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0 Other Forms of Business Correspondence: Text Messages, E-Mails, Memorandum

Created by:
Ms. Julie Mae C. Alforque
Ms. Celeste Del Socorro
Ms. Lilia V. Ibo
Ms. Monthessa C. Gacayan
Mr. Donovan Mari Rosero
In this module, you will spend two weeks to:
a. identify the various types of office correspondence
b. identify the role of text messaging in business correspondence
c. apply the principles of 6 C’s in writing correspondence
d. write effective emails and text messages for internal and external correspondence
e. discuss the purpose and format of a memorandum
f. draft, proofread and revise their letters
g. present a clean copy of a formal text message, an e-mail and a memo
h. demonstrate the proper use of “Netiquette”


I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Read the following statements carefully. Write TRUE if the
sentence is true. If it is FALSE, underline the word or phrase which makes it false. Write the
correct answer on the space provided. (10 POINTS)
E-mail 1. Mr. Villacorta uses text blast message in disseminating his memoranda
to his employees.
TRUE 2. Mr. Yu’s mother uses email to communicate her grievances over a
gender-bias school policy to the school principal.
Can’t 3. Sincerely yours and respectfully yours can be used interchangeably as a
sign off to a letter.
TRUE 4. The issuance of Executive Order by the different LGU’S stipulating
precautionary measures to fight COVID 19 is an example of a
TRUE 5. It is not enough to just know the audience of the sender but must also
have sufficient information about the person.
TRUE 6. It is always advisable to double check grammar and technicalities
before sending your letters to recipients.
TRUE 7. BCC (Blind Carbon copy) will hide the original recipient of the email.
TRUE 8. Creating a Memorandum makes the new policy to be “official”.
TRUE 9. Enhanced Community Quarantine until further notice is a good subject
line for email.
TRUE 10. Executive orders from the LGU are considered Memorandum.


A. CODES: The following acronyms and abbreviations are commonly used in writing. Briefly
explain what they mean and give at least one sample sentence using the codes. Write the
correct answer on the space provided. (20 POINTS)

20 1
continuation… 2


1. ASAP As soon as possible I would like to get a gallery and
info page up on my site ASAP.
2. FYI For your information Goodman, FYI, was known as the
Eternal Light because he never
went home and has since served
four months for phone hacking.
3. TGIF Thank God It's Friday “I am so happy it's Friday!
4. BTW By The Way In BTW, initiation only accepts
someone into the first degree.
5. c/o 'Care Of' Send the parcel c/o Joseph
6. TTYL Talk To You Later I will be taking my break, TTYL
7. AWOL Absent Without Leave After going AWOL, the group
was eventually caught and
arrested in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
8. Tks Thanks Please accept my friend request, Tks.
9. FAQs Frequently Asked Questions There is also a searchable
glossary of over 900 terms, over
400 FAQs and a trivia quiz.
10. BBIAS Be Back In A Sec I will be having my lunch, BBIAS.
11. ACK Disgust" or "Acknowledge She won't ACK responsibility for
her actions.
12. ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution We believe that there is, and
should be, room for appropriate
and ADR procedures.
13. ATM Automated Teller Machine She was all wobbly on her feet, so
he had to help her to an ATM so
she could withdraw money to foot
the hospital bills.
14. e. g. For Example I love playing sports (e.g. basketball,
soccer and table tennis).
15. BAU Business As Usual It is all lunacy but BAU for the
16. LTNS Long Time No See LTNS, Cliché I have not seen you
in a long time.
17. n/a "Not Available" This food is n/a for this moment.
18. ICYMI  In Case You Missed It Here's a link to last night's speech
19. IMHO  in my humble opinion She's not as nice as your old
girlfriend IMHO.
20. Encl. Enclosed or Enclosure My favorite part of the zoo is
looking at the snakes in the reptile
continuation… 3


B. BUSINESS OR COLLOQUIAL USE: Identify whether or not these codes can be used in
business contexts, colloquial (informal or every day communication) contexts and/or both.
Simply tick (√) the appropriate column. (20 POINTS)




2. FYI


4. BTW

5. c/o



8. Tks

9. FAQs


11. ACK

12. ADR

13. ATM

14. e. g.

