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To ensure and to promote safety and order in the course of construction activities inside SRP
premises, these guidelines are set. It is also the objective of SRP-MO that construction
procedures / schedules of SRP locators will be well-coordinated to promote effectiveness and



The Developer / Contractor shall maintain the construction site and vicinity in sanitary
and clean condition at all times. Garbage and construction debris must be properly
disposed of and/or dumping of the same in neighboring areas is prohibited. Upon
failure of the Constructor / Developer to comply with this provision, the SRP-MO may
clean the premises and the expense shall be charged to the Developer.


2.1 The developer / contractor or his representative shall secure necessary permit for the
whole duration of the construction. This is to inform the SRP-MO of the actual items
of work in a specified period of time.

2.2 The Construction / Renovation Permit copy should be posted on the wooden
enclosure at all times.

3. BOARD UP (within the project area)

3.1 Before any construction is allowed construction area must be properly boarded up.

3.2 Board up shall be firmly constructed and made of at least GI sheet 8ft high (new) or
other approved material, metallic paneling painted white (unless there is a specific
design for the association) with a provision for an access door for inspection purpose.
This door shall swing towards the construction side so as not to obstruct traffic.
Provide the necessary door hardware. It shall remain close at all times during
construction and shall be properly padlocked during non-construction hours.

3.3 Board-up requirement:

- During the construction, the developer/contractor shall provide board-up
constructed along or one-half (1/2) meter beyond the specified property line.
Board-up shall be for the whole duration of the construction. Up keep of the area
within the board up shall be the contractor’s responsibility.
- Painting of graphics, logos, and contractor name is not allowed. Submit drawings
of board-up design to the SRP-MO for approval.


4.1 No worker shall be allowed ingress and egress to and from the SRP premises without
the worker’s ID, which must be worn at all times while inside the area. 

4.2 All construction workers must be in proper construction attire with uniform t-shirt
bearing the contractors’ logo, long pants and safety shoes are required. Those in
sleeveless, shorts and slippers and the like are not allowed to enter the premises.  

4.3 Workers and their supervisors are not allowed to loiter within the SRP premises.
Except in going to and from their warehouse/barracks.


5.1 The street and alleys are not to be used as storage for construction equipment and
supplies. All storage of construction materials and equipment should be done within
the construction site or to a location approved by the SRP-MO.

5.2 All approved access road for heavy equipment and trucks shall be maintained by the
requesting contractors.

5.3 The freeway shall not be used for mixing aggregates. Heavy equipments are not
allowed to park anywhere near the access roads and freeway.

5.4 Sidewalks and planting strips are properties belonging to the Cebu City Government,
therefore, trees planted thereon cannot be destroyed, replaced or moved to another
location without written permission and approval by the SRP Management Office.

5.5 Contractors shall be held responsible for all vehicles accessing to the construction
site in observance of road signs, regulations, routes and courtesy.

5.6 Underground drainage system shall not be used in damping silts and other
construction debris from roads and alleys.

PENALTY: Restraining order for temporary stoppage of on-going construction and

entry of materials and workers to the property until such restoration of damages has
been accepted.


6.1 Related to the control of materials as mentioned, building and construction materials
or equipment must be confined to the developers’/contractors constructions site and
should in no case hinder access to visiting individuals doing inspection.

6.2 Trucks delivering construction materials are required to observe   cleanliness of the
premises by clearing the roads of their scattered mud, sand, gravel and other forms
of unsightly littering.  Drivers are required to strictly observe traffic rules and
regulations particularly the speed limit of 60 km / hr in the South Coastal Road and
20 km/hr for the SRP interior roads. Erring drivers and their trucks shall be banned
from the premises.

6.3 In any case, damage to roads and common areas caused by delivery trucks shall be
charged to the Developer. The Cebu City Government shall not be liable for
construction delays and/or damages arising from the banning of overloaded delivery
trucks.  The preservation of the roads of the area shall prevail over any
inconvenience or loss to any supplier and/or contractor.

6.4 Adequate perimeter lighting of the construction site should be provided from 6:00 in
the evening until 6:00 in the morning.

The said structures are temporary and shall be restricted as follows:

7.1 To observe proper hygiene and waste disposal, every builder/contractor must provide
an operational latrine, shower, bathhouse, and barracks within the lot during the
construction period. All sewage coming from soil/waste pipes of the bunkhouse
should be discharge to the main sewer line of the area thru the allotted sewer tapping
point of the lot.

7.2 The structures must be one-story only and made of decent looking materials;

7.3 No clothesline shall be within public view;

7.4 The latrine and bathhouse must be maintained in sanitary state at all times, well-
covered and kept from public view.   Sewer line from the latrine & bathhouse must be
properly tapped to the existing sewer line within the lot only for the duration of the
project.  Water used must be properly connected and metered.


8.1 For water supply and wastewater treatment concerns, the Cebu City Government
(CCG) has a joint-venture agreement with Pilipinas Water Resources, Inc. (PWRI).
PWRI is responsible for providing water needs, both potable and non-potable for
each locator. Hence, each locator will inform in writing the SRP-MO of their water
demand during construction stage.
8.2 Water supply and distribution facilities for firefighting purposes shall be provided and
maintained in the construction site in accordance with the Local Fire Code. 

