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Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Light ⁄38 pt Medium Light ⁄38 pt Wide Light ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Book ⁄38 pt Medium Book ⁄38 pt Wide Book ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Regular ⁄38 pt Medium Regular ⁄38 pt Wide Regular ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Semi Bold ⁄38 pt Medium Semi Bold ⁄38 pt Wide Semi Bold ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Bold ⁄38 pt Medium Bold ⁄38 pt Wide Bold ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Extra Bold ⁄38 pt Medium Extra Bold ⁄38 pt Wide Extra Bold ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Heavy ⁄38 pt Medium Heavy ⁄38 pt Wide Heavy ⁄38 pt

Grande Grande Grande

Grande Grande Grande
Narrow Ultra Light ⁄11 pt Medium Ultra Light ⁄11 pt Wide Ultra Light ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the
brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s temple, not- brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s tem- city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s
ing that its columns, cornices and steps extended ple, noting that its columns, cornices and steps temple, noting that its columns, cornic-
out onto the public sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. extended out onto the public sidewalks by as es and steps extended out onto the public
Such encroachments had long been commonplace much as 15 feet. Such encroachments had long sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such en-
and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, expressly per- been commonplace and even, at least on Fifth croachments had long been commonplace
mitted. But pressure was building to widen Fifth Avenue, expressly permitted. But pressure was and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, express-
for the increasing glut of vehicles. The Department building to widen Fifth for the increasing glut of ly permitted. But pressure was building to
of Buildings had approved the project every step vehicles. The Department of Buildings had ap- widen Fifth for the increasing glut of ve-
of the way, but litigation persisted for years amid proved the project every step of the way, but hicles. The Department of Buildings had
sympathy for the bank and its willingness to build litigation persisted for years amid sympathy approved the project every step of the way,
a civic ornament. In November 1906, The Real Es- for the bank and its willingness to build a civic but litigation persisted for years amid sym-
tate Record and Guide predicted that surely “special ornament. In November 1906, The Real Estate pathy for the bank and its willingness to
arrangements” for “really beautiful buildings” could Record and Guide predicted that surely “special build a civic ornament. In November 1906,

Narrow Light ⁄11 pt Medium Light ⁄11 pt Wide Light ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the
brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s temple, brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s tem- city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s
noting that its columns, cornices and steps ex- ple, noting that its columns, cornices and temple, noting that its columns, cornices
tended out onto the public sidewalks by as much steps extended out onto the public sidewalks and steps extended out onto the pub-
as 15 feet. Such encroachments had long been by as much as 15 feet. Such encroachments lic sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such
commonplace and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, had long been commonplace and even, at encroachments had long been common-
expressly permitted. But pressure was building to least on Fifth Avenue, expressly permitted. place and even, at least on Fifth Avenue,
widen Fifth for the increasing glut of vehicles. The But pressure was building to widen Fifth for expressly permitted. But pressure was
Department of Buildings had approved the project the increasing glut of vehicles. The Depart- building to widen Fifth for the increasing
every step of the way, but litigation persisted for ment of Buildings had approved the project glut of vehicles. The Department of Build-
years amid sympathy for the bank and its will- every step of the way, but litigation persist- ings had approved the project every step
ingness to build a civic ornament. In November ed for years amid sympathy for the bank and of the way, but litigation persisted for
1906, The Real Estate Record and Guide predict- its willingness to build a civic ornament. In years amid sympathy for the bank and its
ed that surely “special arrangements” for “really November 1906, The Real Estate Record and willingness to build a civic ornament. In

Narrow Book ⁄11 pt Medium Book ⁄11 pt Wide Book ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903, the
brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s tem- city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s city brought suit to scale back Mr. Bar-
ple, noting that its columns, cornices and steps temple, noting that its columns, cornic- ney’s temple, noting that its columns,
extended out onto the public sidewalks by as es and steps extended out onto the public cornices and steps extended out onto
much as 15 feet. Such encroachments had long sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such en- the public sidewalks by as much as 15
been commonplace and even, at least on Fifth croachments had long been commonplace feet. Such encroachments had long been
Avenue, expressly permitted. But pressure was and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, express- commonplace and even, at least on Fifth
building to widen Fifth for the increasing glut of ly permitted. But pressure was building to Avenue, expressly permitted. But pres-
vehicles. The Department of Buildings had ap- widen Fifth for the increasing glut of ve- sure was building to widen Fifth for
proved the project every step of the way, but hicles. The Department of Buildings had the increasing glut of vehicles. The De-
litigation persisted for years amid sympathy approved the project every step of the way, partment of Buildings had approved the
for the bank and its willingness to build a civic but litigation persisted for years amid sym- project every step of the way, but litiga-
ornament. In November 1906, The Real Estate pathy for the bank and its willingness to tion persisted for years amid sympathy
Record and Guide predicted that surely “special build a civic ornament. In November 1906, for the bank and its willingness to build