15. BAU

16. LTNS

17. n/a

18. ICYMI 

19. IMHO 

20. Encl.

III. PROFESSIONAL TEXTING: Send an efficient text message following the different contexts
given. Religiously observe the guidelines in sending a professional SMS or text. You will be
graded based on the following criteria: (60 POINTS)
Content 10
Organization 5
Grammar and Mechanics 5
Professionalism 10
continuation… 4

1. Send a professional text message to Ms. Joyce Yang, Director of School of Business and
Administration, asking her permission to participate as one of your respondents for the research
study. Be comprehensive.
Text Message:
May 9,2020

To: Ms. Joyce Yang

Re: To participate as one of our respondents for the research study

Dear Ms:

A Pleasant day! This is in connection with one of my subjects in school. In behalf of

my seven groupmates namely Mr. Ralph Cañacao, Ms.Shyne Tangente, Mr. Justin
Atilano, Ms. Rona Iway, Ms. Dani Goopio, Ms. Jhomisae Loquias and Mr. Niño
Jumuzu who are currently enrolled at University of San Carlos who are also under
the supervision of Ms. Monthessa Gacayan, writing this message.

In line with this, may I ask your permission to participate as one of our respondents
for the research study. Your permission and approval to participate as one of our
respondents for the research study will be greatly appreciated and will help us to pass
our subject.
Thank you and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Niño Lim

ABM Student

2. Send an efficient and detailed text message to Dr. Rolando Obiedo so you can schedule for an
update meeting regarding the results of the conducted research recently. Be comprehensive.
Text Message:
May 9,2020

To: Dr. Rolando Obiedo

Dear Dr Obiedo,

I hope to find you in good health. I beg your pardon for approaching you through this
text message in such odd time. In behalf of my groupmates, I am writing this
message to request a meeting with you to discuss the results of the conducted
research we had recently.

Please let me confirm your available days and timings and we will adjust our
schedule accordingly. Meeting you is our utmost priority of business.

I would like to inform you beforehand that upon meeting you, my groupmates would
be present and these includes Mr. Ralph Cañacao, Ms.Shyne Tangente, Mr. Justin
Atilano, Ms. Rona Iway, Ms. Dani Goopio, Ms. Jhomisae Loquias and Mr. Niño

We are looking forward to the opportunity to sit down with you. To schedule a time
for the meeting, please contact me directly at (+63) 929-1655-838 or e-mail
continuation… 5

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Niño Lim

ABM Student


ABM: Assuming that you are spearheading the organizing committee for your company’s trade
fair, you are responsible to look for some sponsors to make the said event successful. With this, you
will have to do the following tasks:
1. Identify a specific company (individuals and the like) which you think might be interested
in supporting your activity.
1. Once you have selected a specific company, try to get in touch with their Marketing Head
by crafting a professional business text . Again, no need to contact the company
(individuals and the like) in real time.
2. In the text, you are to comprehensively introduce yourself and the purpose of your
3. Assuming that the Marketing Head approves the idea, generate a well-thought of business
email which contains the vital details necessary for the company trade fair. This includes
but is not limited to program name, location, time and date, participants, objectives and
the like.
4. Once everything is finalized with the sponsor company, craft a memo for your
organization. This must include but is not limited to:
‣ informing the whole organization about the successful correspondence between the
company and the sponsor company;
‣ give out the necessary details of the event such as the objectives, program name,
location, time and date and the like;
‣ asking all the staff for their cooperation and teamwork for a successful trade fair.
‣ Be creative and imaginative with this task. Sky is your limit as long as you play within the
stated guidelines above.
‣ Remember to apply all your learning from the Discussion part.
‣ Be mindful of the rubrics given as well.

Use the given spaces for your text message, email and memo.
continuation… 6

May 9,2020

Ms. Lauren Malecha

Senior Marketing Manager
Yves Saint Laurent Beauty at L'Oréal
Greater New York City Area

Dear Ms. Malecha,

I hope to find you in good health! I am Niño Lim, Salonica’s Sales Representative.

I want to invite your company to become one of our sponsors in the company’s trade

Being the leading beauty product producers, we are greatly honored to showcase your
products in our trade fair which can be beneficial for both of our company’s since we
will be showcasing your products in the trade fair, many customers will also learn about
your existing and new products.

