Na Orces Between Bracket and Are: Bonn, West Germany

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na~~orces between bracket and are

Dieter Drescher, DMD, Christoph Bourauel, Dipl. Phys., and Hans-Albert Schumacher,
Bonn, West Germany

Guiding a tooth along an arch wire results in a counteracting frictional force. Clinically, a
mesiodistally applied force must exceed the frictional force to produce a tooth movement. A
friction-testing assembly simulating three-dimensional tooth rotations was constructed to study
factors affecting friction magnitude. Five wire alloys (standard stainless steel, Hi-T stainless
steel, Elgiloy blue, nitinol, and TMA) in five wire sizes (0.016, 0.016 x 0.022, 0.017 x 0.025,
0.618, and 0.018 x 0.025 inch) were examined with respect to three bracket widths (2.2, 3.3,
and 4.2 mm) at four levels of retarding force (0, 1, 2, and 3 N). The following factors affected
friction in decreasing order: retarding force (biologic resistance), surface roughness of wire, wire
size (vertical dimension), bracket width, and elastic properties of wire. The study recommends the
application of 0.016 x 0.022 inch stainless steel wire combined with a medium (3.3 mm) or wi
(4.2 mm) bracket for an arch-guided mechanism with an 0.016 inch slot. The effective force of
this arrangement has to increase twofold to overcome the friction. For TMA wire, however, the
effective force must increase sixfold, resulting in a hazardous overload of the anchorage units.
(AN J ORTHOD DENTOFAC ORTHOP 1989;96:397-404.)

iction is defined as a force tangential to with an increase in bracket width. To obtain the best
the common boundary of two bodies in contact that combination for canine retraction, they recommend the
resists the motion or tendency to motion of one relative use of edgewise wires with a relatively high stiffness
to the other.’ Since this force operates in the opposite and narrow brackets. Riley et a1.j studied friction with
direction to the mobile body, it is important that fric- respect to diverse material composition (i.e., steel ver-
tional forces should be eliminated or minimized when sus plastic) of ligation auxiliaries. They concluded that
orthodontic tooth movement is being planned. Mesio- steel ligatures generated greater frictional forces than
distal tooth movement can be accomplished by free plastic modules and that moistening caused an insig-
body movement or by guidance of a tooth along an arch nificant increase in friction in the case of steel ligature
wire. The major advantage of the former mechanism and was irrelevant for the plastic modules. Using An-
(e.g., sectional retraction arch wire) is the lack of fric- dreasen’s apparatus, Peterson et al.” found nitinol wire
tional forces between bracket and arch wire. Unfortu- to exhibit less friction than stainless steel. Moreover,
nately, such a mechanism is associated with undesired the effect of wire size was negligible in the case of
tooth rotations in the sagittal and transverse planes, nitinol. Garner et al.? examined diverse brackets and
resulting in an increase in the leveling requirements. arch wire materials on a simulated canine-retraction
By contrast, the latter technique of guiding a tooth along assembly. Their results indicated that friction increased
an arch wire decreases adverse rotating movements but in stainless steel, nitinol, and beta titanium (TMA), in
leads to friction, which results in a delay in tooth move- that order. Friction also increased with wire size.
ment, an increase in anchorage requirements, or both. Guiding a tooth along an arch wire can be divided
Orthodontic literature has a dearth of information in four consecutive phases (Fig. 1):
regarding this essential topic. Andreasen and Quevedo2 Phase 1. Before application of force in the me-
pulled wires of diverse sizes through fixed preangulated siodistal direction and on completion of the leveling
brackets and found that increased tipping and a greater stage, the arch wire lies in the slot, with no conflict
wire cross section led to an increase in frictional forces. (Fig. 1, A).
The influence of bracket width and salivary lubrication Phase 2. Concomitant with force application in the
was negligible. Using the same system, Frank3 and mesiodistal direction, the tooth tips and rotates since
Frank and Nikolai4 agreed in their conclusions regard- the point of force application lies above the center of
ing the wire dimension but found friction to increase resistance (Fig. 1, B and C).
Phase 3. Continuous force application sets an elas-
From the Department of Orthodontics, University of Bonn. tic deformity in the arch wire (Fig. 1, D). The load
Wl/lQ423 at the contact points between wire and bracket in-
Am. J. Orthod. Lkntofac. Orthou.
Drescher, Bourauel, and Schumacher