Narrow Regular ⁄11 pt Medium Regular ⁄11 pt Wide Regular ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the city Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903,
brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s temple, city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s the city brought suit to scale back Mr.
noting that its columns, cornices and steps temple, noting that its columns, cornices Barney’s temple, noting that its col-
extended out onto the public sidewalks by as and steps extended out onto the pub- umns, cornices and steps extended out
much as 15 feet. Such encroachments had long lic sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such onto the public sidewalks by as much
been commonplace and even, at least on Fifth encroachments had long been common- as 15 feet. Such encroachments had
Avenue, expressly permitted. But pressure place and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, long been commonplace and even, at
was building to widen Fifth for the increasing expressly permitted. But pressure was least on Fifth Avenue, expressly per-
glut of vehicles. The Department of Buildings building to widen Fifth for the increasing mitted. But pressure was building to
had approved the project every step of the way, glut of vehicles. The Department of Build- widen Fifth for the increasing glut of ve-
but litigation persisted for years amid sympa- ings had approved the project every step hicles. The Department of Buildings had
thy for the bank and its willingness to build a of the way, but litigation persisted for approved the project every step of the
civic ornament. In November 1906, The Real years amid sympathy for the bank and its way, but litigation persisted for years
Estate Record and Guide predicted that sure- willingness to build a civic ornament. In amid sympathy for the bank and its


Narrow Semi Bold ⁄11 pt Medium Semi Bold ⁄11 pt Wide Semi Bold ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903,
city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s city brought suit to scale back Mr. Bar- the city brought suit to scale back Mr.
temple, noting that its columns, cornic- ney’s temple, noting that its columns, Barney’s temple, noting that its col-
es and steps extended out onto the public cornices and steps extended out onto umns, cornices and steps extended out
sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such en- the public sidewalks by as much as 15 onto the public sidewalks by as much
croachments had long been commonplace feet. Such encroachments had long been as 15 feet. Such encroachments had
and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, expressly commonplace and even, at least on Fifth long been commonplace and even, at
permitted. But pressure was building to wid- Avenue, expressly permitted. But pres- least on Fifth Avenue, expressly per-
en Fifth for the increasing glut of vehicles. sure was building to widen Fifth for mitted. But pressure was building to
The Department of Buildings had approved the increasing glut of vehicles. The De- widen Fifth for the increasing glut
the project every step of the way, but litiga- partment of Buildings had approved the of vehicles. The Department of Build-
tion persisted for years amid sympathy for project every step of the way, but litiga- ings had approved the project every
the bank and its willingness to build a civic tion persisted for years amid sympathy step of the way, but litigation persist-
ornament. In November 1906, The Real Es- for the bank and its willingness to build a ed for years amid sympathy for the

Narrow Bold ⁄11 pt Medium Bold ⁄11 pt Wide Bold ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903, Just before it was completed in 1903,
city brought suit to scale back Mr. Barney’s the city brought suit to scale back Mr. the city brought suit to scale back
temple, noting that its columns, cornices Barney’s temple, noting that its col- Mr. Barney’s temple, noting that its
and steps extended out onto the pub- umns, cornices and steps extended out columns, cornices and steps extend-
lic sidewalks by as much as 15 feet. Such onto the public sidewalks by as much ed out onto the public sidewalks by
encroachments had long been common- as 15 feet. Such encroachments had as much as 15 feet. Such encroach-
place and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, long been commonplace and even, at ments had long been commonplace
expressly permitted. But pressure was least on Fifth Avenue, expressly permit- and even, at least on Fifth Avenue,
building to widen Fifth for the increasing ted. But pressure was building to widen expressly permitted. But pressure
glut of vehicles. The Department of Build- Fifth for the increasing glut of vehi- was building to widen Fifth for the
ings had approved the project every step cles. The Department of Buildings had increasing glut of vehicles. The De-
of the way, but litigation persisted for approved the project every step of the partment of Buildings had approved
years amid sympathy for the bank and its way, but litigation persisted for years the project every step of the way, but
willingness to build a civic ornament. In amid sympathy for the bank and its will- litigation persisted for years amid

Narrow Extra Bold ⁄11 pt Medium Extra Bold ⁄11 pt Wide Extra Bold ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, the Just before it was completed in 1903, Just before it was completed in 1903,
city brought suit to scale back Mr. Bar- the city brought suit to scale back Mr. the city brought suit to scale back
ney’s temple, noting that its columns, Barney’s temple, noting that its col- Mr. Barney’s temple, noting that its
cornices and steps extended out onto umns, cornices and steps extended out columns, cornices and steps extend-
the public sidewalks by as much as 15 onto the public sidewalks by as much ed out onto the public sidewalks by
feet. Such encroachments had long been as 15 feet. Such encroachments had as much as 15 feet. Such encroach-
commonplace and even, at least on Fifth long been commonplace and even, at ments had long been commonplace
Avenue, expressly permitted. But pres- least on Fifth Avenue, expressly per- and even, at least on Fifth Avenue,
sure was building to widen Fifth for mitted. But pressure was building to expressly permitted. But pressure
the increasing glut of vehicles. The De- widen Fifth for the increasing glut of was building to widen Fifth for the
partment of Buildings had approved the vehicles. The Department of Build- increasing glut of vehicles. The De-
project every step of the way, but litiga- ings had approved the project every partment of Buildings had approved
tion persisted for years amid sympathy step of the way, but litigation persist- the project every step of the way, but
for the bank and its willingness to build ed for years amid sympathy for the litigation persisted for years amid

