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Semester: FIFTH
International Political Economy
Submitted: ZAFAR HABIB Sb

Video Review#1

Speaker: Michael Green

Talk: “How we can make the world a better place by 2030”
In the beginning of the talk the speaker asked few questions which are; Do you think
the world is going to be a better place, can we end hunger, achieve gender equality, hold
climate changes, all in next 15 years?
In 2015 the leaders of the countries in New York in UN and they put goals for themselves to be
achieve by year 2030.
Back in 2001 UN program agreed set of goals called millennium development goals which target
was to get half of the worlds population out of the poverty that was based n poverty level in
1990’s by some how they achieve success but that was because of economic growth. China and
India are having poverty but in recent years we have seen huge economic growth in both
The members of UN believe that economic goals get us to achieve global goals but according to
speaker only economic growth can not let us to achieve global goals that are settled by leaders
for year 2030.
Speakers introduces tool called social progress index it will be used to achieve those global
goals. SPI focuses on basic human rights, foundation of wellbeing and opportunity to improve
living standard. SSPI has score on scale from one to hundred highest score is 80 and lowest is 31
by Norway and Central African Republic respectively. Average of SPI of all countries are is
goals for 2030, the SPI is targeted to be 75.the relation between GDP and SPI is positive but
with the increase in GDP each dollar of GDP is buying less and less 2015 SPI was 61 and
GDP was 14000 dollars of average country.
According to the us department of agriculture estimated 3.1 average global economic growth. If
their estimation works than per capita income will be 23000 dollars by year 2030.speaker has
discussed it with the group of economists and they suggest if this happened the SPI would
move from 61 to 62.4 because we can’t achieve global goals by getting richer. Economic growth
is not a tool for achieving global goals we cannot achieve global goals with only economic goals
for this a lot of others tools are required to e done. If you invest in human well-being, education
sector, and health sector then we will move from 61 to 72.7 which is quit near to global target.

As we studied the subject of IPE which shows us the relationship between the Economics and
politics so here in this video review, I would like to share my view that we need to focus on
ending the poverty because that would lead us to a great future. To achieve the goals for our
better future we need to work on every sector not only economic sector because there are
countries like Kuwait, Qatar etc. who are very strong economically but very weak in other
sectors and they are not strong countries in world politics.

Video Review#2
Speaker: Paul O’Connell
Talk: Investment in future: A new approach to Foreign Aid
IN the beginning of the talk, the speaker informed the audience about the investment
opportunity that is six times better then the investment in stock market. Those opportunities
are investing in expended excess to vaccination, safe drinking water, sanitations and primary
school education. The return rate of these above sectors is very high then investing in stock
market. In today’s world no body seriously wants to invest in the development causes but the
speaker wants to change this mindset. From the personal experience of speaker when he
visited firm Hong district hospital situated in the capital of Laos. He was volunteer in vaccines
alliance under the global organization which tried to expend the access to vaccinations in poor
countries. During his visit he was informed that before the age of five years a lot of children
losses their lives because of primary disease like bacteria and coughing etc. In Laos 85%
children are born in homes and half of the children were getting immunization. one in twenty
dying before the age of five years.
Speaker is a financial economist and he is thinking about the effects of these statistics on
economy of Laos now the speaker came to the real values of those investment opportunities.
according to him if you invest a dollar in the stock market it will be worth two dollars by year
2025 but if you invest same one dollar in vaccination n poor countries it will be worth of 12$ by
year 2025 which is six times bigger than that. Same with case of investing in primary education
specially for females and safe drinking water it well create about 12$ and 9$ economic values of
year 2025 respectively.
Here in then video speaker called the security of development programs as Dvshare. Investors
buying Devshares from developing countries government and governments take proceed and
invested in high impact development polices that expend the economy. Overtime in fifteen
years economic pie growth and we then take a slice of pie and return it to investors along with
principles. The vaccines that are protecting against the bacteria, coughing etc. are called DTP3.
Here the speaker takes the example of Nigeria where the vaccination rate is 60% and suppose if
Nigeria wanted to rise it to 90% it will cost them about $200million to do that by year
2020.According to the researchers it generates $2billions extra $ in Nigerian GDP.
Nigeria issue Devshare an amount of $200millions use them to invest in DTP vaccine program in
year 2025 with return principles of investors plus a fare rate of return. Speaker mentioned that
development is a risky phenomenon not every development program succeed they can be
destroying by politics, corruption, natural disasters or wars. But on the other hand, sometimes
development program exceeds our expectations. Devshare are design to drive the economic
growth and after devshare those paybacks to investors came from the wealth they themselves
According to the speaker it costs 25$ to provide safe drinking water to those who are affecting
by this problem and it will cost about $200 to provide primary school education to those who
are suffering from not getting primary school education. The speaker in the last suggesting that
lets use Devshares to unleash full potential to make our world truly better place to live. He
mainly focuses on vaccinations, Education, safe drinking water rather than investing in stock

As we studied in our class about the foreign aid but here aid is not the option for the donors
because it aid is not a economic activity but we can get the high return in investing in sectors
like health, education and others. Every nation wants to be strong economically that’s why
everyone wanted to invest in those sectors whose are return are high and which can increase
national GDP.

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