8.3 An extinguisher shall be provided and a fire watch assigned for any welding and/ or
gas cutting operation.

8.4 Garbage Depository – It should have proper enclosure and drainage

8.5 Green strip Landscaping – should not encroach the sidewalk and requires assigned
undertaking from the SRP-MO.
8.6 No Incorrect tapping - Verify actual and exact location and inverts of all existing utility
lines before construction.  The developer / contractor shall be liable for incorrect
tapping or connection.

8.7 Sewer- All sewage coming from soil/waste pipes of the bunkhouse should be
discharge to the main sewer line of the area thru the allotted sewer tapping point of
the lot

8.8 Drainage- All drainage lines will be tapped to the allotted tapping point of the lot.

8.9 Water- No more than 2 inches diameter pipe may be used before the water meter. 
No water booster pumps are allowed BEFORE the water storage reservoir.

8.10 Wastewater Collection System – Septic Tank / Vault – the size and design
specification should be based on the locator’s demand projections. Specifically, the
septic tank / vault should be able to store the locator’s one (1) day demand.

The wastewater collection system design is based on the following influent


BOD 206 mg/ltr.

COD 469 mg/ltr.
TSS 231 mg/ltr
TDS 516 mg/ltr
TKN 41 mg/ltr
Oil and Grease 77 mg/ltr

The said parameters were based on standard wastewater quality limited to

wastewater coming from water closets and kitchen sink. Wastewaters coming from
laundry drains and shower drains should be connected to the storm water drainage
system. The presence of detergent will retard the bioreactor process which would
lessen the STP’s capacity.

8.11 Potable Water Distribution System – Cistern Tank – Based on the locator’s demand
projection, the cistern tanks size should be able to store at least three hours of its
average daily demand. The potable water distribution system is designed to generate
20 pounds per sq. inch (psi) of pressure at the distribution line which can only supply
water at ground level

Water Meter Vault – Each locator must provide 2m x 3m water meter vaults for the
potable, non-potable and wastewater meters. This area should be accessible to
assigned inspectors at all times for meter reading and maintenance work.

8.12 Non-potable Water Distribution System – Potable and non-potable water systems
have the same requirements. However when a locator does not have a non-potable
water system, this requirement can be omitted.

9.1 Construction debris and materials

There should be no construction debris and/or excess materials left anywhere in the
vicinity of the construction site upon its completion.

9.2 Damaged to common areas

Any damage to common areas such as sidewalks, streets, etc., as a result of the
construction shall be repaired by the developer

9.3 Removal of auxiliary structures

The Developer upon completion of the project shall remove the following structures:
1) bunkhouse, 2) warehouse, 3) storage area, 4) field office, 5) temporary latrine and

9.4 Removal of construction equipment and vehicles

There should be no construction equipment and vehicles left anywhere in the vicinity
of the site upon the construction completion.

9.5 Retrieval of workers’ ID

IDs issued by the Contractors to the construction personnel are for a fixed period only
and for the construction site applied for. Upon project completion, issued ID’s must
be retrieve by the contractor.


The contractor is responsible for controlling the conduct of his personnel and workers.
The following guidelines for Construction Workers have to be observed while inside the
SRP Premises:

10.1 Drugs, liquor or intoxicating drink are not allowed

10.2 Gambling, loitering, and littering
10.3 Shouting, use of indecent work/acts. Creating public disturbance is strictly
10.4 Sleeping within the SRP premises is not allowed
10.5 Ambulant peddlers and vendors are not allowed without proper permission and
approval of SRP-MO.


11.1 Safety Materials and Equipments

-The contractor shall provide safety measures such as hard hats, construction
nets, sheeting, shoring etc. whenever necessary. No overloading of vehicle,
equipment, or other construction gadgets used in movement or transporting

11.2 Security
-Security within the construction area is the sole responsibility of the

11.3 Damages
-The Cebu City Government shall not be held responsible or co-liable for any
damages/s of life or lives should such structure fall, whether by accident or
fortuitous event, or for any other causes.

-Developers shall place and repair any damage that may have been caused to
surrounding properties after construction.

11.4 All works performed shall be in accordance with the City of Cebu building codes.

11.5 Each locator is requested to submit hard copy and soft copy of the proposed
development plan to SRP-MO, 3rd Floor, Sugbu Buidling, SRP, Cebu City
addressed to Mr. Joel Mari Yu, CIPC Managing Director and attention: Mr. Loubert
N. Tan, Head of Operations.

11.6 Each locator will meet and discuss details of construction procedures /
requirements / schedules with the Operations Team of SRP-MO. The schedule of
the meeting will be set by SRP-MO, and to be concurred by the locator.

11.7 Any change of priority areas for construction not in accordance with the original
plan/document submitted, the concerned locator must inform in writing in-advance
the SRP-MO prior to the scheduled modification of schedule or priority area for

These guidelines were formulated with the intention of protecting the property of
the Developer and maintaining cleanliness and orderliness within the SRP
Premises in view of the on-going and post construction works.


3rd / F Sugbu Building, Cauit, SRP
Telefax: (032) 4100388

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