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Sérgio Manuel Jamisse

Trabalho de campo





The present work seeks to discuss some aspects relevant to the realization of a research
project, as well as some indispensable factors for the choice of a research topic. Topic is the
subject you want to stud or search. Your choice must take into account the possibilities,
aptitudes and tendencies of those who will elaborate the research. It is expected that the
degree of knowledge about the subject can be increased depending on the research. The
research should be focused on the topic, that is, an issue associated with the topic of real
importance, and which has not yet been adequately answered by existing literature.
Motivation to the stud

One of the problems among college students is the pursuit of the topic for their research. In
general the topic must meet the interest of three involved: the counselor, the student and the
community. In greater the interest for these three involved the more, easily the research is
conduced, but the more conflicting these interest are, the greater the risk that the research will
not be conducted properly.

Often many students set out for the research task without having any idea in mind about what
they want to research. Or when it has an interest, it presents itself in a very comprehensive
and indefinite way. Therefore, this research arises from the need to support some university
students who have not yet chosen the subject, or overcome the difficulties of interest in some
advice or rules for choosing topic.
Research problem

Therefore, we will present the topic concepts as well as some important factors that influence
the choice of a research topic for the elaboration of a research paper. In order to identify the
problem, in view of these difficulties, decided to bring a study on the factors that are
indispensable for the choice of a research topic as part of some aspects to be taken into
account in the conduct of good research. For this the main question, is to know why students
face difficulties in choosing a research topic and what are the factors that influence the choice
of a researchable subject.
Research Objectives


 Know the factors that influence the choice of a research topic;


 Identify the factors that influence the choice of a research topic;

 Indicate the aspects that influence the choice of a searchable topic


 A student who is never done a research project can not perfectly perform the first
project, he faces different difficulties that affect the quality of research work;
 The lack of knowledge about the subject to be researched may affect the quality of the
research and its irrelevance;
 Thhe choice of the topic is one of the fundamental


The choice of a research topic is an aspect that must be understood deeply, as an interesting
way to solve our personal, academic and social problems through research. So my
methodology will be based on the descriptive qualitative research that leads to exposing and
describing the factors of the aspect under study in order to provide additional clarification
regarding this difficulty. And to the means, this research constitutes a study based on the
bibliographical or documentary technique.
Select a topic

It is important to raise the issues that will be addressed on the subject. For this, it is necessary
to elaborate a list of key words and provisional scheme of literature review, where it will be
of logical form the approaches that intend to do referring to the research topic.

To select a topic, must think of the who, what, when, were and why questions:

o Why did I choose the topic? Why interest you about it? Do you have an opnion about
the issues involved?
o Who are the information providers on this topic? Do you know of organizations or
instructions affiliated with the topic/
o What are the major questions for this topic?
o Where is your topic important: the local, national or international level? Are there
specific places affected by the topic

There are two main factors that influence in the choice of a topic for the research work.
Below are some issues that should be taken into account in this choice:

1. Internal factors:
 Effectiveness in relation to the topic or high degree of interest

To work a research is necessary to have a minimum of pleasure in this activity, the choice of
the topic is bound, therefore, to the taste for the subject to be worked. Working on a subject
that is not to his liking, making research in exercise in torture and suffering.

 Time available to carry out the research work

In choosing the topic, we have to take into consideration the amount of activities that we have
to fulfill to carry out the work, and to measure it with the time of the works that we have to
fulfill in our daily life, not related to the research.

 The limit of the researcher’s capabilities in relation to the intended subject

It is necessary that the researcher is aware of his limitation of knowledge so as not to enter
into a subject outside his area.

2. External factors
 The meaning of the chosen topic, its novelty, its opportunity and its academic and
social values

In choosing the topic one must be careful not to perform work that will not interest anyone. If
the work deserves to be done, then it must have any significance for people, groups of people
or for society in general.

 The time limit available to completing the work

When the institution determines a deadline for delivery of the final report of the research, it is
not possible to engage in matters that are not allow the deadline. The chosen topic must be
delimited within the possible time for the completion of the work.

 Material needed by the researcher

Another problem in choosing the topic is the availability of material for consultation. Many
times the fear that is chosen is little worked by other authors and there are no secondary
sources for the consultation. The lack of these sources, that requires a longer time to carry out
the work. This problem does not prevent the realization of the research, but must be taken
into account so that institutional time is not exceeded.
Bibliographical references

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