Deciding Appropriate Water Rate: Karauli City

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Deciding appropriate water rate

Karauli City

Population of the city 2011 83140 souls

Water supply coverage 95 %

No. of connections
15 20 25 37
mm mm mm mm
Domestic 5830 320 85 23
Institutional 56 23 45 10
Commercial 142 27 5
1 1.78 2.78 6.08
Domestic 5830 569 236 140
Institutional 56 41 125 61
Commercial 0 252 75 30

Eq.Conn. mld at
750 lit
Domestic 7921 5.94 Ratio
Institutional 606 0.45 Population of t
Commercial 515 0.39 Eq.Conn.

Let, total consumtion of water per day be

Break up of consumtion is as following
Domestic consumption
Institutional consumption
Commercial consumption

Per ml rate
Let x be the rate for domestic consumption
Then 2.5 x will be the rate for institutional consumption
And, 5 x will be the rate for commercial consumption
1 1.5
Expected revenue will be, 5.94 0.68

Energy 0 HP 0 Raw water Pum
10 HP 12 Pure water Pum
Lighting and sm
Salary CE 0.05 No 32000
SE 0.1 No 27000
EE 0.25 No 25000
SDO 0.5 No 22000
Auditor 0.1 No 16000
SK 0.1 No 18000
J/E 2 No 18000
F/O 0 No 14000
P/O 2 No 13000
J/C 5 No 13000
Helper 14 No 8000
M/R 5 No 13000
Peon 3 No 8000

Chemicals 12.6 mld

Cl2 3 kg/mld 37.91184 Kg per day
B/P 20 bags 25 kg/bag
Alum 25 kg/mld 315.932 kg
Lab chemicals

Sample testing
Raw water charges at Rs.300 per 1000 cum
Rents and office stationery
House keeping

Misc.M&R and other charges

Depriciation and sinking fund 22.45 1%

CR per Annum
Loan Repayment

Working efficiency
Billing efficiency 90
Revenue efficiency 90
Meter system working efficiency

Prospective revenue 4.9171

Equating expenditure with 15% profit

0.85 4.9171

OR Domestic rate p
Inst.rate per 10
Comm. Rate p

Domestic income Rs.
Inst. Income Rs.
Comm. Income Rs.
Total Rs.

Compare with Rs.

Hence, workable financially

ate water rate
av.lpcd mld pc cost COST
160 12.6 3000 24.94 CR
90% 22.45 CR
30 years

0.00 CR
0.00 CR FRL
0.00 CR EMI 20

50 80 100 150 200

mm mm mm mm mm
12 11 9 3
7 2 2 1 0
5 2 1 0 0
11.11 28.44 44.44 100.00 177.78
133 313 400 300 0
78 57 89 100 0
56 57 44 0 0
Population of the city

12.64 mld

5.94 mld
0.45 mld
0.39 mld
5.86 mld

0.97 = 7.58812 x

Raw water Pumping Machinery 4 per kwh 0

Pure water Pumping machinery 4 per kwh 358
Lighting and small equipment 1000
per month 53
per month 90
per month 208
per month 367
per month 53
per month 60
per month 1200
per month 0
per month 867
per month 2167
per month 3733
per month 2167
per month 800

Kg per day 25 per kg 948

500 kg 45 per kg 750
22 kg 0 0
6150 6150
per day 24679
0 0

80 %

x = 24679
x = 5905 per ml

Domestic rate per 1000 lit 6

nst.rate per 1000 lit 9
Comm. Rate per 1000 lit 15

23763 per day

4092.45 per day
5791 per day
33647 Per day 3

24679 Per da including depriciation


24679 including loan repayment

Deciding appropriate water rate
Karauli City
av.lpcd mld
Population of the ci 2026 117809 souls 160 17.9
Water supply coverage 95 %

No. of connections
15 20 25 37 50 80
mm mm mm mm mm mm
Domestic 7640 540 102 35 15 21
Institutional 56 23 45 10 7 2
Commercial 142 27 5 5 2
1 1.78 2.78 6.08 11.11 28.44
Domestic 7640 960 283 213 167 597
Institutional 56 41 125 61 78 57
Commercial 0 252 75 30 56 57

Eq.Conn. mld at
750 lit
Domestic ### 8.07 Ratio 9.92
Institutional 606 0.45 Population of the city
Commercial 515 0.39 Eq.Conn.

Let, total consumtion of water per day be

Break up of consumtion is as following
Domestic consumption
Institutional consumption
Commercial consumption

Per ml rate
Let x be the rate for domestic consumption
Then 2.5 x will be the rate for institutional consumption
And, 5 x will be the rate for commercial consumption
1 1.5 2.5
Expected revenue will be, 8.07 0.68 0.97

Energy 0 HP 0 Raw water Pumping Machine
10 HP 16 Pure water Pumping machine
Lighting and small equipmen
Salary CE 0.05 No ### per month
SE 0.1 No ### per month
EE 0.25 No ### per month
SDO 0.5 No ### per month
Audito 0.1 No ### per month
SK 0.1 No ### per month
J/E 2 No ### per month
F/O 0 No ### per month
P/O 2 No ### per month
J/C 5 No ### per month
Helper 14 No 8000 per month
M/R 5 No ### per month
Peon 3 No 8000 per month

