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“Big Bang Theory” -Video clip (02:32min.
Grammar:Warm-Up Activity
 Present Perfect&P.P.Cont./Mixed Conditionals

A.Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.‘demerit’ means… a) virtue b) a fault or mistake c)compliment

2.‘cliffhanger’ means…

a) a suspenseful situation b) vertical rock exposure c) reality

3. The show was on ……………..… channel.

4.Penny and Leonard enjoy watching comedy movies. T/F

5.Why is Sheldon upset? How does he react?

6.What did he do about the situation?

B. SPEAKING - Pair Work

 What’s your favorite TV show? How long have you been
following it? Have you ever missed an episode?
 How would you feel if your favourite TV show was canceled?
What would you do?

Prepared by A.E

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