Narrow Heavy ⁄11 pt Medium Heavy ⁄11 pt Wide Heavy ⁄11 pt

Just before it was completed in 1903, Just before it was completed in 1903, Just before it was completed in
the city brought suit to scale back Mr. the city brought suit to scale back 1903, the city brought suit to scale
Barney’s temple, noting that its col- Mr. Barney’s temple, noting that its back Mr. Barney’s temple, not-
umns, cornices and steps extended out columns, cornices and steps extend- ing that its columns, cornices and
onto the public sidewalks by as much ed out onto the public sidewalks by steps extended out onto the pub-
as 15 feet. Such encroachments had as much as 15 feet. Such encroach- lic sidewalks by as much as 15 feet.
long been commonplace and even, at ments had long been commonplace Such encroachments had long been
least on Fifth Avenue, expressly per- and even, at least on Fifth Avenue, commonplace and even, at least on
mitted. But pressure was building to expressly permitted. But pressure Fifth Avenue, expressly permitted.
widen Fifth for the increasing glut of was building to widen Fifth for the But pressure was building to wid-
vehicles. The Department of Build- increasing glut of vehicles. The De- en Fifth for the increasing glut of
ings had approved the project every partment of Buildings had approved vehicles. The Department of Build-
step of the way, but litigation persisted the project every step of the way, but ings had approved the project every
for years amid sympathy for the bank litigation persisted for years amid step of the way, but litigation per-


Tanger Serif Narrow - Heavy 164 pt

Tanger Serif Medium - Light Italic 158 pt

Tanger Serif Medium - Bold 116 pt

Tanger Serif Wide - Ultra Light 142 pt

Tanger Serif Narrow - Bold 108 pt

WWW.JARNOLUKKARILA.COM Jarno Lukkarila Type Foundry
Tanger Serif Wide - Ultra Light 210 pt

Tanger Serif Narrow - Semi Bold Italic 90 pt

Tanger Serif Medium - Regular 150 pt

Tanger Serif Wide - Heavy Italic 120 pt

Tanger Serif Medium - Book 120 pt

WWW.JARNOLUKKARILA.COM Jarno Lukkarila Type Foundry
Upper Case

Lower Case aáăâäàāąåǻãæǽbcćčçĉċdďđeéĕěêëėèēęəfgğĝģġhħĥiíĭ

î ï ìī į ĩı i jĵ j k ķl ĺ ľļ ŀ ł m n ń ň ņ ñ o ó ŏ ô ö ò ő ō ø ǿ õ œ p q r ŕ ř ŗ s ś š ş ŝ ș t ŧ ť



Standard Ligatures ffffifflfifl

Proportional Lining Figures 0123456789

Tabular Lining Figures 0123456789

Proportional Oldstyle Figures 0123456789

Tabular Oldstyle Figures &0123456789

Currency Signs ¤¢$€£¥ƒ#

Fractions ½⅓¼⅛⅔¾⅜⅝⅞

Superscript/Superiors H⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁽ ⁾     - , . ¢ $  
Denominator/Inferior/Subsrcript H₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₍ ₎     - , . ¢ $ % & ' (
Numerator H0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( ) [ ] { } - , . ¢ $ € £ ¥ #

Punctuation Marks & Mathematical Signs ,.!"'‚„‘’“”&*+±/\⁄@()[]{}¡¿«»‹›-–—·:;<≤=≈≠¬℮∂>≥?^_|¦


Accents ´ ˘ ˇ ¸ ˆ ̦ ¨ ˙ ˝ ` ¯ ˛ ˚ ˜ ·


Small Caps
OFF abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


OFF AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUu...


OFF abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Standard Ligatures ON fiflffiffffl

OFF fi fl ffi ff ffl

Proportional Oldstyle Figures ON 0123456789

OFF 0123456789

Tabular Oldstyle Figures ON 0123456789

OFF 0123456789

Proportional Lining Figures ON 0123456789

OFF 0123456789

Tabular Lining Figures ON 0123456789

OFF 0123456789

Slashed Zero ON OH1 OH1 oh1 oh &1

OH01 OH01 oh01 oh 01

Fractions ON ½⅓¼⅛⅔¾⅜⅝⅞
1/2 1/3 1/4 1/8 2/3 3/4 3/8 5/8 7/8

Numerator & Denominator ON ¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰⁄1234567890

OFF 1234567890 ⁄ 1234567890
Superscript ON H⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁽⁾-,.¢$ 
OFF H0123456789()[]{}-,.¢$€£¥#
Inferior ON H₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₍₎-,.¢$%&'(
OFF H0123456789()[]{}-,.¢$€£¥#


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Tanger Serif is designed by Jarno Lukkarila

2008, 2009.

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