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The Danger of Chromotherapy

Despite the lack of scientific evidence for its effectiveness and its use of esoteric theories to
describe its mechanisms of action, chromotherapy has become popular. But is it safe?


C hromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is a pseudomedicine based on a holis-

tic approach and on a mixture of esoteric and scientific concepts. In a nutshell, it
is the use of colored light applied on the skin or eyes to heal various health disor-
ders, assuming some (scientifically undescribed) beneficial effects of color on body and
mind. Traditionally, “color therapists” use white light sources to backlight colored filters.
Nevertheless, driven by recent progress in solid-state lighting technologies, light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) will probably become the most used light sources in chromotherapy. Some
LED-based chromotherapy lamps are already available on the market. The main interest
in LED lamps—in addition to their energy efficiency and long lifetime—is that they can
provide various colors directly depending on the nature of the semiconductor inside with-
out using any filter. Is the use of LEDs in chromotherapy without any risk?

50 Volume 41 Issue 4 | Skeptical Inquirer

Blue Light Hazard
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the work of Ham,
Mueller, and Sliney (Sliney et al. 1976; Ham and Mueller
1989) opened the way to the description of photochemical
mechanisms of lesions on the retina during exposure to a
blue light source. To prevent such damages, the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (IC-
NIRP), in its “Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to Inco-
herent Visible and Infrared Radiation” (1989), defines a blue
light action spectrum Bλ(λ) and exposure limits (expressed
in radiance) that are used in IEC 62471, which is the stan-
dard when dealing with exposure to sources of broad spec-
trum incoherent optical radiations. The application of this
standard is particularly justified for evaluating blue LED and Figure 1: Spectrum of a blue LED (full line) and spectrum of the same LED
white LED (also called White Phosphor Coated LED, or after having superimposed a phosphor coat to produce white light (dotted
WPCLED, and made of a blue LED coated with phosphor), line). Source: Sébastien Point.
which combine high radiance and a blue-enhanced spectrum,
as can be seen on Figure 1. In 2010, the French Agency for 62471 by comparison with some limits. Limits for Lb values
Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety are made according to exposition duration values so that Hb
(ANSES) published a collective expert report making an up- stays below 106 J / ( Naturally, the risk group increases
date on the blue light risk associated with the use of commer- as the duration required to exceed the permissible exposure
cially available blue and white LEDs (Rapport de l’ANSES decreases (see Table 1).
2010). The results showed that it was possible to buy white When lamps or luminaires are measured and classified in
or blue LEDs lamps reaching the medium risk group (RG2), RG2 and RG3, standard application report IEC TR 62471-2
potentially harmful to the retina of the eye if not diverted in asks for some specific marking. That said, no specific mark-
0.25 seconds. ing is required for products classified in the no risk group
In Europe, the design standards of lighting fixtures now (RG0) or low risk group (RG1), but that does not mean that
include photobiological safety requirements based on stan- the risk is absent in cases of inappropriate use, as for example
dard IEC 62471 or its application report IEC TR 62778. Sci- in chromotherapy.
entific work is still ongoing to better understand mechanisms
of blue light–induced damages and to improve prevention Chromotherapy Risks
( Jaadane et al. 2015; Behar-Cohen et al. 2011), but current Chromotherapy uses the (alleged) beneficial effects of color
exposure limits seem to manage the risk for general lighting on the body and mind. There are generally said to be twelve
well. “therapeutic” colors, but entering the keywords “chromo-
therapy” or “color therapy” in the bibliographic database of
Metrology Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine does not yield
As noted, to evaluate and limit exposure to blue light, the any medical research article that could help to understand
ICNIRP has defined an action spectrum Bλ(λ) and a maxi- their characteristics. Information available in the websites of
mum permissible exposure value to short wavelengths. The color therapists does not provide a rigorous definition of the
maximum of the blue action spectrum occurs between 435 twelve colors claimed beneficial. However, this could have
and 445 nm, which is close to the blue peak of blue LEDs been easily done by giving a wavelength value for spectral
or WPCLEDs, as we can see in Figure 2. The maximum color or by describing the spectral composition in the case of
permissible exposure to these wavelengths is 106 J / ( polychromatic radiation. Without this rigor in defining the
The exposure Hb can be expressed as the product of a colors, it seems very difficult to establish a repeatable pro-
quantity called blue light effective radiance Lb by the expo- tocol, as the physicist may have difficulty reproducing the
sition duration T. The knowledge of Lb allows classifying the color “lemon” (
measured lamp in one of the four risk groups defined by IEC lemon.htm) or “strong pink” (

Table 1: Definition of risk groups depending on

exposure duration (T) and Lb maximum values.

