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Physics Education 1 Jan - Mar 2017

Revisiting the Physics of Turning Water Into Wine, A Pedagogical Approach

A.C. F. Santos

Instituto de Física
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
21941-972. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (

(Submitted : 12-12-2016)

The changing of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana is the earliest miracle credited to Jesus in the Gospel
of John. In this paper, I calculate the change in the chemical potential across the reaction first suggested by
Irwin, Hicks, and Lerman. Using the simple concepts from statistical physics is not only easier to get the
message, but even High-school students can develop a deeper understanding of the process.

1. Introduction
In the Gospel of John (2 : 1-11) [1], Jesus, 0.37GJ. The turning from water (H2O) to ethanol
Maria and his disciples were welcomed to a (C2H6O) requires a source of carbon. Irwin, Hicks,
wedding at Cana. When the wine was over, Maria and Lerman assumed that the most probable source
asked Jesus to endorse his glory by turning water would be carbon dioxidein the air. Then, they set up
into wine. The main constituents of wine are: water, the reaction which conserves the number of each
carbohydrates, acids, alcohols, phenolics, type of atom.
nitrogenous compounds, and inorganic substances.
Table I shows the typical concentration ranges of 3H2O (liquid) + 2CO2 (gaseous) 
the major chemical components of dry table wine. C2H6O (liquid) +3O2 (gaseous) (1)
To provide somewhat larger view of the
thermodynamic considerations in the making of This reaction was supposed to occur under
wine, the reader is referred to reference [2]. standard pressure (1 atm) and temperature (298 K).
Irwin, Hicks, and Lerman[3] investigated To inspect whether this reaction would occur
the change in enthalpy across their proposed spontaneously, the authors calculated the total
reaction and determined it to be 1255 kJmol-1, change in bond enthalpy. If it were negative, more
indicating an endothermic reaction. They supposed energy would be liberated from forming the new
that pure water was changed into a basic form of bonds than it was required to initially break the
water mixed with ethanol, with the strength of 12% original bonds. Consequently, the reaction will
ABV (Alcohol by volume). They found the change occur spontaneously. On the other hand, if it were
in entropy to be 4.21 kJmol-1K-1 and estimated the positive, the reaction would be endothermic and
energy required for the entire reaction occur as would require a heat input. The authors also
0.25- assumed that Jesus was able to provide the perfect

Volume 33, Issue 1, Article Number : 03.

Physics Education 2 Jan - Mar 2017
catalyst (the agent that modifies the transition state . For a less formal approach, the teacher may skip
to lower the activation energy) to the reaction by this part without lack of content.
making the additional activation energy negligible. Processes in biology and chemistry often
In this paper, I suggest an alternative and proceed under conditions of constant temperature T
more pedagogical way inspect this reaction. The and constant (external) pressure P. For a given
tendency of water to react with CO2 via Eq.1 can be energy input energy by heating Q, and volume
expressed quantitatively by means of some simple change V, What does the basic entropy inequality,
ideas that are the building blocks of statistical Q E  PV
physics. Supplementing the orthodox S   , (2)
thermodynamics lecture with these ideas can
improve understanding and enthusiasm to
imply under those circumstances 
introductory physics.
The temperature T denotes the temperature
of the environment. If that temperature remains
constant during whatever process is being
Constituent Wine (g/L) described, then we may multiply on both sides by T
Water 800 – 900
and may include T within the S term:
Carbohydrates 1 – 10
Glucose 0.5 – 5
TS   E  PV . (3)
Fructose 0.5 – 5
Pectins Trace
Similarly, the work done in expansion
Acids 4.5 – 11
depends on the force put that opposes the
Tartaric 1–6
expansion; so the pressure P may be taken to be an
Malic 0–8
external pressure. If that pressure remains constant,
Lactic 1–5
then P may included within the V term:
Acetic 0.2 - 1.5
TS   E  PV  . (4)
Ethanol 80 – 150
Glycerol 3 – 14
Finally, we collect all terms onto the right-
Phenolics From trace – 5
hand side:
Simple phenolics Trace - 0.2
Anthocyanins 0 - 0.5
0  E  TS  PV  . (5)
Tannins T–5
Nitrogenous compounds 0.1 – 1
Inorganic constituents 1.5 – 4 Reading from right to left, we find that the
Potassium 0.5 – 2 combination E-TS+ PV must decrease or remain
constant. Given the inequality in equation (5), the
Table I - typical concentration ranges of the major chemical combination E-TS+ PV warrants a name:
components of grape juice and dry table wine.
Gibs free energy = G  E- TS + PV. (6)

2. Introducing the Gibbs free energy 3. Water into Wine and chemical
This section introduces the Gibbs free
energy to justify the use of the chemical potencial,
The chemical potential, , of a substance
characterizes the tendency of the decomposition

Volume 33, Issue 1, Article Number : 03.

