Referat Engleza An 2 Sem 2

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One of the main challenges of social welfare in romania are children

whose parents are working abroad.

Children whose parents have left the country, with or without employment contracts, are a

category exposed to risks and situations of danger, which ultimately lead to the violation and

non-compliance with their rights.

The National Authority for Child Protection and Rights has already concluded a protocol

with the Office for Labor Migration, through which each local directorate will have the

obligation to permanently check the situation of children whose parents are working abroad. As

the checks can only be done for those who go abroad legally, the data obtained cannot reflect the

reality, providing only a small part of the globality of the problem, because most parents go to

work abroad without contracts.

This issue has recently taken on national connotations, which is why non-governmental

organizations active in the field of child protection are appealing to rulers to take action, as it has

been shown by complex studies that minors left alone at home or in the care of others face

serious problems at school and in society.

Parents of children belong to various categories: people below the poverty line, people

living on social assistance, people who want more, who want to provide material well-being to

children and development opportunities in line with the century in which we live.

Deprivation of parental affection and supervision make these children emotionally

vulnerable - motivational, risking dropping out of school, starting to be absent from school,

becoming undisciplined, diminishing their performance in school, suffering behavioral

deviations, or being attracted by other young people to commit acts that do not correspond to the

norms approved by the society.

Some of the children fail to get over these temporary but long separations. Psychiatrists
warn that teenagers left in the hands of neighbors or grandparents can become unrecognizable,
the lack of parents having the effect of serious emotional disorders. Children with parents abroad
are a vulnerable group at risk, the negative effects of parental migration on children left at home
are most clearly reflected in the declining interest in school for children. Dropping out of school
can also be another effect of parents leaving home. It mainly affects children from broken
families and, in particular, those whose mothers have gone to work in another country. Another
danger may come in the form of possible adult abuse in the care of the little ones.

The consequences of depriving a minor of his parental affection and of the supervision
necessary for his normal development can take different forms, but the most often felt are those
in the emotional plan, children and even young people whose parents are working abroad suffer a
considerable degradation of life. , due to the lack of affection, care and education generated by
the lack of contact with the family, but also to the lack of supervision, in this sense the aim is to
identify the needs at the local level.

Psychologists who worked on the study say that the longing for the departed parent can

result in a feeling of loneliness and even depression.

In situations where the parents leave for longer periods, and the children remain in the care of
people who cannot provide them with emotional and educational support, negative effects can
also intervene regarding the health and even the mental development of the little ones. often in
various types of deviant behavior. Money cannot replace the love and parental care that these
children need so much, especially those of young age. Almost all children affected by this
separation have a permanent state of worry, live in fear of something bad happening to their
parents, become withdrawn, cry easily and lose interest in play, and in more severe cases get
ticks. The effects of separation from parents depend a lot on the age of the children. In young
children, especially in rural areas, emotional disorders occur, they become abnormally scared
and shy, have restless sleep and have nightmares. In villages, children's climate is much more
stable and less emotionally demanding, and the lack of a parent can cause a rupture that
destabilizes the entire childhood universe. In children older than ten years (especially in urban
areas), behavioral disorders can occur that are manifested by aggressive physical and verbal
behavior, lying, alcohol abuse, smoking, absenteeism from school and poor learning outcomes.

Children whose parents have gone abroad often have large sums of "pocket" money, and

this propels them into groups of children with behavioral problems and who even end up

committing criminal acts. The separation from mothers is even more dramatic, being considered

by some children as an abandonment.

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