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TOP BRAIN formulates and executes plans (which often involves deciding where
to move objects or how to move the body in space), whereas the BOTTOM BRAIN
classifies and interprets incoming information about the world. The TB uses the BB to
formulate its plans.
People vary in the degree they tend to rely on each of the two brain
Processing in the temporal lobe (located in the BB) plays a crucial role in visual
recognition—the sense that we’ve seen an object before, that it’s familiar—whereas
processing in the parietal lobe (in the TB) plays a crucial role in allowing us to
register spatial relations (One object is to the left side of the other).

Relying more on BB and less on TB = good observations, but fewer complex and detailed
Bottom Brain à processing inputs from the senses and
using them to activate appropriate memories about
Top Brain à Devises and carries out plans relevant objects and events
PARIETAL LOBE – registers where objects OCCIPITAL – processing visual input from the eyes
are located, passes info to frontal lobe TEMPORAL LOBE – auditory input from the ears (organize
FRONTAL – Decisions, speech information bearing signals from the senses, filter noise from the signal,
and then shunt the signals deeper into the brain), enduring memories of
shape and sound
Mover Mode (TB and BB) – make and act on plans,
register consequences of doing so, subsequently
Perceiver Mode (BB) – Try to make sense of what they perceive,
adjusting plan on the basis of feedback
interpret what they experience, put it in context, and try to
Þ Leaders, plan, act and see consequences of
understand the implications, do not initial detailed complex
Þ Often viewed as independent and self-
Þ Librarians, naturalists, pastors
Þ You can step back and get the big picture, taking your
Þ They often emerge as leaders, not only
time to understand what’s going on around you.
because they behave proactively but also
Þ Others will soon turn to you for wise advice. If you run
because they know how to read
into trouble, however, perhaps because you don’t
other people and use this information
have enough relevant experience that applies to
when formulating and fine-tuning plans.
present circumstances, you may simply have little to
Þ Embrace challenges and were not deterred
by failure. Failures were not dead ends but

valuable lessons in the progression to
Adaptor Mode (neither is highly utilized) – not initializing plans, not
interpreting, they are open to becoming absorbed by local events

or immediate imperatives
Stimulator Mode (TB) – creative and original, but
actions can be disruptive, and they don’t adjust
Mental imagery – pulling from sensory memory by visualizing
their behavior appropriately E.g. Social activists
Spatial and object mental imagery are different, and the reason why

is easy to formulate: Spatial mental imagery relies especially on the
Argument is that each of us has a dominant mood top-brain system, and object mental imagery relies especially on the
which is a distinctive feature of our personality – but bottom-brain system. Moreover, people can be good at one type of
we still adopt different modes in different situations imagery while being bad at the other type.

Researchers have known for decades that none of the sweeping assertions about left brain/right brain
differences are supported by solid science.

your genes may incline you toward different experiences, and the learning
that occurs during those experiences in turn affects how much you utilize the
top- and bottom-brain systems.

Test –

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