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1. Introduction

2. Program Design

3. Expected Program Outcomes

4. Reflection

5. Feedback

6. Conclusion

7 Reference and Appendix

1.0 Introduction

In the midst of dealing with Covid19 crisis during phase one until phase four of
Movement Control Order (MCO), the number of road accidents has dropped by almost 70%
nationwide since that. An average of 370 accident were recorded daily during the MCO.
Road accidents is a rare, random event always preceded by a situation in which one or more
road users have failed to cope with their environment, resulting in a collision the public
highway which should be recorded by the police. Therefore, in order to strive toward a vision
of accident free road and reduce road fatalities, this is a suitable time to do the road safety
campaign to raise the awareness and increase the knowledge among road users about the road
safety by educating the community about the traffic rules and safe driving. In addition, the
road users also must aware with wearing a face mask and always sanitize their hand to
prevent the virus from spreading further in compliance with the SOP in this pandemic.

Road safety is refers to all effort to prevent the road accidents and protect the road
users to from getting injured or killed. The overall road safety is depends on the interaction of
three main element which is human factors, environmental factor and vehicle factors. The
human factors was most often considered as the main cause of the road safety problem since
human are by nature subjects to errors. Therefore, by doing the road safety campaign, the
road users know what can do and don’t when they are on the road. Through this road safety
campaign, we can increase the road safety because the possibility of crashes on the road
network and severity crushes can be reduced. Other than that, the road users can improve
their driving skill by obeying the road rules such as not drinking alcohol while driving for
drivers and do aware of their wrongful manner such as do not drive to fast. Last but not least,
the need for costly remedial and maintenance work can be reduced because there are no
accidents occur.
2.0 Program Design
A road safety campaign is mainly focusing on how we can do to decrease the road accident
while maintaining our community health and social distancing. These are often further
clarified through a decent framework of programmes. The analysis might contribute to a
background paper that defines the intentions and plans for the programme for circulation
among potential funders for feedback.

2.1 Objective and Functional

As we all know, the main objective of this program is to decrease the road accident while
maintaining our community health and social distancing. Besides that, we also want to make
sure that our community will feel save when going out of the home to buys goods. The last
objective we want from this program is the community will gain knowledge about road safety
during this lockdown moment.

2.2 Strategies

The campaign will mainly focus on using online medium social media such as Facebook,
Instagram and others to give the information to the society. We use this medium because
there is a limitation during this situation to distribute the campaign to society. On the other
hands, we use to create a poster and share it at the social media and What App group.

Our group poster with the information about the campaign

2.3 Program Approach

 As stated at 2.2, we use an online medium such as Instagram and Facebook. We mainly
focus on these two apps because in the Instagram app, most people are using it is a teenager
and at their 20. At Facebook, most the users are 30+ and above in age. We get a high view
and like for our poster. We also share the video into the social media platform of our own.

One of our group member post the poster in her Instagram profile

One of our group member post the poster in her Facebook profile

2.5 Maintaining the programme

This campaign is a long term programme which design based on the issues during Movement
Control Order (MCO) but have a long term vision to decrease the road accident in this
3.0 Expected Program Outcomes

Every campaign that are made have their own objectives that are going to be achieved
including this road safety campaign during and after Movement Control Order (MCO) of this
pandemic Covid-19. This covid-19 phenomenon really give us really hard time to dealing
with this virus. Many economy sectors were declined due to this covid-19. During this MCO
even there something that going declined but the road accidents is the one that have to be
highlight because the number of accidents is decreasing almost by 70 percent since the
implementation of the first and second phase of the movement control which start from
March 18 that had been announced by our prime minister, YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji
Muhyiddin Bin Haji Mohd Yasin.

Other than that, what we are targeting is to make sure that the road user are obeying
the law and traffic rules during and after this Movement Control Order (MCO). The curfew
that had been made for this MCO just between 7.00a.m until 6.00p.m and for those who are
only have emergency allowed to go out. Only one person allowed to be in one car to go for
the emergency case. Even most of the workers are only can work from home and cannot go
their office since their office also closed during this MCO. We can see that the people in our
country really obey with the law because the number of vehicles on the road decreased day
by day during this MCO.

