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sect stemifarht wearer wearqT INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR No, SENATE;332.C.1.C.6(Suppl.) Date: 8" June 2020 MEMO In reference to the decision vide Senate Item No. 332.C.1.C.6(Suppl.) of the 332 meeting of the Senate held on 27" May, 2020, regarding semester closure for the Current semester Students and related activities, the Chairman, Senate had constituted a committee on 1" June, 2020 under the Chairmanship of Prof. S K Bhattacharyya, Deputy Director. The committee has submitted their report which has been approved by the Chairman Senate . The report of the committee is annexed. All Heads of the Department / Centre / School are requested for compliance of the same. h/L- Registrar To: All Heads of the Departments/Centres/Schools Copy to: All Deans All Chairmen/ Chairpersons / Professors-in-Charge Chairman, Hall Management Centre Chairman, ERP Librarian, Central Library President/Vice-President, Technology Students’ Gymkhana Joint Registrar (Academic) Assistant Registrar (UGS) Secretary to Director Secretary, Deputy Director's Office Secretary, Registrar's Office sno eNomeene a3 ‘Spring Semester 2019-20, |n view of the extraordinary disruption in regular classes of Spring 2019-20 semester and invocation of nation-wide lock-down by the Government of India that led to suspension of classes due to Pandemic CoVID-18, since 16” March'2020, a Supplementary Agenda 332.C.1.C.6 (Suppl.) was brought to the 32nd Senate held on May 27, 2020. Atter detail discussions and deliberations, majority of the Senators opined that academic activities of Spring 2019-20 semester are to be brought to a closure keeping in view the ‘a. difficulties in re-populating the campus with students for off-line examination . uncertainty of a probable time window for conducting off-line examination for all students urgency to graduate the final year students for their future endeavour Several Senators also delved in pointing out the difficulties of online mode of examination for all students due to a. students not available in the campus and may be staying in villages where lernet connectivity is very poor black of infrastructure, not all students having laptop mode of examination for large number of students in a class d. sanctity of online examination in the absence of real proctoring and others In view of the above, Chairman Senate vide 0.0. dated June 01, 2020 has formed a Committee with the following members under the Chairmanship of Deputy Director to formulate a one-time special provision to bring closure of the Spring 2079-20 semester keeping the objectivity of a new grading system for all students enrolled at IT Kharagpur, Deputy Director — Chairman Dean(PGS&R) - Member Dean(UGS) — Member Dean(SA) ~ Member Prof. AR. Mohanty, Head, ME - Member Prof. Krishna Kumar, Head, Physics - Member Prof. Sudeshna Sarkar ~ Member Prof. D. Roychowdhury, Head, CSE ~ Member Prof. Sanjay Gupta, ME - Member 40, Prof. Ramakrishna Sen, Head, BT - Member 14. Mr. Achintya Mondal - Convenor ‘The Committee has deliberated at length on various aspects of the academic activities as well as of the previous semester. like jear students and other aspects. The institut has already taken the folowing measures and these actives were or are being conducted / completed wonausena! 1. Grades of comprehensive viva-voce, seminar and laboratory subjects would be uploaded in ERP by June 20, 2020 after completing the balance activities through online mode. Suitable measures be adopted for Grading of laboratory classes / drawing / workshop by individual faculty / group of faculty for coordinated teaching, using already executed activities by offiine and online (if any) modes. 1 a 2. Grades of BTP/MTP of all the graduating students (B.Tech, M.Sc, OD, M.Tech) ‘would be uploaded in ERP by June 20, 2020 after completing the formalities through ‘online mode. ‘The following measures are now suggested: 3. There will be no written final examination for the Spring 2019-'20 semester. 4. The Committee expresses the view that grading criteria for the theory subjects forall the students should be left to the individual class teacher or to the group of teachers: in case of coordinated teaching. The letter grade of the ‘subject (Ex/A/B/C/D/P) would be decided considering Mid-Semester: 60% (maximum up to 70%) Teacher's Assessment including Assignments / Class tests ete of Post Mid Semester: 40% (minimum up to 30%) 5. If any student (graduating or otherwise) could not appear for the mid semester examination of Spring 2019-20 semester due to medical or other reasons, it would be compensated/completed suitably by the concerned faculty members based on the already evaluated marks available or otherwise as deemed fit 6 The working professionals, registered for courses as part of the research Fequirement, are to appear only in End-semester examination. For such cases, a Suitable online evaluation be carried out by the respective faculty for finalisation of grade 7. NCCINSSINSO coordinators would also upload the grade of the students in the ERP by June 15, 2020. The grade may be evaluated based on the performance of “pre- lock down" period. 8. The last date for the submission of the grades through ERP would be June 24, 2020. Departmental Academic Committee will finalize the results by June 26, 2020. 9. If any student wishes to upgrade his / her performance in any of the subjects, he / she may appear for offline examination in the next opportunity. (This provision is not applicable for Final year students) 10. Due to the lock-down, a few laboratory classes could not be conducted in regular manner. Moreover, lab viva-voce were also conducted in online mode. Therefore, for maintaining one-to-one correspondence between Autumn and Spring semester subjects, CGPA for branch change for 1* year students will be calculated separately considering the grades of the theory subjects of Autumn and Spring 2019-20 semesters only. Grades of the laboratory subjects will not be considered in branch change option for this year only, 11. Hence, for branch change of 1" year students, who are aspiring for the same, shall be based on the CGPA calculated for the theoretical subjects only in both the semesters. 12, Students who are eligible for the supplementary examination of Autumn 2019-20 theory subjects will have to register in ERP by June 12, 2020. The subject teacher would evaluate the students by an online examination or viva-voce depending on the suitability. A time table will be prepared for this examination. Teacher would provide 2 peel roe fa grade (EXIA/BICIO/P) without any reduction. Grades, of the supplementary ‘examination would also be uploaded in ERP by June 24, 2020 13. There will be no summer quarter for this academic year (2019-20), 44,Feedback on courses / teaching from students is not mandatory for the Spring semester (2019-20), 46 Since the grades are to be finalised considering the interest of the students for their future endeavour, the dates stioulated can not be changed. The teachers who are rot in campus and can not make it before the stipulated dates are advised to be in touch with their colleagues for the finalisation of grades. ¥.6- wd

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