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Soal Ujian Tengah Semester Genap

N a m a : Nabilla Jundana NIM:
2019130009 Kelas : 2 Karyawan
Mata Kuliah : Analytical Listening 2 Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 25 April 2020
Fakultas : Sastra Inggris Pukul : 18.30 – 20.10
Semester/Kelas : Genap-/2-K Dosen : Rusydi M. Yusuf
Tahun Akademik : 2019-2020 Sifat :
Compose your own questions and answers based on the following story (hot snake)
You have to write the questions and the answers as the following example:
What do you eat? Does she take breakfast every morning?
I eat a banana Yes she takes breakfast every morning

1. What is the title of those news?

A: The title is “Trapped in a mine”

2. When the micropohone still has enabled to keep in touch with men before this accident happend?

A: The microphone still has enabled a two hours ago before the accident.

3. Where the rescue workers need to drilling a hole for saving 6 men lives?

A: The rescue workers need to drilling a hole on the north side of mine.

4. Who is trapped in a mine for 17 hours?

A: 6 men has been trapped in a mine for 17 hours.

5. Why is the rescue taking to long?

A: Because, the rescue workers have some difficult when they want to drill the hole like, there are
many a hard layer of rock beneath the soil.

Part 1: Photographs.You will see a photograph. You will hear four statements about the photograph.
Choose the statement that closely matches the photograph, and write down the four statements that you

A The woman is withdrawing her money
B The shop assistant is eating some
C There’s some candy on the counter
D A woman is being served 

A They’re walking with a horse
B The man’s riding his horse by the sea
C The woman’s brushing down the
D The horses running free.

A They’re pulling the sledge downhill
B They’re dressed for cold weather
C They’re skying downhill
D They’re making a snowman

A The ferry is under repair
B It’s raining hard in the city
C Skyscrapers tower over the harbour
D Sailors are checking the ropes

A They’re looking at the screen
B They’re watching the trainer
C They’re standing by the window
D They’re working at their desk

A They’re having a conversation
B They’re hanging their jackets on the
C They’re driving along the road
D They’re sitting behind the desk

A They’re standing by the piano
B The woman is singing a song
C The girl is playing outside
D The girl is having a music lesson

A The bridge crosses the road
B The cars are stop at the traffic light
C The cars are moving in one lane
D The people are walking into the city

A She’s putting on a white coat
B She’s talking into a microphone
C She’s carrying the equipment
D She’s working in a laboratory

In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and choose the
best answer to the question, then write down the dialogs and the questions that you listen!
1. (A) He seemed to be rather angry. Example:
(B) She was quite angry at him. -Why do you think peter said that?
(C) He was trying to hang the posters. -I think he was really angry.
(D) She believes he was mad. -What does the woman say about peter?

2. (A) The parents are going to stay up late. - Why is Hannah so happy?
(B) The parents have given Hannah her - The parents are the loud to stay up
allowance. late.
(C) Lately, the parents have not been so loud. - What does the woman mean?
(D) Hannah does not have to go to bed early.

3. (A) At a department store - I like some unlikely gas, please.

(B) At a service station - Would you like to filled it up?
(C) At a collection agency - What does the man probably work?
(D) In a delivery room

4. (A) She just broke some eggs. - What do you suggest for breakfast?
(B) They need to eat fast. - Well, you could have cereal or eggs or
(C) She is serious about the boat. both.
(D) He has a choice to make. - What does the woman mean?

5. (A) It was urgent that Ellen do her best. - Did ellen help you a lot with your
(B) He really urged Helen to do more. training?
(C) He was encouraged by Ellen to try harder. - She really encouraged me to do the
(D) Ellen told him that she was trying to do best.
better. - What does the woman mean?

6. (A) The car stalled on the road. - Did you hear what happend to Rob’s
(B) Someone took the car. car lat night?
(C) Rob sold his car. - Yeah, I heard that it was a stone.
(D) Rob heard someone steal his car. - What does the woman mean?

7. (A) Buying the bigger container - We need to get some milk for
(B) Putting the milk in the cart tomorrow morning.
(C) Taking a carton that is smaller - What about this carton?
(D) Getting the milk tomorrow instead. - Maybe we should the largest one
instead the smallest one
- What does the man suggest?
8. (A) The receptionist welcome the - What happend when businesspeople
businesspeople. arrived in the office?
(B) The created a shipping and receiving - Well, first they will be greeted by
business. receptionist.
(C) The businesspeople were rather greedy. - What does the woman mean?
(D) The businesspeople greeted the

9. (A) The police officer was stationed near the - Did you see that? A police officer was
tourist. talking to the tourists.
(B) The tourist was forced to accompany the - Yes, and many mad tourist came to
police officer. the station.
(C) The tourist become mad at the police - What does the man mean?
(D) The tourist stated that the police officer
never came.

10. (A) He hasn’t seen her ideas. - Do you want to go What The Carmel
(B) It was a terrible deal. for the weekend?
(C) He doesn’t like the idea. - That seems like a terrified idea to me.
(D) It sounds magnificent to him. - What does the man mean?

Catatan mengerjakan jawaban dan pengiriman:

1. Kerjakan soal langsung pada ms words ini, dan jawaban dikirim via portal dengan format pdf dan
ms words melalui google drive link
2. Isilah presensi sebelum mengirim jawaban melalui portal unsada dengan cara menulis kata Hadir

3. Perhatikan: Waktu mengerjakan soal hanya 3 jam sesuai dengan hari dan jam perkuliahan. Setelah
3 jam maka portal akan dikuci oleh sistem (locked by system).
4. Tulis nomor WA anda di portal supaya saya bisa hubungi apabila ada lembar jawaban yang tidak
bisa dibuka. Apabila tidak menulis nomor WA maka tidak akan dihubungi.
5. Simpan lembar jawaban dengan nama anda + nim baru kirim via portal.

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