Fig. 1. Three phases of mesiodistai tooth movement. In Phase 1, before application of mesiodistal
force and after leveling of the dental arch, the arch wire sits in the bracket’s slot with no conflict (A).
In phase 2, With initial mesiodistal force application, the tooth rotates in both the sagittal plane (tip)
(5) and the occlusal plane (C). Thus friction is generated at the contact points between bracket and
arch wire and between ligature and arch wire. In phase 3, with continuous force application, an elastic
deformity is set in the arch wire. The load, and hence the friction at the contact points, is increased,
resulting in antitip and antirotation counterforces (arrows). A force equilibrium is achieved, with the
tooth gliding along the arch in tipping upright oscillations (D).

creases as well as the friction. Thus a portion of bracket width, and biologic resistance. Inferences from
the mesiodistal force is lost. This elastic deformity the study should assist the clinician in making the right
concurrently produces antitip and antirotational move- decision in selection of the proper mechanical system.
ments of the tooth. Other factors, such as masticatory impediment and sa-
Phase 4, In an unbalanced situation, a permanent liva, will be discussed in a forthcoming study.
deformity of the arch wire can be developed. Obviously,
the latter situation should be avoided.
Arch-guided tooth movement consists of repeated The effect of diverse wire material on friction was
movements of tipping and uprighting (phases 1 to 3). studied on the following orthodontic wires: Unitek stan-
In clinical situations, however, additional factors might dard stainless steel (UNI), Unitek Hi-T stainless steel
be involved; for example, masticatory impediment can (HIT), Rocky Mountain Elgiloy blue (ELI%), Unitek
break this cycle by causing a permanent set in the wire nitinol (NIT), and Ormco TMA (TM-A). The influence
(phase 4), It has been suggested that saliva may reduce of wire size on friction was studied on the following
friction by acting as a lubricant film. However, a pre- wire dimensions for each of the above-mentioned wire
liminary study has shown no difference between dry materials: 0.016, 0.016 x 0.022, 0.017 x 0.025,
models and wet models. This supports findings by 0.018, and 0.018 X 0.025 inch. (The latter dimension
Andresean and Quevedo’ and Riley et a1.5 On the was not available for nitinol and TM-4 at tbe time of
other hand, the adhesive characteristic of saliva and the investigation.) The effect of bracket width on fric-
the accumulation of materia alba along the wire in tion was studied on 2.2 mm, 3.3 mm, and 4.2 mm
a nonhygienic mouth condition might hinder tooth standard edgewise brackets (0.0185 inch slot, with no
movement. torque and no angulation). The effect of biologic re-
The objectives of the present study were to deter- sistance on friction was studied on four levels of re-
mine, on a dry model, changes in magnitude of friction tarding force: 0 newton, 1 newton (102 gm), 2 newton
with respect to arch wire material, arch wire size, (204 gm), and 3 newton (306 gm).
Frictional forces between bracket and arch wire 3

Fig. 2. Friction measurements were performed with a friction-testing assembly mounted on a universal
material-testing machine. The friction-testing assembly consisted of a simulated tooth (brass bar) with
an 0.018 inch bracket attached to it and a spring ligature providing constant ligation force of 1 N. The
simulated tooth (brass bar) and its supporting structure (elastic rubber foam) were mounted in an
aluminum housing (A). The aluminum housing, supported by a carriage, traveled linearly along two
steel shafts by means of ball bearings. The arch wire was mounted in a wire-holding device. The
applied force pulled the tooth crown (brass bar) in one direction, and the biologic resistance (retarding
force) pushed the roots (carriage) in the counter direction (B). Since the friction-testing assembly was
mounted on a material-testing machine designed for vertical-force measurement only, a second carriage
was employed to balance the weight of the first carriage. The applied force was measured with a
strain-gauge sensor during downward movements of the base table of the testing machine, during
which the arch wire was drawn through the bracket (C).