Your approval in becoming as one of our sponsors for the company’s trade fair will be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Niño Lim

Salonica’s Sales Representative

SUBJECT: Detailed Business Program

Who: To all aspiring women

Program Name: Beauty Squad

Industry: Hair & Beauty

The beauty industry is undoubtedly one of the fastest-evolving markets in the world of
commerce.  As trends and styles continue to change, brands are forced to adapt their
business models and customer experiences to meet new industry standards.  If they
don’t, they end up falling behind. The thing it, it’s not just beauty and style trends that
change over the years.
The word “squad” is blowing up and is now at an all-time high.

Salonica recognized this need to stay current, and jumped on the evolving idea of “girl
squads” with their Beauty Squad rewards program.  For many women, the term “squad”
continuation… 7

is synonymous with a group of girlfriends who respect, support, and love each other.
This definition helps to position Salonica rewards program as a community that shares
similar values, goals, and aspirations.  In other words, a Beauty Squad.

That will happen on March 8, 2021 at Mahogany Grounds which is located at Pope John
Paul II Avenue.

May 9,2020

To: Salonica’s Hair Lounge Management and Personels

Re: Asking all the staff for cooperation and teamwork for a successful trade fair

Dear Mrs and Ms

Pleasant day!

This is in connection with the upcoming trade fair namely “Beauty Squad’’ that will be
on March 8,2021 and will be held at Mahogany Grounds at Pope John Paul II Avenue.

This will help introduce Salonica’s rewards program as a community that shares similar
values, goals, and aspirations. Also, it is my honor to inform you, all the staffs and
personnel of Salonica Hair Lounge that our request for sponsors has been approved.

In line with this, may I ask your cooperation and teamwork for a successful trade fair.

Your presence in the event is greatly appreciated and will help us to succeed this
upcoming trade fair.

Thank you and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Niño Lim

Salonica’s Sales Representative
Exceeds Meets expectation Approaching Below expectation
Expectation (8 points) expectation (3 points)
(10 points) (5 points)
AUDIENCE Excellent and Some audience Needs more Little or no audience
AWARENESS appropriate audience awareness audience awareness. awareness
awareness. Written demonstrated. Written only demonstrated. Not
in the manner of a Written mostly with somewhat with a written with a
text message with a a teenage audience in teenage audience in teenage audience in
teenage audience in mind. mind. mind.
IDEAS Ideas were Ideas were expressed Ideas were The message seemed
expressed in a clear in a pretty clear somewhat to be a collection of
and organized manner, but the organized, but were unrelated sentences
fashion. It would be organization could not very clear and and information. It
easy for the reader to have been better there were sections was very difficult to
figure out what the that didn’t make figure out what the
messages were about sense. It took more message was about.
than one reading to
continuation… 8

figure out what the

letter was about.
WORD CHOICE Uses appropriate Uses vivid words Uses words that Uses a limited
words and acronyms and phrases, but the communicate vocabulary that does
that suite the words are clearly, but the not communicate
audience. Phrases, occasionally used writing lacks strongly or capture
and the choice and inaccurately or seem variety, punch or the reader's interest.
placement of the overdone flair. Unclear
words seems abbreviations, or
accurate, natural and cliché’s may be
not forced.. present and detract
from the meaning.
GRAMMAR AND Makes no errors in Makes 1-2 errors in Makes 3-4 errors in Makes more than 4
MECHANICS grammar, grammar, mechanics, grammar errors in grammar,
mechanics, or and/or spelling. mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or
spelling based on spelling spelling.
language aimed at Makes more than 4
the audience. errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or
LENGTH OF Text string is Text string is Text string is
TEXT between two or more between two or more between two or Text string is
characters with 6 characters with 5 more characters between two or more
entries for each entries for each with 4 entries for characters with 3 or
character. character. each character. less entries for each
STANDARD Student can identify Student can identify Student can identify Student can identify
READING the appropriate main the appropriate main the appropriate the appropriate main
COMPREHENSION idea of a passage idea of a main idea of a idea of a
and can explain in passage/play and can passage/play with passage/play with
rich vocabulary. explain in satisfying difficulty. utmost difficulty.

