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Name: ___________________________________ Year and Section: __________________Score:


Directions: Read each item carefully. Blacken the circle that correspond the letter of your answer.

O O O O 1. What refers to a writing that is done in a way that is not academic or technical but considered as a
writing that’s self-expressive and an art of making things up?
A. Creative writing B. Academic writing C. Technical writing D. Writing
O O O O 2. The following are the purpose of creative writing, EXCEPT;
A. to entertain
B. to get at a truth about humanity through poetics and story telling
C. to share human experiences like love or loss
D. none of the above
O O O O 3. The following are the characteristics of creative writing, EXCEPT;
A. fictional B. imaginative C. artistic D. factual
O O O O 4. Which of the following refers to the language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create
images in the mind of the reader?
A. Imagery B. Imagination C. Fiction D. Art
O O O O 5. The following are included in imagery, EXCEPT;
A. Figurative Language B. MetaphoricalC. Figures of Speech D. News
O O O O 6. Which of the following types of imagery describes what we hear?
A. Auditory B. Tactile C. Gustatory D. Olfactory
O O O O 7. Which of the following type of imagery describes what we smell?
A. Auditory B. Tactile C. Gustatory D. Olfactory
O O O O 8. What refers to the type of imagery that describes what we taste?
A. Auditory B. Tactile C. Gustatory D. Olfactory
O O O O 9. What refers to the type of imagery that describes what we touch or feel?
A. Auditory B. Tactile C. Gustatory D. Olfactory
O O O O 10. Which of the following refers to the type of imagery describes what we see?
A. Visual B. Tactile C. Gustatory D. Olfactory
O O O O 11. What refers to a piece of prose fiction which ought to present a unified impression of tone, colour and
unity of effect?
A. Short story B. Poem C. Haiku D. Tanaga
O O O O 12. Which element of a short story refers to the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another
and makes the plot move?
A. Character B. Plot C. Setting D. Conflict
O O O O 13. What element refers to the arrangement of events to develop the author’s basic idea?
A. Character B. Plot C. Setting D. Conflict
O O O O 14. Which of the following elements refer to the person in a work of fiction (antagonist and protagonist)?
A. Character B. Plot C. Setting D. Conflict
O O O O 15. What refers to the time and location in which the story takes place?
A. Character B. Plot C. Setting D. Conflict
O O O O 16. Which of the following refers to the angle or perspective from which the story is told?
A. Theme B. Point of view C. Irony D. Conflict
O O O O 17. What refers to the condition in words or actions?
A. Theme B. Point of view C. Irony D. Conflict
O O O O 18. Which of the following refers to the author’s underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to
A. Theme B. Point of view C. Irony D. Conflict
O O O O 19. Which of the following is an example of a setting?
A. Maria B. In a barrio C. Situational Irony D. Melancholic
O O O O 20. Who is the author of the short story entitled “ love in the Cornhusk” ?
A. Aida L. Rivera B. Aida L. Montemayor C. Lydia L. Rivera D. Mila Lastimosa
O O O O 21. The following are elements and devices of poetry, EXCEPT;
A. Allegory B. Alliteration C. Assonnance D. Connotation
O O O O 22. Which of the following happens when the initial sounds of a word, beginning either with a consonant
or a vowel are repeated in a close succession?
A. Allegory B. Alliteration C. Assonnance D. Connotation
O O O O 23. Which of the following refers to both choice and order of words and has been split into vocabulary
and syntax?
A. Diction B. Irony C. Metaphor D. Meter

O O O O 24. Which of the following allows us to say something but to mean something else, wether we are being
sarcastic, exaggerating or understanding?
A. Diction B. Irony C. Metaphor D. Meter
O O O O 25. Which of the following is roughly equivalent to the mood it creates to the readers?
A. Rhyme B. Simile C. Symbol D. Tone
O O O O 26. Which of the following figures of speech suggests something itself and something deeper?
A. Diction B. Irony C. Metaphor D. Meter
O O O O 27. “ Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rare at
close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

This extract is an example of:

A. Symbolism B. Parody C. Personification D. Onomatopoeia

O O O O 28. What refers to a Japanese poetry that is made up of three lines?
A. Haiku B. Riddle C. Limerick D. Rhyme
O O O O 29. “ Education is our passport to the future, and tomorrow belongs to those
who prepare for it”.

The statement above is an example of…

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Alliteration

O O O O 30. Which of the following statement below is an example of situational irony?

A. A rich man squanders his money and must rely on charity.
B. A father uses harsh words to ridicule his son.
C. A little girl names her white cat “ Midnight”.
D. A tired mother, expecting a mess, comes home to a disaster area.
O O O O 31. What figure of speech did the author use in the sentence below?

The story in the newspaper reminded me of the biblical story of Cain and Abel.

A. Allusion B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Metaphor

O O O O 32. Which of the following statement below contains allusion?

A. He was a tragic hero, just like Odysseus.
B. The aroma of freshly cut roses drifted across the room.
C. I have run a million miles away.
D. The morning is a blank canvass, waiting for me to paint a new day.
O O O O 33. What is it called when an audience watching a play understands what’s going on in a situation while
the characters are unaware of what is happening?
A. Situational irony B. Dramatic Irony C. Verbal Irony D. Non-verbal Irony
O O O O 34. Which of these lines from the poem contains an example of onomatopoeia?
A. With death and mourning on the silver horns
B. Or foxlike in the vine; nor cares to walk
C. The moan of doves in immemorial elms
D. And find him; by the happy threshold
O O O O 35. Which figurative language devices does Patrick Henry use to help make his point in the passage
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of
experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by
the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for
the least ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to
solace themselves and the house. Is it that insidious smile with which on petition has
been lately received? Trust it not, sir, it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not
yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.”

A. simile b. metaphor c. hyperbole d. alliteration

O O O O 36. Give me liberty or give me death! What literary device being describe in the phrase?
A. allusion b. antithesis c. metaphor d. alliteration
O O O O 37. In which of the following examples did the author use allusion?
A. The moon smiled down on the sleepy town
B. Her smile was like the Mona Lisa
C. Her smile lit up the whole room like rays of sunshine
D. The book babbled to the deer as they took a drink

O O O O 38. I came, I saw, I conquered by Julius Caesar- is an example of what figurative language?
A. anaphora b. Alliteration c. assonance d. euphemism
O O O O 39. Which word is not paired with an appropriate euphemism?
a. hatred- out of favor c. fat- on the plump side
b. dead- beyond the pale d. stupid- slow on the uptake
O O O O 40. Which work is an example of extended metaphor?
a. The Raven b. O captain! My Captain c. Tress d. Annabel Lee

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