Physics Education 3 Jan - Mar 2017
reaction of this substance into the elements in their against P. If μR>μP, then the transformation of
final states [4]. The calculation of chemical water into wine takes place spontaneously. If μR =
reactions begins with the presentation of the μP, then there is a chemical equilibrium. Finally, if
chemical potentials of the reactants and products.
μR<μA, then the transformation of water into wine
The tendency for the Gibbs free energy to decrease
under conditions of constant temperature and does not occur spontaneously. From Table I, we
constant (external) pressure is the key concept. The obtain
chemical potential provides a way to use the Gibbs
free energy efficiently. This approach is elementary,  R  3 H O  2 CO  1500.4 kG
2 2

as it does not demand previous knowledge and leads

straightforward to results. The line of attack is and
through the potential differences between the
reactants and products of reaction represented in Eq.  P   C H O  3 O  174.7 kG
2 6 2

The entropy change, S equals the amount Thus, we have μP>μR. This result was to be
of energy transferred by heating to a system divided expected since it is well known that water does not
by the temperature at which the process takes place, transform spontaneously into wine.
provided the process proceeds slowly. According to Analogically, water could be converted into
the second law of thermodynamics, nature has a
tendency for entropy to increase in an isolated wine spontaneously (under conditions of constant
system, and the system changes in answer to this temperature and pressure) only if the Gibbs free
propensity. Therefore, alike to the chemical energy would decrease. The change of the Gibbs
potential, the increase in entropy is the driving force free energy when a molecular constituent is
for a spontaneous process in an isolated system. changed by one mole (or, in some circunstances, by
To each substance, a chemical potential and one molecule) is called chemical potential for that
a standard entropy can be associated. Table II
constituent and is denoted by the Greek letter .
presents the chemical potentials of the substances in
Eq. 1. Thus, the change in the Gibbs free energy when the
reaction (1) is imagined to proceed by one step may
be written as
Substance Phase  (kG) S(kJ.mol-
H2O Liquid -237,2 69.9   
G   C2 H 6O 3 O2  3 H 2O 2  CO2 
CO2 Gas -394,4 213.6
C2H6O Liquid - 174,7 283.59
O2 Gas 0 205
Tabulated data (see Table II) show that the
right-hand side has the numerical value
Table II – chemical potentials (in kiloGibbs, 1 kG = 1 kJ.mol ) and
standard entropies at T = 298.15 K and P = 101325 Pa. G   174.7    1500.4  1325.7 kJ.mol-1

The positive value for the imagined reaction

First, let me define the chemical potential of
indicates that the reaction will not proceed
the reactants as  R   H 2O  2 CO2 , and the spontaneously.
corresponding chemical potential of the products a The entropy change can be calculated in the
 P   C2 H 6O  3 O2 .So, as to inspect whether the same way. From Table II:

reaction takes places freely or not, we weight R

Volume 33, Issue 1, Article Number : 03.

Physics Education 4 Jan - Mar 2017

   
S  S C2 H 6O 3S O2  3S H 2O  2 S CO2  261.89 sufficiently due to theexothermicity of the reaction
kJ.mol K -1 -1 so that it overcompensates for the negative ΔS of
the system. Thus, the overall change in entropy is
Since S > 0, the reaction is physically still positive.
allowed and irreversible. In fact, the second law of
thermodynamics states that the overall entropy of In order to get a quick estimate for the
an isolated system always increases, or stays probability of reaction (1) takes place, using
constant in reversible process. S > 0 accounts for kB=1.3810-23 J/K (for room temperature), where kB
the irreversibility of natural processes. The second P 
is Boltzmann constant, one obtains wine  e k B [5-
law of thermodynamics also states that for any Pwater
spontaneous process, the overall ΔS must be greater 8], which is so small (my calculator even refused to
than or equal to zero, which it is not the case for Eq. calculate it). Then, the extract from John persists a
1, since, as we saw, G > 0 . It is worth to note that miracle.
spontaneous reactions can result in a negative
change in entropy. This fact does not refute the Conclusions
second law of thermodynamics, though. The
The ideas discussed in this paper can be introduced
increase in temperature of the surroundings gives
smoothly into high-school or introductory college
rise to an appropriately large increase in entropy,
physics with least work. I believe that the
such that the total change in entropy is still positive.
contextualization presented here is interesting, and
In other words, the ΔS of the surroundings increases
exemplifies the power of the statistical physics.
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Volume 33, Issue 1, Article Number : 03.

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