Geography Quiz M3Changing Industrial Location: China

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Geography Quiz M3Changing Industrial Location : China

Submission instruction

1. Put your answer on a piece of paper by handwriting.

2. Scan your work (using apps e.g. fasterscan, fast scanner etc).
3. Save as a file using your exam no for example 4421e, 4219e etc. as the file name.
4. Then upload to Geography google classroom.
1. Figure 1 shows some information about industrial development in Liaoning, China.

Figure 1 Distribution of major coal mines and iron ore mines, and the railway network

a. Describe the favorable location factors for the development of heavy industries in Liaoning
between 1950 and the 1970s. (4 marks)

b. (i) Explain why many iron and steel works in Liaoning were forced to close down or relocate
to other parts of China between the 1980s and 1990s. (4 marks)
(ii) What are the socio-economic impacts of closing down or relocating iron and steel
works on the local community? (5 marks)
c. Evaluate the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the government to retrieve the economy. (5 marks)

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