Chemicals 17.9 mld

Cl2 3 kg/mld 53.7209 Kg per day 25
B/P 20 bags 25 kg/bag 500 kg
Alum 25 kg/mld 447.674 kg 22 kg
Lab chemicals

Sample testing
Raw water charges at Rs.300 per 1000 cum
Rents and office stationery
House keeping

Misc.M&R and other charges

Depriciation and sinking 31.81 2% 17429

CR per Annum per day
Loan Repayment 0

Working efficiency
Billing efficiency 90 %
Revenue efficiency 90 %
Meter system working efficiency

Prospective revenue 5.903 x

Equating expenditure with 15% profit

0.85 5.903 x =
x =

OR Domestic rate per 1000 lit

Inst.rate per 1000 lit
Comm. Rate per 1000 lit

Domestic income Rs. 32281 per day
Inst. Income Rs. 4775 per day
Comm. Income Rs. 6756 per day
Total Rs. 43812 Per day

Compare with Rs. 36473 Per day

Hence, workable financially

r rate

pc cost COST
3000 35.34 CR
90% 31.81 CR
30 years

0.00 CR
0.00 CR FRL
0.00 CR EMI 20

100 150 200

mm mm mm
9 5
2 1 0
1 0 0
44.44 100.00 177.78
400 500 0
89 100 0
44 0 0
f the city

17.91 mld

8.07 mld
0.45 mld
0.39 mld
9.00 mld

= 9.71746 x

mping Machine4 per kw 0

umping machine4 per kw 477
mall equipment 1000

per kg 1343
45 per kg 750
0 0

75 %

7269 per ml

per 1000 lit 7

per 1000 lit 17.5

per day
per day
per day
Per day 4

including depriciation

including loan repayment

Deciding appropriate water rate
Karauli City
Population of the ci 2041 166217 souls 160
Water supply coverage 95 %

No. of connections
15 20 25 37 50
mm mm mm mm mm
Domestic 10213 960 289 55 41
Institutional 56 23 45 10 7
Commercial 142 27 5 5
1 1.78 2.78 6.08 11.11
Domestic 10213 1707 803 335 456
Institutional 56 41 125 61 78
Commercial 0 252 75 30 56

Eq.Conn. mld at
750 lit
Domestic 15445 11.58 Ratio 10.03
Institutional 606 0.45 Population of the city
Commercial 515 0.39 Eq.Conn.

Let, total consumtion of water per day be

Break up of consumtion is as following
Domestic consumption
Institutional consumption
Commercial consumption

Per ml rate
Let x be the rate for domestic consumption
Then 2.5 x will be the rate for institutional consumption
And, 5 x will be the rate for commercial consumption
1 1.5 2.5
Expected revenue will be, 11.58 0.68 0.97

Energy 0 HP 0 Raw water Pumping Machin
10 HP 20 Pure water Pumping machin
Lighting and small equipme
Salary CE 0.05 No 32000 per month
SE 0.1 No 27000 per month
EE 0.25 No 25000 per month
SDO 0.5 No 22000 per month
Audito 0.1 No 16000 per month
SK 0.1 No 18000 per month
J/E 2 No 18000 per month
F/O 0 No 14000 per month
P/O 2 No 13000 per month
J/C 5 No 13000 per month
Helper 14 No 8000 per month
M/R 5 No 13000 per month
Peon 3 No 8000 per month

Chemicals 25.3 mld

Cl2 3 kg/mld 75.795 Kg per day
B/P 20 bags 25 kg/bag 500
Alum 25 kg/mld 631.625 kg 22
Lab chemicals

Sample testing
Raw water charges at Rs.300 per 1000 cum
Rents and office stationery
House keeping

Misc.M&R and other charges

Depriciation and sinking fu 44.88 3% 36887

CR per Annum per day
Loan Repayment 0

Working efficiency
Billing efficiency 90 %
Revenue efficiency 90 %
Meter system working efficiency

Prospective revenue 8.0377 x

Equating expenditure with 15% profit

0.85 8.0377 x

OR Domestic rate per 1000 lit

Inst.rate per 1000 lit
Comm. Rate per 1000 lit

Domestic income Rs. 46334
Inst. Income Rs. 5456.6
Comm. Income Rs. 7721
Total Rs. 59512

Compare with Rs. 56601

Hence, workable financially

te water rate
mld pc cost COST
25.3 3000 49.87 CR
90% 44.88 CR
30 years

0.00 CR
0.00 CR FRL
0.00 CR EMI 20

80 100 150 200

mm mm mm mm
23 9 7 1
2 2 1 0
2 1 0 0
28.44 44.44 100.00 177.78
654 400 700 178
57 89 100 0
57 44 0 0
on of the city

25.26 mld

11.58 mld
0.45 mld
0.39 mld
12.84 mld

= 13.2307 x

er Pumping Machinery 4 per kwh 0

er Pumping machinery 4 per kwh 597
and small equipment 1000
per month 53
per month 90
per month 208
per month 367
per month 53
per month 60
per month 1200
per month 0
per month 867
per month 2167
per month 3733
per month 2167
per month 800

25 per kg 1895
kg 45 per kg 750
kg 0 0
per day 56601

75 %

= 56601
= 8285 per ml

c rate per 1000 lit 8

per 1000 lit 12
Rate per 1000 lit 20

per day
per day
per day
Per day 5

Per day including depriciation

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