Chapter 6 Ni Chichay

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Chapter 6: Output

We have our own definition of a good life, some others define good life in
terms of achievement, success, wealthiness, and some other things we desire.
But good life must be in a concept of achieving a good heal and enjoy a life to
the fullest. To live in a nice place and good environment. Just like in the film I
watched in title the watermill village. Which the story shows us a simple life in a
village without technology, electricity and other modern devices. They live in this
simple happy life with the nature. As the old man says in his perspective in life
to live with resemblances in nature which we human started. They also make a
parade like a festival to the funeral of one of the villager, because they rejoice
not for the death of this villager, but for they rejoice and thankful for the long
life of this villager because of achieving the fullest of her life not past away
cause of sickness, but in an age fully ripen. That’s there concept of life living in a
natural way to achieve the fullness of life as believe nature and human must live
as one.

The film was inspiring in its simple way, if I will be ask if what is my favorite
part or what did part of the film struck me. Well for me, that was the moment
when the old man smile and laugh. That was just a simple moment right, yes
there is some more good part of the short film. But this part struck my heart.
Know why? Because that laugh and smile shows the beauty of there village that
laugh shows how happy they live in there simple community. That moment
means to me that in this world there’s a lot of problems and trials, but this old
man can even laugh before going to the funeral because they are happy for the
life of this villager cause she achieve the fullness of her life. That was the reason
why I love that part cause it shows that the old man have a good perspective in

As i’ve watched in the film, the lack of there technology reveals the identity
of the nature. Because they lack on technology they use the nature as there
strength that they can use in there daily life. As I see in the film they was
contented in what they have. In the film the stranger as the old man, ’’you don’t
have a electricity for light’’ the old man answered we use ’’lamps with oil and the
stars were always bright’’.
the stranger ask again.‘’’you don’t have a tractor to cultivate the soil’’ the old
man answered. ’’we have cows for cultivating’’. that moment I see the good
perspective of the old man in life that nature must be resembled with humans.
And it is the role of the humans to nurture and protect this nature that we have.
Humans exist with this natural environment so we must be with it. As I learn in
this short film to see the life in a positive way. In a way we must see the
goodness of our natural environment to nurture and use it properly. Technology
is not bad but we must not forget the natural environment or natural things that
we have. To live in a balanced living to achieve the fullness of life. Technology is
here with us in our generation but we must not rely on it because at the very
existence of human it is not with the technology but with nature. Technology is
very essential to us now a days but there must be a resemblance between this
two. In that way we can in a good life.

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