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RTO 40811

CPW 1 Performance in Business Meetings (BSBADM405)

Assessment details
CANDIDATE to complete this section

Name: Pavan Kumar Achana

Student ID: TWBACS201911001

Trainer name: Tracey Burton

CANDIDATE to keep a record of your own progress


(Please indicate by using S for Satisfactory and U for Unsatisfactory)
Assessment 1 – Part A

Assessment 2– Part A

Assessment 2 – Part B

Assessment 3 –
Part A & B
Portfolio of all
assessment items
one for resulting)
(Please enter details of
constructive feedback)


 You need to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade in ALL the assessments items to be granted a ‘Competent’ grade
in the unit.
 In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade in any assessment task, you will be given three
(3) attempts to resubmit your assessment. Your trainer will be available to assist you in any areas of
difficulty. Please discuss the assessment with your trainer to seek advice on how you can achieve
competency in the unit.
 Where relevant, oral questions may be asked to gather more information on your knowledge, skills and
competence in the unit.
 A holistic approach is used to assess your skills relevant to this qualification. The skills are assessed across
the different units offered within this qualification. Where a skill relevant to this unit is not assessed
within this assessment pack, please note that the skill will be assessed in another unit.

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Issue date Nov. 2019 Review date Nov. 2021 Version no 8 Page 1 of 15

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RTO 40811

Assessment 1
Part A
For the organization you currently work for, or for an organization you are familiar with such as your
local council, undertake some research and complete the following tasks:
1. Describe two types meetings (not and AGM). What is their purpose? Who attends? How would
you categorise them (formal, informal, etc.)? Who organises them? For each different type of
meeting are there any roles?
I am working in a manufacturing company there where two different meetings
1. Staff meeting
 Purpose: To discuss about new project and to information latest information.
 Who attends- Manager, supervisors and all employes.
 Categorize- Formal meeting/ Toolbox
 Who oraginizes them- Manager or director or CEO
 Type of rolls: manager responsible for industry works and production, CEO responsible for
sales and marketing and others.

2. Face to face meeting

 Purpose- To discuss about production, maintenance, safety and other.
 Who attends- between the any people of the company
 Categories- mostly an informal meeting unless there is an agenda specified
 Who attends them- Maybe two persons.
 Type of rolls- the persons hosting the meeting the issues arising

2. What legal or ethical requirements does the organization have to adhere to when organising the
various types of meetings and how do they do this? Provide examples of documentation or
instances where procedure and protocol is followed in order to satisfy legal requirements.
While holding a Legal and ethical requirement depend on type if industry you are into. They are
certain laws and ethical standards you need to follow in order to run your Business in a successful
manner. Local regulations may also apply as per the state or country your business is established.
Consumer protection act
Code of practices
Privacy act

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3. Choose one of the larger meetings the organization holds (for example, a staff meeting or an
AGM) and identify the:
As a company meeting.
 Purpose : To find out different ideas and suggestions.
 Structure: Formal
Protocols and procedures if voting takes place: Voting would take place depending upon
the agenda of the meeting
 If voting takes place, by showing hands:
Participants and any special needs they may have: Disability and dietary transportation and
accommodation requirements
Participants and their role in the meeting:
List of attendees
The resources and equipment required: Projector, stationary and laptops etc
Date and time – find out how these were chosen and how suitable they were for the
meeting’s participants: Every month first week friday 10:00 am as this day is less busy.
 Venue – why it was selected and how well it worked:
Fibrecycle employs conference hall as it is equipped and can accommodate everyone
 Travel and accommodation requirements of attendees
What information and communications technology (ICT) required: Projectors and laptops
would be required for a staff meeting
Actual cost and budget: Depends upon any catering/ accommodation is required. A budget
of 500$ is decided to hold a meeting
 Process of organizing it, including how any changes to plans were communicated.
Chairperson decides the agenda and sent to all staff by email. Recourses are decided as per
the requirements. If there are any changes it will be communicated by secretary on behalf
of the chairman by sending an email to all the attendees.

4. Search online for a meeting and record the url. Describe the meeting and review the meeting.
Comment on how well it went and identify areas for improvement.

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The main agenda of this meeting is community meeting and Brisbane City Council Business. The
meeting was attended by the mayor and councillors to discuss current operations and infrastructure
projects. Meeting was very effective because discussed by the Chair person. They followed the
agenda of the meeting and legal requirements of the meeting. So finally the meeting was so good
and I did not find any areas for improvement.

