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There are five major personality attributes influencing organizational behavior.

are core self-evaluation, Machiavellianism, self-monitoring, Type A vs. Type B personality
and proactive personality.

Core self-assessments (CSEs) is the conclusion of the bottom line that individuals
have their capabilities, competencies and values as people. People with positive CSEs like
themselves and see themselves as effective and in control of their environment and vice versa
for those with negative CSEs. Positive CSEs person are generally better at coping with stress,
learning from training, more conscientious, and good at leading and inspiring their teams. I
am positive CSEs person because I able to challenge myself in working with complex jobs
and manage multiple roles and responsibilities either in academic or cocurricular.

Machiavellianism is the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains

emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means. According to Harley Therapy,
the personality trait that people with high Machiavellianism such as they more focused on
their own interests, manipulate, deceive and exploit others to achieve their goals. Meanwhile
low Machiavellianism person are loyalty and relationships matter and consider the other
people’s opinions matter to them. I am low Machiavellianism person as I more likely to take
into consideration about others opinion. I tend to listen others opinion because I believe it can
improve and generate more ideas especially in decision making or group discussion.

Self-monitoring describes an individual’s ability to adjust behavior to external,

situational factors. High self-monitors show considerable adaptability in adjusting their
behavior to external cues and can behave differently in varying situations, sometimes
presenting striking contradictions between their public personae their private selves. For me, I
am high-self monitoring person as I likely to able to adapt environment and act differently
based on situation. I also an observer person where I like to pay attention at people behavior
especially those have good interpersonal skill or extrovert person as they motivate myself in
improving my interpersonal skill.

Type A vs. Type B personality traits is to help in the selection of right kinds of
people for different jobs. Type A personality is person who are impatient, aggressive and
highly competitive. Meanwhile Type B personality is person who are easy going and
noncompetitive. Type A person is very productive while Type B good in judgement and
accuracy in complex tasks. I am Type A because I am impatient, competitive and
hardworking person. I tend to complete the task given with full of commitment and do it very

Proactive personality is people who identify opportunities, show initiative, take

action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, unlike those who generally react to
situations. This type of person often has higher job performance, job satisfaction and
committed to their organizations. I am proactive person because I very committed to my job
and always find ways to improve myself and my work.

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