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Maximum Nitrogen portion (ratio of

volume N2 vs volume CH4 = 6) for

flammable composition of N2-CH4

Maximum CO2 portion (ratio of

volume CO2 vs volume CH4 = 3.3) for
flammable composition of CO2-CH4

HC inside the Wet Flare header should

be100% or within flammable range (N2
content below 85% for N2-C1 mixtures or
CO2 below 77% for CO2-C1 mixtures) to
sustain combustion.
2. Pilot Flame Out

Why pilot was also extinguished? Below is simplfied causation list for the pilot flame out:

Cause Parameter Note

Abnormal supply of LP Fuel Pressure & Flow: normal range Dropped during trip however quickly back to normal
again and normal indication during flame out.
Envelopment by flare main stream as per technical reference (Hydrocarbon 1. Flame out case, 23 Sept 2016,
High flow rate of inert + HC during
Engineering, April 2006, refer to J Zink Combustion Handbook & API 537 Flare Details 21.19 - 22.54: Low flow rate of inert +
trip, Flare flame out but pilot still
for General Refinery and Petrochemicals): HC during trip, Flare flame
Flare rate: 0 - 9500 NM3/hr. out but pilot could
Wind speed: 2.5 - 5 m/s potentially flame out

2. Trip case, 23 Sept 2016, 17.48:

Flare rate: 20500 NM3/hr Potential

Widn speed: 2 - 3 m/s

3. Trip case, 12 Sept 2016: Free air

inlet Flare Free air
Flare rate: 13500 NM3/hr Stack inlet
Widn speed: 0.5 - 2.5 m/s Flare

Pilot LP fuel supply


envelopment by inert
which cause pilot
flame out


Empirical data shown that pilot in the upwind

position is more stable where pilot in the cross
wind and downwind are susceptible for flame out
(John Zink, Hydrocarbon Engineering, April 2006
with reference to API 537 & Combustion

270 degree

300 degree
Possible Root Cause:
Pilot is susceptible for flame out by
INERT envelopment which cannot
maintain sustainable pilot flare during
high INERT composition in the flare
main stream especially in relatively low
rate of flaring in low wind speed

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