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Assessment 2

Part A
Read the case study. Write down, or tell your trainer, your answers to the questions that follow.
Case study
Hiroko is the administrative assistant for Wally, the general manager of Aptech Institute Pty Ltd, a
computer training group located in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Aptech offers diplomas and short
courses in the IT field. Most of the short courses are specially geared towards the corporate world. They
are accredited by Microsoft for example to offer courses on behalf of Microsoft. Similarly they have a
tie up to offer SAP accreditation to students. Hiroko is based at the head office in Melbourne. She will
be taking maternity leave shortly, so Wally has asked her to prepare detailed notes covering each of her
major responsibilities.
One of these responsibilities is to coordinate several important meetings. Hiroko organises the bi-
monthly board meetings, the fortnightly meetings between branch heads at the Melbourne location, and
the monthly meetings between the operations managers of each office.
The board meeting routinely includes discussion of the current sales performance for each location and
each department, review of the latest financial results, decisions on any facility changes, and status
reports on proposed new training centres anywhere in Australia. Each meeting may also include
different items depending on current business concerns.
The department meeting includes a short report on sales versus expenses target for each branch
manager, staffing issues, sharing information on key initiatives for each branch, training initiatives and
updates for the managers from Wally and the operations manager Donald, to the rest of the team.
The Operations managers meeting includes a finance report, sales report and discussion of key concerns
and initiatives. Murray Naismith attends to present the Finance Report. Other managers are invited as
required by discussion items on the agenda.
As well as writing detailed work instructions, Hiroko decides to create templates for each of the major
The board members are:
Wally Spychala Chairman and general manager, Aptech Institute Pty Ltd
Francine Spychala Treasurer
Donald Spychala Operations manager, Aptech Melbourne
Graeme Bryar Board member
Eva Phlorides Board member
Christine Chandra Board member
Administrative assistant/secretary (currently performed by Hiroko)

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The Operations managers are:

Donald Spychala Operations manager, Aptech, Melbourne
Greg Spiteri Operations manager, Aptech, Sydney
John Robinson Operations manager, Aptech, Adelaide
The Department managers are:
Donald Spychala Operations manager, Aptech Melbourne
Adem Ali Business Development manager
Margaret Grinsted Business Improvement manager
Mark Edwards Admissions manager
Denise Farfalla Marketing manager
Trevor Cash Admissions manager
Murray Naismith Finance manager

1. Prepare a complete task list for coordinating the Board Meeting, including:
a) issuing notices
At least one month before the meeting. The notice should be sent by email.
Include the main agenda of the meeting to be included in the notice. Details of the meeting like
date, venue, time etc. Content should be understandable for everyone
b) issuing agenda
Agenda will include all the necessary issues to be discussed in the meeting. It will also include the
minutes of the previous meeting. It is send in advance to give the participants an idea of the
meeting. Please check with the chairperson whether anything needs to be changed. Send to all
participants by email.

c) circulating documents in advance of the board meeting

Documents to be issued in advance to board meeting may include the current sales performance
reports for each location and each department, the latest financial results report and analysis
report, status reports on proposed any new training centres if any. Any other documents to be
included depending upon the agenda of the meeting.

d) issuing minutes
It is important that minutes should be recorded including all the items discussed on the meeting in
a true and precise manner. Template used to write minutes is same as the template for agenda.
This helps us understand easily in what structure the meeting is held. The meeting minutes to be
issued in three working days. During the meeting detailed notes are taken down they are then
transcribed into minutes of the meeting once prepared the minutes have been prepared they have
to be proof checked by the chair of the company to check for accuracy before it is issued. Minutes
have to be sent by email to all the participants.

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e) following-up action items.

A list of all the items reminding the things/actions to be done which are addressed during the
meeting should be sent to the respective people. It can be sent along with the minutes or it can also
be sent before the next meeting to be held.

logistical arrangements.
Logistical arrangements may include
Booking of Venue/board room
Arranging catering for lunch
Arranging IT facilities
Teleconference arrangements for members attending from other offices
Arranging travel and accommodation for other branch managers from interstate

2. Prepare templates for:

a) notice of the board meeting
b) minutes for the operations managers meeting
c) agenda for the operations managers meeting.

Part B
Read the case study. Write down, or tell your trainer, your answers to the questions that follow.
Case study
Ngoc works for SmartTech, a computer sales company. Each quarter, a representative from each region
comes to head office to discuss any concerns raised by the sales staff, possible sales initiatives,
customer satisfaction results and technical concerns. They are also briefed on any actions planned by
the head office team. The next meeting will be held from 9.30 am February 10 and conclude at 3.00 pm
on February 11.
The meeting is held in the boardroom at SmartTech head office in Sydney. Ngoc is responsible for
coordinating flights, accommodation and catering for the two day event. Representatives are expected
to arrive the night before and make their own dinner arrangements for that evening; however, they are
invited to attend a group dinner on February 10, which Ngoc organises.
Ngoc also coordinates documentation for these meetings. Before each meeting, the regions must
submit, in writing, any items they would like addressed by either the Sales, Warranty, Repairs or
Marketing department. Written responses to these concerns are circulated before the meeting.
Managers of each department are invited to attend the meeting and address any questions from their
written responses, and also to deliver presentations on any relevant initiatives.
The regional sales meeting is a big event for Ngoc and her manager, Gavin. In her weekly one-on-one
meetings, she provides a status report of how preparations are progressing. She does this by reviewing a
checklist of key activities against her schedule.
The entire two-day meeting is attended by:

