayabasan, kapurko, katandang aso,
pakagonkon, sonting (Tag.); andadasi, andadasi-bubugtong (Ilokano); palochina
(Bisaya), kasitas (Bikol), ringworm bush (English).
Akapulko, according to Medical Health Guidelines (2006) at, is
used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in the tropical cimate of the
Philippines. Akapulko is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. The Akpulko
leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat fungal infections, like
ringworms, scabies, tinea flava or an-an and eczema. Akapulko leaves is also known
that has to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, used to treat bronchitis and asthma.
Because of the Akapulko’s anti-fungal porperties, it is common ingredient in soaps,
shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The Philippine council for Health research and
Development (PCHRD) has helped developed the technology for an akapulko herbal
medicine lotion. Akapulko is herbal plant approved by the Department of Health; Herbal
Medicine used to maintain or improve their health. Many people believe that products
labeled as “natural” are always safe and good for them; natural herbs and other natural
remedies can be as effective as traditional treatment, often without the same negative
side effects.
Morever, akapulko is an erect, shrubby legume with drak green compound leaves,.
Akapulko leaves have orange rachis that hs 16-28 leaflets. Akapulko leaves produces
an axis of golden yellow flowers are enclosed by yellow bracts that are later shed in
time. According to the Philippine Health Medicine 2005-2009 www. Akapulko is the flowers of the akapulko have oblong
sepals, and its fruit are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous. A medicine
herb that contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like
ringworm, scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contain saponin, a laxative that is useful
in expelling intestinal parasites.
However, the benefits and treatment with akapulko is for external treatment of
skin disease like tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and
itchiness and mouthwash for stomatitis. It is also used as expectorant for bronchitis and
dyspnea, alleviations of asthma symptoms and used as diuretic and purgative, for
cough and fever as laxative to intestinal parasites and other stomach problems. A
strong decoction of akapulko leaves is an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not
take decoction of the leaves or any part of this plant.
A retarded definition, mostly because Ringworm is not caused by parasitic infection,
but by fungi. Also, ringworm is not limited to the anal area. It is not caused by a worm
but group of fungi that lives in the body affected area in the skin that warm and damp
because of accumulated perspiration. It appears as a brown rounded with some blisters
around it. Ringworm is caused by a type of fungus that eats keratin. These are called
dermatophytes. Dermatophytes attack the skin, scalp, hair, and nails because those are
the only parts of the body with enough keratin to attract them. Dermatophytes are
microscopic spores that can survive on the surface of the skin for months. If not treated,
the skin can become irritated and painful. Skin blisters and cracks can become infected
with bacteria and require antibiotics. Ringworm can also spread to other parts of the
body, including the feet, nails, scalp, or beard. After treatment, the rash will go away.
Tinea corporis, also known as ringworm, is a superficial fungal infection
(dermatophytosis) of the arms and legs, especially on glabrous skin; however, it may
occur on any part of the body. It is similar to other forms of tinea. Jock itch, athlete's
foot, and ringworm of the body can all be treated with topical medications, such as
antifungal creams, ointments, gels, or sprays. Ringworm of the scalp or nails may
require prescription-strength oral medications such as griseofulvin (Gris-PEG) or
terbinafine. Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is a rash caused by a fungal infection.
It's usually a red, itchy, circular rash with clearer skin in the middle. Ringworm gets its
name because of its appearance. No worm is involved.
Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is a rash caused by a fungal infection. It's
usually a red, itchy, circular rash with clearer skin in the middle. Ringworm gets its
name because of its appearance. No worm is involved. Symptoms of ringworm of the
body usually start about 4 to 10 days after contact with the fungus.
Ringworm of the body looks like ring- or circular-shaped rashes with edges that are
slightly raised. The skin in the middle of these ring-shaped rashes appears healthy.
Usually, the rashes are itchy. They will spread over the course of the infection
Symptoms of a more severe infection include rings that multiply and merge together.
You may also develop blisters and pus-filled sores near the rings.

Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin. It's also called pityriasis versicolor and
is caused by a type of yeast that naturally lives on your skin. When the yeast grows out
of control, the skin disease, which appears as a rash, is the result. Tinea versicolor is a
fungal infection of the skin. It's also called pityriasis versicolor and is caused by a
type of yeast that naturally lives on your skin. When the yeast grows out of control, the
skin disease, which appears as a rash, is the result. Tinea versicolor is a common
fungal infection of the skin. The fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the
skin, resulting in small, discolored patches. These patches may be lighter or darker in
color than the surrounding skin and most commonly affect the trunk and shoulders.

Tinea versicolor (TIN-ee-uh vur-si-KUL-ur) occurs most frequently in teens and young
adults. Sun exposure may make tinea versicolor more apparent. Tinea versicolor, which
is also called pityriasis versicolor, is not painful or contagious. But it can lead to
emotional distress or self-consciousness.