For simulation of an arch wire-guided tooth move- dry conditions) is almost identical (km = 0.15). For
ment, a full three-dimensional freedom of mobility of this reason, the present study did not attempt to analyze
the examined body (tooth) is required. This spatial mo- static and kinetic friction separately.
bility allows for a complete simulation of the oscillated The friction-testing assembly consisted of two parts
cycle of tipping and uprighting tooth movements. More- (Fig. 2). The first part comprised a small carriage sup-
over, it was found that the tipping/uprighting cycle is ported by ball bearings, which moved linearly along
accomplished with low tooth velocity of 2 mm/ set and two steel shafts. The simulated tooth was embedded in
is discontinued at higher velocities. Under low-velocity an elastic rubber foam mediator, and both parts were
conditions, both types of static friction* and sliding placed within an aluminum housing that was linke
(kinetic) frictioni8,’ occurred alternately but almost co- the carriage. This construction permitted the desired
incidentally. Moreover, according to Bilge,” the co- spatial rotations of the simulated tooth (Fig. 2, A
efficient of friction for the steel/steel combination (in and B, and Fig. 3). A bracket and a spring-ligature unit
(Fig. 2, A) were attached to the tooth (brass bar). The
“Static tictim = The smallest force needed to start motion of solid surfaces spring-ligature unit provided a light constant force of
at rest with respect to each other. Mathematically, f, 5 k,N where )L. = 1 N to engage the arch wire in the bracket’s slot. The
coefficient of static friction and N = load. orthodontic force (mesiodistal force) was applied to the
Xinetic friction (4) = The force needed to resist the sliding motion of one
solid object over another at a constant speed. f, = p+N where bk = coefficient bracket wing. The second part of the assembly-the
of kinetic friction and N = load. arch wire-holding device (Fig. 2, B)-comprised two
40 Drescher, Bourauel, trrzd Schumacher

Fig. 3. The simulated tooth it1 the course of sliding movement. Note the S-shaped elastic deformity
set in the arch wire.

edgewise tubes that received the ends of the arch wire two pulleys. The system was baianced by means of
and a coil spring to hold the arch wire under tension. auxiliary weights.
During measurement, the arch wire-holding device Movements of the sliding table of the testing ma-
is moved, causing the arch wire to slide through the chine, with the first carriage of the friction-testing as-
bracket slot. Such a design is equal to drawing a bracket sembly attached to it: and the data obtained from the
along a fixed arch wire. The orthodontic force devel- strain gauge of the testing machine were computer con-
oped during this process was measured by means of a trolled. A single data collection was initiated after
force sensor linked to the tooth by a rigid wire (Fig. 3 mm idle movement downward of the sliding table.
2, C). The retarding force (i.e., the counterforce to the This precaution assured that the simulated tooth oscil-
orthodontic force that, in an in vivo condition, is gen- lated in the tippingiuprighting cycle. Because of
erated by the tooth-supporting structures) was applied surface-texture irregularities of orthodontic wires, mul-
here to the carriage in the opposite direction (Fig. tiple measurements were conducted along the 10 mm
2, B). Clinically, the retarding force is determined by length of wires. A unit sampling for a wire consisted
intrinsic factors, such as bone density and age, root of five measurements with no wire as well as with wire
factors (number, configuration, surface area), and oc- loaded with retarding forces of 0, 1, 2, and 3 N. Each
clusion. The greater the retarding force, the more tilt unit sampling was repeated five times. With a sampling
the simulated tooth will undergo. This will increase the frequency of 1000 Hz and with data acquisition of 5
elastic deformity of the wire and, consequently, the seconds, 125,000 measurements were collected for
load (friction) between bracket and wire will also each bracket-wire combination. The low standard error
increase. of the obtained frictional forces indicates high accuracy
The friction-testing assembly was mounted on a of the measuring assembly.
universal materiaf-testing machine (Zwick 1445, Ulm, The measurements recorded by the strain gauge
Einsingen, West Germany) consisting of a vertical slid- (Fig. 2, C) consisted of the retarding force, as well
ing table and a strain-gauge force sensor (Fig. 2, C). as the frictional forces generated between the ball
Because of the vertical operation of the testing machine, bearings of the carriages and the shafts, the pulleys and
an additional carriage was incorporated into the friction- the ropes, and the bracket and the arch wire. The ef-
testing assembly to compensate for the weight of the fective frictional force (bracket/ wire) was calculated
first carriage. B;oth carriages were linked together by by subtracting the assembly friction (carriages/ shafts
Frictional forces between bracket and arch wire