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Colin Werner Brisbane office

Wayne Poletto Adelaide office
Cary Hay Perth office
Rebecca Stackpole Melbourne office
Brian Phan Sydney office
Ngoc Luong Sales administration assistant
Gavin Corcoran Sales manager
Helen Haikalis from the Hobart office has advised she will be on annual leave.
The following department managers will attend the meeting at stated times on the agenda:
Frank Di Luca Warranty manager
Ray Price Repairs manager
Catherine Peeler Marketing manager
Day One
The meeting began at 9.30 am with a welcome from the Sales manager, Gavin Corcoran, who briefly
outlined the agenda for the next two days.
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed. During this meeting, Wayne and Cary had
agreed to provide feedback to Ray Price about particular technical concerns which they had noticed in
their regions by January. Since this information had not been received before the meeting, this was
tabled as an additional agenda item when Ray attended the next day. The minutes were then accepted.
Each member presented their sales report for their region and listed their key concerns. All regions
except Sydney were behind target. There was considerable discussion about reasons for this. Wayne
Poletto felt that the targets for Adelaide had been increased unreasonably versus last year and were not
achievable. He requested relief on these targets by 10 per cent. This sparked heated debate from other
regions, who felt this would be unfair. Gavin asked Wayne to prepare a summary of his reasons for
feeling the targets were unachievable and submit it to him for consideration. He agreed that any
changes should be equitable among regions.
Rebecca was frustrated that their competitors, Excellent Electronics, seemed to have a much stronger
marketing presence than SmartTech. She showed examples of advertisements from local press and
mailbox drops which she felt were superior to SmartTech. Gavin asked Rebecca to give them to
Frank Di Luca attended to hear feedback on the written responses he had provided to the group. The
first three items simply clarified policy queries. The fourth item was from the Brisbane office, about a
long running dispute between head office and a disgruntled customer who felt their machine should be
repaired under warranty. This customer was threatening to contact the media about their treatment.
Frank asked Colin to schedule a telephone call between the customer, Colin and Frank to resolve the
Catherine attended to present the details of their upcoming marketing initiatives. Rebecca asked if she
could compare the advertising schedule to the schedule for Excellent Electronics. Catherine responded
that their schedule fully exhausted their budget for the quarter and no more could be planned. She
agreed to review the materials provided by Rebecca and consider them for the next quarter. She also
asked that attendees keep details of marketing initiatives confidential.
The meeting closed for the first day at 4.30 pm. Attendees were reminded that the dinner would
commence at the restaurant at 7.00 pm and the following day’s discussion would begin at 8.30 am in
the same location.

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1. Prepare the minutes for the first day of the meeting, based on the information provided.

Assessment 3 (Meeting observation exercise, see separate document)

Part A
Complete the following activities answering the questions and providing the relevant information in your

1. Chair a brainstorming meeting. Choose an individual topic from the list and prepare an Agenda (no
two topics to be the same in each group). Produce the minutes for one brainstorming meeting in your
group. For this assessment, each student to complete the role of Chair and Minutes Secretary. Copy of
your agenda and the minutes of a different brainstorming meeting in correct format to be included
Assessment 3 Part A & B
How to effectively chair brainstorming meeting Agenda
Employee services App
Date: 18th April 2020
venue: 64 Dalzell crescent darling heights Toowoomba 4350.
Time:9:23 AM
Chair’s welcome: pavan

I here welcome the land and all the attendance. I would like to present my greetings to elders past

present and future. We will be mainly talking about the Employee services App. First, I would be

like to know if there are any conflicts of interests and this meeting would be treated confidentially.

If time allows, we will also discuss the improvements on Employee services App.


 Mr. Pavan Achana Employee services App manager.

 Mr. Sandeep Temporary labour App manager.

 Mr. Kamaljeet Temporary labour App manager.

 Mis. Leela Implementation of a digital security system manager.

Apologies: Sorry for changing meeting to online due to covid19

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Minutes of previous meeting: Minutes of previous meeting held 11 April 2020 are attached

on email. To be taken as read and confirmed about Clock in or out, View clocking history.

Business arising from the previous minutes:

From the discussion on this app we came up with new ideas where

Check work schedules/rosters.

View employee details.

Request absences including; training, sick leave, maternity, paternity, study and much more…


a. Inwards No: Accuracy of App

Realising app to apple and android latest operating systems that can improve the fastness and smoothness of


b. Outwards : Realising app in different operation systems can lead to more

accuracy and even more users can accuse the app.