Antifungal creams, lotions or shampoos can help treat tinea versicolor. But even after
successful treatment, skin color may remain uneven for several weeks or months. Tinea
versicolor often recurs, especially in warm, humid weather.

Tinea versicolor signs and symptoms include:
Patches of skin discoloration, usually on the back, chest, neck and upper arms, which
may appear lighter or darker than usual
Mild itching
When to see a doctor
See your doctor if:
Your skin doesn't improve with self-care measures
The fungal infection returns
The patches cover large areas of your body
The fungus that causes tinea versicolor can be found on healthy skin. It only starts
causing problems when the fungus overgrows. A number of factors may trigger this
growth, including:
Hot, humid weather
Oily skin
Hormonal changes
Weakened immune system
To help prevent tinea versicolor from returning, your doctor can prescribe a skin or oral
treatment that you use once or twice a month. You may need to use these just during
warm and humid months. Preventive treatments include:
Selenium sulfide (Selsun) 2.5 percent lotion or shampoo
Ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Nizoral, others) cream, gel or shampoo
Itraconazole (Onmel, Sporanox) tablets, capsules or oral solution
Fluconazole (Diflucan) tablets or oral solution
The medical term for ringworm is tinea,(Tinea is the Latin name for a growing
worm) Doctors add another word to indicate where the fungus is located. Tinea capitis,
for instance, refers to scalp ringworm, Tinea corporis to the fungus of the body, Tinea
pedis to fungus of the feet and Tinea curis located in the groin area.
Although the world is full of yeasts, molds, and fungi, only few cause skin
diseases problems. These agents are called dermatophytes (which means skin fungi).
An infection with these fungi is sometimes known as dermatophytosis. Skin fungi can
only lives on the dead layer of keratin protein on the top of the skin. They rarely invade
deeper in to the body and cannot live on mucous membrane, such as in the mouth and
Some fungi live only on human skin, hair or nails. Other lives on animal and only
sometimes are found in human skin. Still others live in the soil. It is often difficult or
impossible to identify the source of a particular person’s skin fungus. The fungi may
spread from person to person (anthropophilic), from animal to person (zoophilic) or from
soil to a person (geophilic).
Heat and moisture help the fungi grow and thrive, which make them more
commonly found in skin folds as those in the groin or between the toes. This also
accounts for their reputation as being caught from showers, locker rooms, and
swimming pools. This reputation is exaggerated though, since many people with jock
itch and or athlete’s foot have not contracted the infection from locker rooms or athlete
As describe previously, it is possible to acquire ringworm from a variety of places
and circumstances. The greater risk factor is coming in contact with affected individuals.
Warm and moist area are favorable condition of the growth of the fungi, so areas such
as communal showers and locker rooms are areas in which transmission is favorable.
However, any contact with an infected person or contaminated surface can cause
ringworm infections.
According to (WHO) World Health Organization 80% of the world have used
today at the natural medicine for their medical care of different diseases as premature
ejaculation, menopause, thinning. And for years today natural medicine has become
increasingly popular. Herbal Medicine is the most ancient form of health case known to
man. Herbs have been used in all culture since history records have been recorded.
The natural medicine was practiced for many times by different people it includes
research, knowledge treatment and natural ingredients that is why natural medicine is
also known as “Alternative Medicine” or “Plant Based medicine”.

Related Studies
(Rubio, 2010) conducted a study about Akapulko with Virgin Coconut oil in
Herbal Soap treating tinea versicolor.
Empamano (2002) this study is about the effectiveness of ointment out of garlic
in curing an-an. It create ointment of garlic to help those people who cannot afford buy
expensive or commercial medicine.
Villaflor (2000) conducted a study about effectiveness of Bayabas-bayabasan
and Garlic in curing An-an. She compared the effectiveness of Akapulko and the
effectiveness of garlic. She proves that garlic and akapulko are effective in curing an-an.
She found out
That garlic and akapulko are cheap source of medicine for an-an.

Conceptual Framework

In this research conducted by the researcher, the main focus is to remove the
fungal infection into the skin.
With all related literature and based from related readings and studies, a
conceptual framework has been formed, the idea of this study has been modified and
developed, thus it relevant to consider necessary data for the whole study.

Research Paradigm



Ingredients 1. Fry the chopped leaves

until crisp.
Akapulko Leaves 2. Strain. Add the grated AKAPULKO OINTMENT
candle to the oil. MADE FROM
Petroleum Jelly or 3. Heat over low heat until
Sperma #5 all the candle wax is AKAPULKO LEAVES
melted. Mix well. EXTRACT
Vegetable oil 4. Transfer to ointment
jars before the mixture
5. Label properly. Used in treating Fungal
How to Make Akapulko Ointment (Hot Process)

Akapulko ointment is an herbal treatment traditionally used for fungal skin

infections e.g. tinea flava, ringworm, athletes foot among others.

