M. Technical Notes: Aspect Ratio, Triangulation Step, and Area Limitation

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Technical Notes

Aspect Ratio, Triangulation Step, and Area Limitation

The aspect ra o (AR) is defined as:

Of the two angles shown the diagram, a3q and monotonic decrease of func on 1/tan are used here. In addi on, since angle q is
the minimum, therefore 2cos(q)31

By analogy:

It means that to prove the above es ma on it is necessary to demonstrate that

Since 90o3a3q, then

It remains to note, that .

Since area of a triangle is equal to (L1+L2)h/2, then it leads to, that is the above es ma on for area, when angle q is
constrained from below, results in to the above es ma on of triangula on step.

Moreover, instead of es ma on using the more accurate es ma on we obtain

Matrix A (referred to as the Jacobian matrix) transfers points of the coordinate triangle to the real triangle. Matrix W transforms
coordinate triangle into equilateral (ideal) triangle. Therefore matrix S=AW-1, which transforms ideal element into real one,
defines devia on of real element from ideal one.

For any triangle, the free vertex which is located at the point x, and two other ver ces – xi, xj, the Jacobian is equal to

det (xi – x, xj – x)

Algorithms Used
A - triangula on - is a classical Delaunay triangula on (see, for example, [9]). For other cases a version of J.Rupert [2] algorithm
is used.

Basic smoothening algorithm is described in reference [10].

Node is moved to the point, which is averaging of loca ons M of the nearest nodes

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