Brainstorming discussion.

 Clock in or out

 View clocking history

 Check flexi balance

 Book a holiday/vacation.

 View current holiday/vacation balances.

 Check work schedules/rosters.

Any New Businesses: possibilities for Data storage, System security and payroll.

Next Meeting: Video Conference 4th /05/2020 time 9:00 Am

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Close: Meeting closed at 2:25 PM

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Each student in the group to chair a separate brainstorming meeting.

Each student should research and choose a brainstorming meeting topic and prepare a draft agenda (see example
below). Each student will be assigned a brainstorming meeting topic from the following list:

1. Employee services App,

2. Temporary labour App,
3. Development and implementation of new CRM or ERP software,
4. Implementation of a digital security system,
5. Corporate travel policy,
6. New logistics policy and procedures.

Each student will take a turn recording the meeting Minutes.

Employee services App
Date: 11/6/20
Venue: 64 Dalzell crescent darling heights Toowoomba 4350.
Time:9:23 AM
Chair’s welcome: pavan

I here welcome the land and all the attendance. I would like to present my greetings to elders past

present and future. We will be mainly talking about the Employee services App. First, I would be

like to know if there are any conflicts of interests and this meeting would be treated confidentially.

If time allows, we will also discuss the improvements on Employee services App.


 Mr. Pavan Achana Employee services App manager.

 Mr. Milin Prajapati Temporary labour App manager.

 Mr. Mohd Junaid Temporary labour App manager.

 Mis. Shilpa Sinny Implementation of a digital security system manager.

Apologies: Sorry for changing meeting to online due to covid19

Minutes of previous meeting: Minutes of previous meeting held 11 April 2020 are attached

on email. To be taken as read and confirmed about Clock in or out, View clocking history.

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Business arising from the previous minutes:

From the discussion on this app we came up with new ideas where

Book a holiday/vacation.

View current holiday/vacation balances.

Check work schedules/rosters.

View employee details.

Request absences including; training, sick leave, maternity, paternity, study and much more…


c. Inwards No: Accuracy of App

Realising app to apple and android latest operating systems that can improve the fastness and smoothness of


d. Outwards : Realising app in different operation systems can lead to more

accuracy and even more users can accuse the app.

Brainstorming discussion.

 Clock in or out

 View clocking history

 Check flexi balance

 Book a holiday/vacation.

 View current holiday/vacation balances.

 Check work schedules/rosters.

Any New Businesses: possibilities for Data storage, System security and payroll.

Next Meeting: Video Conference 15/05/2020 time 9:00 Am

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Close: Meeting closed at 2:25 PM

2. Review the effectiveness of your brainstorming meeting and briefly present your observations to the
class with a short verbal report.

Part B - Your trainer needs to observe you demonstrating the following essential skills in your workp lace
or in a simulated environment.

Essential Skills Example

Demonstrate how you can: Show your trainer/assessor how you identify what
 Identify the roles of the participants in a roles the participants have in a meeting.
Demonstrate how you can participate in a Show your trainer/assessor how you participate in
planning meeting: a planning meeting by;
 behaviours for building rapport when Demonstrate behaviours
entering a meeting, - Entering a meeting
 introduce self - Etiquette
- Contributing to discussion (no digression,
 appropriate etiquette,
demands, disagree aggressively)
 contributing to discussion,
- Active listening
 task oriented - Task oriented
 active listening skills, Use of appropriate language and tone to;
 Appropriate language and tone to; - Handle interruptions, digression and
 use of meeting terms disagreements
 handles interruptions, digression, - Pronouncing meeting terms
disagreements - Negotiation and reaching consensus,
 negotiate outcomes, - Conflict resolution,
 resolve conflict, Demonstrate different communication styles
 Identify different communication styles. Demonstrate how you use body language to assist
in rapport building and assist in effective
Demonstrate how you have: Arrange for your assessor to observe you chairing
 Communication skills to coordinate and a meeting where you present a report, encourage
consult with participants, to orally present participation by all attendees and ensure that
written reports with a number of defined participants understand the information shared in
sections, and to clarify points made in the meeting.
Demonstrate how you have: Show your assessor the draft and final versions of
 Literacy skills to: an agenda prepared by you and minutes of a
o Write and compile agenda items meeting that you have transcribed
o Record items
o Make notes from spoken texts in
o Use a variety of strategies for
planning, reviewing and proof

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reading documentation
Demonstrate how you have: Show your assessor your relevant sections of your
 Time management skills to allow sufficient printed or electronic diary and explain how you
time to prepare for and conduct meetings managed the various activities required to
coordinate meetings

Submit Portfolio of assessments.

Learners should have collected the practice tasks and assessment activities they have completed and
presented them in a portfolio to their trainers.

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