Common names: Katanda (Tagalog); andadasi (Ilokano); palochina (Bisaya); ringworm

bush, seven golden candlesticks, Scientific name: Senna alata (L.) Roxb


fresh chopped leaves of Akapulko

vegetable oil
candle (Sperma #5)
frying pan,
ointment jars

Proportion: 1 cup fresh chopped leaves: 1 cup vegetable oil, 2 candles, grated.


1. Fry the chopped leaves until crisp.

2. Strain. Add the grated candle to the oil.
3. Heat over low heat until all the candle wax is melted. Mix well.
4. Transfer to ointment jars before the mixture hardens.
5. Label properly.

Figure 1. IPO Model of Ointment Made from Akapulko Leaves Extract

Figure 1. The ingredient that were used in making are ¼ sack of akapulko leaves, 30 mL
petroleum jelly and 10 mL of oil. The procedure are gathering all the materials needed.
Melt the 30 mL petroleum jelly in a bowl over a pan of boiling water m then put the 60
mL extract infused oil of akapulko leaves while stirring. Then store in a clean container
and cool it in a dry place..the ointment made from akapulko leaves extract are used in
treating fungi.

Ointment out of Akapulko Leaves is an effective in curing Fungal infection.

Chapter III


This chapter provides the research design and statistical treatment used in
the study. Likewise, this includes the procurement of materials and the data
gathering procedures in the conduct of the study.

Research Design

In this study the researcher will use the experimental design of research.

The researcher discussed the materials used in this study and the
procedure in making this product. This study is an experimental comparative
design, qualitative-quantitative, within-site study that examined the effectiveness
of akapulko leaves as ointment for fungal infection. To address the research
questions. A qualitative record was also provided for other characteristics like
odor, color, texture, and cost and return analysis.

Research Environment

The research was conducted at the researcher’s house at Ricarte St.

Mabini Mangatarem, Pangasinan. The locale was chosen as the environment for the
study because the researcher’s investigation would be facilitated. The ointment
manufacture required extra time and effort, thus, a workplace in the vicinity gave the
researcher free hand in the conduct of the study. Likewise, the researcher’s house has
enough space to conduct the trials.
Materials and Instrument


fresh chopped leaves of Akapulko

vegetable oil
candle (Sperma #5)
frying pan,
ointment jars

Proportion: 1 cup fresh chopped leaves: 1 cup vegetable oil, 2 candles, grated.


1. Fry the chopped leaves until crisp.

2. Strain. Add the grated candle to the oil.
3. melt the 30 mL petroleum jelly in a bowl over a pan of boiling water.
4. Put 60 mL extract of akapulko leaves stir.
5. Heat over low heat until all the candle wax is melted. Mix well.
6. Transfer to ointment jars before the mixture hardens.
7. Label properly.

Data Gathering Procedure

To determine the effectiveness of Anti-fungal (ringworm) ointment made of
Akapulko leaves. The researcher asked first permission of the respondents to allow his
conduct the experimental study. After the respondent’s approval, the researcher
interviewed the respondents and assessed the fungi including its characteristics.
Pictures were taken before the application of the treatment to note the changes or
development post treatment. The researcher started his experiment until a week. He
instructed the respondent to answer the question properly according to what they have
experienced and observed during the clinical experiment. After the collection of the
questionnaire, the researched analyzed and interpreted the data. He also took picture
after the treatment. The data were collected and analyzed.

Statistical treatment of Data

This part discussed an aid in the interpretation of data gathered. After having the
collected data. The formula for weighted mean was used:
4 n+3 n+2 n+1 n

WM= weighted mean

n= frequency of response

N= total number of respondents

The following summated rating scale was used:

Point Range interval Descriptive Analysis

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50-3.24 Agree
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree


In this chapter the researcher discussed the result and findings of this study and
the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data are hereby presented.

Table 1

The effectiveness result of Anti-fungal (ringworm) ointment made from akapulko


Observation Strongly Agree Disa Strongly Weighted Remarks

agree gree Disagree Mean
Effective drugs 2 7 1 0 3.1 Agree
Feel better 7 3 0 0 3.7 Strongly
No Allergy 10 0 0 0 4.0 Strongly
Cheap to Use 9 1 0 0 3.9 Strongly
Easy to find Prepare 6. 4 0 0 3.6 Strongly
General Mean 3.7 Strongly

Table 1 shows the effectiveness result of anti-fungal (ringworm) ointment made

of of Akapulko leaves and their corresponding action. It shows the Akapulko ointment
has many advantages in treating fungal infections in 9 repondents. It shows that the
akapulko as ointment is really effective as an alternative medicine and easy to use for
treating fungal infection
Table 2