Friction vs Retarding Force
I 52 $ Friction vs Bracket Width

retarding forces [N]: bracket width [mm]:

wire: I wire:

Fig. 4. A direct relationship exists between friction and the re- Fig. 6. Narrow brackets (2.2 mm) increased friction most sig-
tarding force for the different wire alloys. That is, friction in- nificantly in all examined alloys. However, effects of medium
creased linearly with an increase in the retarding force. (3.3 mm) and wide (4.2 mm) brackets depended on wire materia!
(Fig. 7).

AFriction vs Wire Dimension (HIT)

74 wire dimension [inch]: r
f?d 0.016

retarding force [N] wlre:
Fig. 5. The influence of wire dimensions on friction is determined
by the vertical dimension of the wire. The histogram shows such Fig. 7. The bar diagram friction versus wire material as calcu-
an effect for a Hi-T wire in a narrow bracket at different levels lated for all measured data showed friction to be weakly related
of retarding forces. Note that the differences between a 0.016 to the elastic properties of the wires. Hence TMA is stiffer than
inch round wire and a 0.016 x 0.022 inch rectangular wire are nitinol but was demonstrated to have greater friction.

effective force is a practical indicator for evaluation of

and pulleys /ropes), which was obtained from the zero friction involvement. For example, to move the tooth
measurements, and the given retarding force from the along a Hi-T wire a mesiodistal force of 2.3 N (234.6
recorded measurement. gm) is required. This orthodontic force is composed of
a frictional force of 1.3 N (132.6 gm) (Fig. 4, second
bar from left) and a retarding force of 1 N (102 gm).
Frictional forces were evaluated in relation to the The ratio of 2.3 between the orthodontic force and the
following: retarding force means that the orthodontic force must
Retarding force. Fig. 4 shows a direct relationship be increased by 2.3 to achieve mesiodistd tooth move-
between frictional force and the retarding force for each ment. For the various bracket-wire combinations, the
wire material. Thus friction increases with an increase ratio of applied force to effective force Auctuated be-
in retarding force (biologic resistance). There is almost tween 2.0 (HIT) and 6.1 (TMA).
a linear increase in friction for each wire material. In Wire dimension. Fig. 5 depicts the frictional forces
the case of TMA wire, however, a substantially steeper developed in Hi-T wires of different sizes drawn along
slope can be observed. The ratio of applied force to a narrow bracket. It is apparent that friction depends
Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs (original magnification x 5000) of the examined alloys depicted
a direct relationship between surface texture and friction, which increased in the following order:
stainless steel (UNI)---smooth surface (A), Elgiloy blue (ELB)-flai relief (B), nitinol (NIT)-more
coarse surface texture (C), and beta titanium (TMA)-very crude surface tex?ure (D).

primarily on the vertical dimension of the wire. In gen- terials. Accordingiy, frictional forces increased in the
eral, a 0.016 inch round wire and a 0.016 x 0.022 following order: Hi-T (HIT), standard stainless steel
inch rectangular wire generated the lowest frictional (UNI), Elgiloy blue (ELB). nitinol (NIT), and beta
force, while the 0.018 X 0.025 inch rectangular wire titanium (TMA). TMA wires always showed signifi-
generated the greatest frictional force. cantly higher frictional force values.
Bracket width. Fig. 6 demonstrates the relationship
between frictional force and bracket width for each wire
material. In contrast to the findings reported by Frank,’ The direct relationship found between the retarding
this study found that, for each wire material, narrow force (i.e., biologic resistance) and the frictional force
brackets (2.2 mm) always generated the greatest fric- (Fig. 4) is due to augmentation in the load at the contact
tional force. However, friction for medium (3.3 mm) points between the bracket and the arch wire as well
and wide (4.2 mm) brackets showed the same distri- as between the bracket and the Ligature wire. This direct
bution as for wire material (compare Figs. 6 and 7). relationship emphasizes the need for a passive leveling
Wire material. Fig. 7 shows an overall analysis of arch before application of mesiodistal forces.
the collected data. Mean values were calculated for all When selecting the proper arch wire size for a me-
measurements except the 0.018 X 0.025 inch rectan- siodistal tooth movement, the clinician should bear in
gular wires. which were not available for all wire ma- mind that friction depends primariiy on the vertical
Volume 96 Frictional forces between bracket and arch wire
Number 5