Skeptical Inquirer | July/August 2017 51
html). The lack of rigorous definition of colors and light
sources disqualifies chromotherapy and is sufficient to refute
the “scientific” character that some color therapists seek to
fund their discipline.
Proponents usually associate these poorly defined colors
with specific therapeutic effects on the body and on the
mind. Of course, you could vainly search for a validated
treatment protocol. Generally, the color is projected on the
afflicted part of the subject, or on the eyes or even on the
acupuncture points. The biological mechanisms for illumi-
nated parts to see the color are not scientifically described,
but therapists argue that “color therapy works on various
Figure 2: Spectrum of a WPCLED (full line) and action spectra Bλ(λ) energy points to help balance your body via the full spec-
(dotted line). Source: Sébastien Point.
trum of visible light, each color addressing a distinct need”
In some variants of chromotherapy, colors are associated
with “internal climatic energy” of the human body (heat, cold,
moisture, dryness, wind) and would be capable of triggering
a “climatic” opposite response from the body: for burns, for
example, applying a red light (heat symbol) will supposedly
cause an opposite response of the body (cold generation).
Clearly, the color therapists do not trouble themselves with
physics, scientific rigor, and evidence. Nevertheless, you can
find many courses, seminars, and books, as well as many en-
Figure 3.
thusiastic users and promoters. Indeed, as pseudomedicine,
chromotherapy can be provided by a nonmedical professional
in beauty or healthcare centers or even at home by individuals.
As noted, light emitting diodes (LEDs) are already used in
chromotherapy material and will probably become the pri-
Clearly, the color therapists mary light sources in coming years. Is it safe? Figure 3 shows
an example of chromotherapy LED exposure as shown on the
do not trouble themselves with website of a chromotherapy lamp manufacturer. Notice that:
•  The user’s head is only few inches from the lamp, and there
physics, scientific rigor, and is no evidence that the head-lamp distance is under control.
evidence. Nevertheless, you •  No eye protection is used.
• There is no evidence that exposure duration is under con-
can find many courses, trol.

seminars, and books, as well There is naturally no evidence that chromotherapy is sys-
tematically or widely used in the way shown in Figure 3—but
as many enthusiastic users nor is there evidence it is used differently. This uncertainty
raises a troubling question regarding the potential use of blue
and promoters. Indeed, as LEDs or WPCLEDs in a chromotherapy session. Even as-
pseudomedicine, chromo- suming that chromotherapy materials use only RG0 (no risk
group) and RG1 (low risk group) LED bulbs, would the prac-
therapy can be provided by a tice be safe so far without adapted eye protection and in con-
ditions where distance and exposure duration are not under
nonmedical professional in control? Lamps for chromotherapy cannot be considered as
a source for general lighting service (GLS) as defined in IEC
beauty or healthcare centers 62471. Lamps for chromotherapy must be seen as multipur-
pose lamps, as sunbed lamps, or as lamps for medical uses. As
or even at home by individuals. a consequence, Lb and risk groups for these kinds of lamps
should be given for a 200 mm exposure distance. It is not un-
realistic that users will place the light source only 200 mm
from their eyes. In such a case, for an LED bulb whose Lb

52 Volume 41 Issue 4 | Skeptical Inquirer

would be between 100 and 10,000 W/ under control. We have good reason to Radiation Protection. 1989. Guidelines on
limits of exposure to incoherent visible and
m2/sr (range power of low risk group), believe that some users of LED-based infrared radiation. Health Physics 105(1) (July).
maximum permissible exposure dura- chromotherapy material can not keep Jaadane, I., et al. 2015. Retinal damage induced
tion is between 100 seconds and 10,000 these parameters under control. For by commercial light emitting diodes (LEDs).
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 84: 373–
seconds, which covers many potential public safety, it is important that reg- 384.
exposure situations. So permanent ulations or strong guidelines be put in Rapport de l’ANSES. 2010. Effets sanitaires
retinal damages from overexposure is place to supervise and control poten- des systèmes d’éclairage utilisant des LED
possible if the user’s eyes are voluntary tially dangerous practices such as chro- Sliney, D.H., W.T.J. Ham, and H.A. Mueller.
exposed to a blue or white LED lamp motherapy. • 1976. Retinal sensitivity to damage from
of some thousands of W/m2/sr (RG1 short wavelength light. Nature 260 (March
without marking required) at a distance References 11):153–155.

of 200 mm or less for a few minutes or Behar-Cohen, F., et al. 2011. Light-emitting Sébastien Point is a
diodes (LED) for domestic lighting: Any
more. With RG0 LED lamps, risk is risks for the eye? Progress in Retinal and Eye French engineer and
lower but cannot be excluded either. Research 30: 239–257. physicist who led some
Ham, W.T.J., and H.A Mueller. 1989. The pho- researches to develop
topathology and nature of the blue light
Conclusion and near-UV retinal lesions produced by mercury-free lamps and
Although its promoters describe it as lasers and other optical sources. In Laser currently works in the
a rational scientific method, chromo- Applications in Medicine and Biology, M.L. lighting industry. He is a
Wolbarsht, ed. (Plenum), pp.191–246.
therapy is a pseudomedicine, and con- IEC 62471, photobiological Safety of Lamps and scientific rapporteur for blue light and vice
sequently no real health benefits can be Lamp Systems. president of the non-ionizing radiation sec-
expected from it. On the other hand, IEC/TR 62471-2 Ed.1: Photobiological safety of tion of the French radioprotection society, a
lamps and lamp systems—Part 2: Guidance
there is some evidence that LEDs, even on manufacturing requirements relating to member of French skeptics association AFIS
when classified in the no-risk or low- non-laser optical radiation safety. and of the quarterly skeptic journal Science
risk groups, can generate overexpo- IEC-TR 62778 application of IEC 62471 for & Pseudosciences. His talks, in which he
the assessment of blue light hazard to light
sure when critical parameters such as sources and luminaires. disassembles pseudoscientific practices,
exposure distance and duration are not International Commission on Non-Ionizing are available on the Internet.

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Skeptical Inquirer | July/August 2017 53

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