The Acceptability of Akapulko Leaves as Anti-Fungi (Ringworm) ointment made

from Akapulko Leaves

Observatio Strongly Agree Disagre Strongly Weighted Remarks

n agree e Disagre Mean
The ointment
from akapulko
extract does not 1 7 2 0 2.9 Agree
change its color
in days
The ointment has
Color pleasing color as
0 6 4 0 2.6 Agree
the commercial
The ointment
from extract from
0 8 2 0 2.8 Agree
akapulko leaf
has fine color
The ointment
from akapulko
0 7 3 0 2.5 Agree
leaves gives off
pleasing odor
The scent of the
Odor ointment is not 7 2 1 0 3.4
irritating Agree
The ointment
doesn’t smell Strongly
4 6 0 0 3.4
when applied on Agree
Texture The ointment is Strongly
10 0 0 0 4.00
not rough on skin agree
The ointment
smoothly glides 4 5 1 0 3.3 Agree
on skin
The ointment 0 9 1 0 2.9 Agree
from the
akapulko leaf
has a fine texture
General Mean 3.1 Agree

Table 2 show the acceptability of Anti-fungi( ringworm) Ointment made from

Akapulko leaves. It shows that the Anti-fungi( ringworm) Ointment made from Akapulko
leaves is good to use to for the people of Barangay Mabini. The General Mean stated
that the positive perception of the participant on the efficacy of the ointment. The
participants strongly agreed that the acceptability listed above were also immediate
effects of using the ointment. Also upon observation and informal interview done, the
respondent revealed that is not irritating to wound and its surrounding skin.

Table 3

The Cost and Return Analysis of anti-Fungi (Ringworm) Ointment made from
Akapulko Leaves

Materials Price Number of Total Cost in Per Container

materials 10 Containers
Akapulko ₱ 0.00 1 plastic bag ₱ 0.00 ₱ 0.00
Oil 350 mL ₱ 20.00 1 piece ₱ 20.00 ₱ 2.00
Petroleum Jelly ₱ 86.00 1 piece ₱ 86.00 ₱ 8.00
100 g
Container ₱ 17.00 1piece ₱ 176.00 ₱ 17.00
₱ 276.00 ₱ 27.60

Table 3 shows the cost and and return anlysis of anti-fungi(ringworm) Ointment made of
akapulko leaves. The table shows the materials, price, number of materials, total cost in
10 containers and the price of the container. The table shows the price of every
materials needed. It shows the Akapulko Ointment has a cheaper cost compare to
commercial anti-fungal cream.
Chapter V



This research is conducted to benefit both of the participants and the researcher
as they will be provided with more knowledge. Herbal medicine used to maintain or to
improved their health, many people believe that products labeled “nature” are always
safe to use and good for them; natural herbs and other natural remedies can be as
effective as traditional treatment often without side effects. Natural medicine was
practiced for many times by different people it includes research, knowledge, treatment
and natural ingredients that is why natural medicine is also known as “alternative
medicine” or “plant based medicine”. Herbal Medicine is the use of plants to treat
disease and enhance well- being.

The research study focused on providing the efficacy of the akapulko leaves
ointment in treating fungal infections. The study employed the experimental design and
descriptive method of research which impose of the effectiveness of herbal medicine
akapulko leaves as an anti-fungal ointment for fungal infections such as ringworm, an-
an, scabies, athletes foot and dandruff as a natural method of treatment, this
experiment result were applied, analyzed and evaluated.


This chapter emphasized the outcome of the research. Each questions has a specific
answer and objective of the study presented. Based from the experimental study. The
researcher presented the decided findings:

 Akapulko ointment has no side effect medication in treating disease use in a

short period of time.

 Akapulko ointment has safe and effective measure of treatment as a natural

traditional of medication in treating skin diseases.

Based from the result of experimental method of researcher, come up with some
following conclusion;

 Herbal medicine like alkapulko leaves as ointment effectively treated the fungal
infections such as: ringworm, scabies, athlete’s foot, an-an.
 Akapulko ointment used as an alternative measure for treating skin disorder
which can be easily prepared and accessible materials.
 Herbal medicine by use plants (herbs) can treat a disease, a range of disorder
including anxiety and enhance well-being, and always safe and effective without
negative side effects.


Based on the finding, and conclusion the researcher recommended some of the

 Enhance our natural resources as natural treatment or traditional to improve our

medical treatment.
 Encourage our researcher to ensure the quantity and potency of herbal and
efficacy of herbal medicine as ally.
 Encourage other researchers to create other product that akapulko leaves can
treat other diseases in other form of products such as soap, shampoo or tincture
of extract made from akapulko leaves.
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