dimension of the wire (Fig. 5). This finding can be tipping moment caused by the applied mesiodistal force
further substantiated by the physical definition of fric- and the counter antitip moment elicited by the spring-
tion (F = ~.LN), where the coefficient of friction (k) back force of the wire. Thus the force resulting at the
and the vertical force (iV) (not a horizontally applied contact points between the bracket and the wire is al-
farce) determined the magnitude of friction. A 0.016 most independent of the elastic properties of the wire.
inch Hi-T round wire and a 0.016 X 0.022 inch Hi-T Wires with equal size and surface texture but with di-
rectangular wire showed virtually the same amount of verse elastic properties will generate nearly the same
friction (Fig. 5). Thus, for mesiodistal tooth movement, frictional forces for a given bracket width. The only
the rectangular wire is preferred because of its addi- difference between two such wires would be in the
tional feature of buccolingual root control. equilibrated angle formed between the bracket slot and
Unlike other investigations,2-4 this study found nar- the arch wire. In the case of TMA, high vaiues of
row brackets to intensify friction by enhancing tipping frictional force are the result of surface roughness and
movements ( Fig. 6). The conflict is due to the degree a high coefficient of friction.
of freedom given to the simulated tooth in this setup
as compared with the spatially restrained tooth move- CONCLUSlON
ment designed in previous studies.2-4 This implies a The present study found the following factors to
preference for the use of medium or wide brackets affect friction in tooth-guided arch wire mechanics (in
in arch-guided tooth movement, particularly in cases decreasing order): retarding force (biologic resistance),
in which excessive mesiodistal tooth translation is surface roughness of wire, wire size (vertical dimen-
required. sion), bracket width, and elastic properties of wire.
A multifactorial analysis (Fig. 7) of all four ex- Clinically, for guiding a tooth along a continuous arch
amined factors (retarding force, wire size, bracket wire in an 0.018 inch bracket, the study recommends
width, and wire material) disclosed that wire material (1) the use of medium (3.3 mm) or wide (4.2 mm)
was the decisive factor in affecting frictional involve- brackets, particularly in cases of major mesiodistal
ment. The increase in friction in Hi-T (HIT), standard tooth displacement; (2) the use of the 0.016 X
stainless steel (UNI), elgiloy blue (ELB), nitinol (NIT), 0.022 inch rectangular arch wire as a working arch to
and beta titanium (TMA) (in that order) is in full agree- provide better spatial root control; (3) the preclusion of
ment with the observations of Garner et al.’ Further- wires with rough surface texture (TMA, nitinol); and
more, surface-structure analysis by means of scanning (4) the reinforcement of the anchorage units (e.g., ex-
electron microscopy (Fig. 8, A to 0) revealed distin- traoral) in maximal anchorage problems or, alterna-
guishing surface texture characteristics between diverse tively, the application of nonguided arch wire mechan-
wire materials. Stainless steel (UNI) and Elgiloy blue ics (e.g., sectional arches).
(ELB) demonstrated a smooth surface texture, whereas The clinical evaluation should take into account that
the nickel-titanium alloy (NIT) and especially the the effective force has to increase by twofold (stainless
titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) showed an exten- steel) to sixfold (TMA) to overcome bracket-to-wire
sive surface roughness. Although no quantitative data friction.
are currently available, it is apparent that surface texture
is a substantial factor in dictating friction magnitude in We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. Alexander D.
edgewise mechanics. Elastic properties of orthodontic Vardimon for his constructive criticism and to Dr. Lawrence
wires are one expression of material characteristics. The R. Voss as well as to Mrs. Rocio Avalos for revising the
relationship between friction and the elastic properties manuscript.
showed only a weak increase in friction with decreased
stiffness (Fig. 7). This relationship was based on the REFERENCES
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