FORMAT Complies with all Complies with Complies with Doesn't comply with
the requirements for almost all the several of the the requirements for
a friendly email. requirements for a requirements for a a friendly email.
friendly email. friendly email.
AUDIENCE Excellent and Some audience Needs more Needs more
AWARENESS appropriate awareness audience audience
audience demonstrated awareness awareness
continuation… 9

IDEAS Ideas were Ideas were Ideas were The message

expressed in expressed in a somewhat seemed to be a
a clear and pretty clear organized, but collection of
organized manner, but were not very unrelated
fashion. It the clear and there sentences and
would be organization were sections information. It
easy for the could have that didn’t was very difficult
reader to been better. make sense. It to figure out what
figure out took more than the message was
what the one reading to about.
letter was figure out what
about. the letter was about.

WORD CHOICE Uses vivid Uses vivid Uses words that Uses a limited
words and words and communicate vocabulary that
phrases, and phrases, but clearly, but the does not
the choice the words are writing lacks communicate
and occasionally variety, punch strongly or
placement of used or flair. capture the
the words inaccurately or reader's interest.
seems seem Jargon, unclear
accurate, overdone. abbreviations, or
natural and cliches may be
not forced. present and
detract from the
GRAMMAR Makes no Makes 1-2 Makes 3-4 Makes more than
MECHANICS & errors in errors in errors in 4 errors in
SPELLINGS grammar, grammar, grammar grammar,
(CONVENTIONS) mechanics, mechanics, mechanics, mechanics,
or spelling. and/or and/or spelling and/or spelling.

Proficient Satisfactory Developing Improvement
(10 POINTS) (7 POINTS) (5 POINTS) needed
Consistently Uses Uses businesslike Uses businesslike Uses informal
businesslike language and language but does language that does
language to address addresses the not clearly address not address the
AUDIENCE the intended intended audience; the intended intended audience
AND audience; clearly introduces and audience; introduces appropriately; fails to
PURPOSE introduces and communicates the and attempts to communicate the
communicates the memo’s or email’s communicate the memo’s or email’s
memo’s or email’s purpose. memo’s or email’s purpose.
purpose. purpose.
ORGANIZATION/ Follows an Follows appropriate Follows a mostly Uses a format that
ELABORATION appropriate format format for the conventional format does not fit the
for the specified specified type of for the specified specified type of
type of business business document ; type of business business document;
documents; clearly logically presents documents; logically inconsistently or
and logically information presents most randomly presents
presents information. information.
information; each Provides and
idea is logically appropriate amount Provides too few or Provides too few or
connected to the of details; includes too many details; too many details;
next some reason or to includes inadequate fails to include
back up reasons or to back reasons or to back up
Provides and recommendations. up statements or statements or
appropriate amount recommendations. recommendations.
of detail. The memo
is concise but
includes all
information and an
continuation… 10

effective, precise
The content of the The content of the The content of the The content of the
memo is excellent memo is fairly well memo is developing memo is
and responds well to developed and and responds fairly underdeveloped and
CONTENT the assignment’s satisfactorily well to the does not respond
purpose. responds to the assignment’s well to the
assignment’s purpose. assignment’s
purpose. purpose.
Shows overall Shows some clarity Shows little clarity Shows no clarity or
USE OF clarity and fluency; and fluency; presents or fluency; presents fluency;
LANGUAGE concisely presents information briefly; information briefly demonstrates poor
(GRAMMAR information; few if few mechanical to the point of use of language;
TECHNICALITIES) any mechanical errors. vagueness; some many mechanical
errors. mechanical errors. errors.

Check your understanding on the concepts presented in this module by simply ticking (√) the right box.
Legend: NOTE:
1 Understood but not fully
If your answers are mostly 1 in the
2 Understood checklist below, then go back to
3 Understood perfectly
I UNDERSTAND ……. 1 2 3
‣ the proper way of using SMS in business correspondence

‣ the guidelines in writing effective business texting

‣ when to use and when not to use e-mails as means of

business communication
‣ that in writing e-mails in business communication, it
should be clear and formal
‣ that the 6 C’s in writing should be observed in SMS,
emails and in memos
‣ that the tone and language to be used should be
professional in nature
‣ that there are abbreviations and emoticons that can only
be used in formal correspondence
‣ that some abbreviations and emoticons can be used both
in informal or formal correspondence
‣ the purpose of writing a memo

‣ all the parts of a memorandum

‣ all the other forms of business correspondence namely:

Text messages, E-mails and Memos

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