Furthermore, this Movement Control Order also happen near to the date of “ Hari
Raya Aidilfitri” which means all Muslim celebrate as their winning after one month of fasting
in months of Ramadan. Usually every year, the road will be busy and jammed at the highway
and other roads because most all the Muslim are going back to their hometown to celebrate
this Hari Raya. This is because for us as Muslim it will be more meaningful when celebrate
with our beloved one. But this year, a little bit disappointed that we cannot go back to the
hometown due to this covid-19 because we, the road user cannot across the state boundaries
unless it really emergency. Whatever happen we have to look at the positive side due to this
covid-19, we can reduce the number of accidents that happen on the road.

The other target that we would like to attain from this campaign is that we would like
to make sure that the citizen can be more self-disciplined by following this campaign that
also can give benefit to them. This can be shown by it also can prevent them from being
infected by this Covid-19 disease that really dangerous. It became dangerous because the cure
still cannot be found by the researchers and even doctor. So we have to be more disciplined
by following the road safety rules and the SOP that had being made by the government by
always wearing mask and wear sanitizer when going out.

All this outcome from this safety road campaign during and after the Movement
Control Order will give us as the benefit to us and even our world. Because of the reducing
number of vehicles on the road it also show that the environment in our country be better day
by day. It’s really give us many great outcome if we being disciplined in following this new
norm. Hopefully we can break this chain so that we can go back to normal.
4.0 Reflection

Before the completion of the Road Safety Campaign, the process of the discussion
and planning take place first. The process of discussion and planning is done where all the
members participate and act by giving the ideas about the theme and title of the campaign.
All the team members give some ideas and all the ideas are shortlisted before we choose the
exact, suitable, and capable issue in giving the impact to the people out there. Road Safety
during MCO Campaign is chosen as the title of the campaign as it is related to the situation
nowadays. WhatsApp and Facebook are the social medium that we choose to interact and as
the communication tool to discuss the operation and process of the completion of the
campaign during the MCO by the government.
 After the discussion about the title of the campaign, the next step that we do for the
completion of the campaign is the work division among the team members. The work
division consists of the introduction of the campaign, programme design such as infographic
or poster design for the campaign and the video presenter, expected programme outcome,
reflection from the, official feedback from the respondent through Email and conclusion to
conclude the road safety campaign. Each of the team members divide the work and finish the
work according to the time given.
We get the respondents to respond about our campaign through social media such as
WhatsApp. We gave the respondents our infographic design (poster), our programme
design and we asked their opinion about our campaign. Through their opinion and responses,
we screenshot and put it at the feedback part as our evidence and proof toward our campaign.
From this campaign, we also can show that the respondents, especially road user was really
support and give positive feedback about the campaign.

Our reflection and discussion about this program at Google Meet

5.0 Feedback
To validate the effectiveness of the campaign, we asked around for feedback regarding our
campaign. There are feedbacks that agreed with the campaign and this shows that our
campaign goes in the right direction.

Name : Amin Lutfi b Muhd Latif

Address: no 138, Taman Sri Tanjung, Bentong, Pahang

Contact number: 0128762299

Occupation: Student

Name : Nur Syafiqah Ahmad b Razali

Address: No 223, Taman Bukit Jaya, Bangi, Selangor

Respondent Contact number: 0186657765

Occupation: Business Women


6.0 Conclusion
In the nutshell, the education and training are the key factors in instilling the
appropriate behavior and attitudes in road users. Therefore, this road safety program is an
issues that has impacts of the citizen’s lives and the nation as whole. All the road users will
aware about the road safety and increase their knowledge about road safety that they do not
know. In addition, they also will know about the standards operation procedure (SOP) which
is an additional rules that is make during this pandemic Covid-19. Last but not least, by this
program, hoped that all the road users will able to practice what they have learned. Together
we maintain our safety and help to prevent the road accident. Safety is not automatic, think
about it.
7.0 Reference and Appendix





7. F.C.M. Wegman, L.T. Aarts (Eds.), Advancing Sustainable Safety: National Road Safe-ty Outlook for
2005–2020, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, Leidschendam,2006.

8. P. Delhomme, W. De Dobbeleer, S. Forward, A. Simões (Eds.), Manual for

Designing,Implementing, and Evaluating Road Safety Communication Campaigns, Directorate-
General for Energy and Transport, European Commission, Brussels, 2009

9. A. Boulanger, M. Divjak, I. Orozova-Bekkevold, V. Zabukovec, Typology of EvaluationMethods:

Current Practices and Campaign Evaluation; Deliverable 2.1 of Campaignsand Awareness Raising
Strategies in Traffic Safety (CAST), Directorate-General forTransport and Energy, European
Commission, Brussels, 2007.
Our campaign poster

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