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yi toe FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Roll No. ° i@) SECTION OFFICERS PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION - 2016 COMPUTER SCIENCE TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 NOTE:(@) Attempt FIVE questions in all. ALL Questions carry EQUAL Marks. i All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places, Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed. (¥) Extra attempt of any question or any part ofthe attempted question will not be considered. (vi) Leave some blank space and draw two horizontal lines (===) atthe end of each answer. Q.1. (a) List OSI Seven Layers in order and briefly describe functions of each layer. (10) (b) What is the difference between [Pv4 and IPv6? Why IPV6 was developed when (6) IPv4 was already available and implemented? (©) What is the difference between LAN, MAN, WAN and PAN? () @0) Q.2. (@) Whatis an operating system? List any three operating systems? (O} () What is a process? How processes are scheduled to the processor? List any three (8) Scheduling algorithms. (©) What is the difference between uni-programming, multi-programming/multi- (6) (20) tasking and parallel processing? Q-3. (a) Convert the following numbers from binary to decimal: @) @ (110001), qi) (100101), Gi) 001), (iy) 1100, (b) Convert the following numbers trom decimal to binary © @ 65 (i) 89 (i) 122 Wy 9 (©). Define the following terms. () (20) “@ URL Gi) Protocol (i) DNS Gs) WiFi Q.4. (a) Write a program in C++ that adds two numbers X and Y. It should display sum with (8) following output: Enter first integer X: Enter second integer Y: ‘Sum = X+Y= (b)_ Define following terms: ® (i) Class (ii) Encapsulation (iii) Shadowing (iv) Polymorphism (v)_ Inheritance (vi) Copy constructor (vii) Serialization (viii) Trigger (©) Write the output of following program: (4) 20) #include void main() t clrser(); char str (20); getch(); COMPUTER SCIENCE Qs. @ (b) ©). @ (b) 0) @ (ceearene er 27 10 | 45 | 83 | 91] 31] 12 | 52] SI Consider the following array, write a heap out as binary tree. ® 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ‘Add 23 to the heap, making sure to restore the heap invariant. How does the array (8) look now? Two of the most common divide-and-conquer sorting algorithms are quicksort and (4) 20) mergesort. In practice quicksort is often used for sorting data in main storage rather than mergesort. Give a reason why quicksort is likely to be the preferred sorting algorithm for this application. Why normalization is used in relational databases? Define first and second normal (10) form with an example. What is primary key and why is it used in each relation? @ What is the difference between an entity and an attributes? @) Draw an entity relationship diagram between EMPLOYEES, and DEPARTMENTS (4) (20) assuming that each employee can be employed by only one department at a time. Write down any other assumption if you use it (a) What is e-Commerce? What are the advantages & disadvantages of e-commerce? (8) (b) Explain Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). @) (©) Write codes in hm! that displays following output: @ Qo This is a sample website. is written using HTML codes. Detine the following concepts with suitable examples. (5 marks each) 20) (@) Machine vision (b). Image acquisition ©) @ Feature extraction OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

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