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Quiz : M4 Sustainable City

Submission instruction
1. Put your answer on a piece of paper by
2. Scan your work (using apps e.g. fasterscan, fast
scanner etc).
3. Save as a file using your exam no + P7 for
example 4421P7, 4219P7 etc. as the file name.
4. Then upload to Geography google classroom.

Figure 1a

Figure 1b
Information about the buildings in Photograph C
The buildings are of historical significance. They were used as the Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters
since 1951.
The site is now renamed as PMQ (元創方). The buildings have been retained, reinforced, refurbished and
upgraded for design and creative industries. There are about 100 design and creative enterprises stationed in

Figure 1a shows a map of Sheung Wan in Hong Kong and the photographs taken in the area. Figure 1b shows some
information about the buildings in Photograph C.

a. Refer to Figure 1a. Using evidence, describe the urban problems found in the area. (4 marks)

b. Refer to Photograph B. Describe the possible problems encountered by the government to redevelop the area.
(3 marks)

c. Refer to Photograph C and Figure 1b.

i. Name the urban renewal strategy. (1 mark)
ii. Explain why the above strategy is adopted there. (4 marks)

d. There is a suggestion to redevelop Site X into a commercial and residential complex. However, there are both
supporting and opposing voices in the local community.
Discuss the pros and cons of the suggestion. (6 marks)



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