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I. topic : not everything that is learned is contained in books

From our point of view, we believe knowledge gained from
experience is more valuable than knowledge gained out of books. In the
following paragraphs we will try to explain our position more clearly.

II. Supporting
 Firstly, all the life's valuable lessons are learned from
 secondly, Theories learned from books are often pointless if
you cannot use them in our lives
 Moreover, many skills and knowledge can only be learned
through practical experiences

III. Concluding : knowledge gained from experiences is more important.

Life requires knowledge, and experience is the key.

Upon the question "not everything that is learned is contained in books",
different people have different opinions. From my point of view, I believe
knowledge gained from experience is more valuable than knowledge gained out
of books. In the following paragraphs I will try to explain my position more
Firstly, all the life's valuable lessons are learned from experience. How can you
forget important lessons learned from your childhood years, such as you have
jumping down from a high place and broke your aims or you bleeded fingers
because you had imitated your parents when they hold a knife... From all that
accidents you knew the importance of self-protection. Knowledge gained from
experience is likely to be retained in our memory for a long period of time,
although most of the time we have to pay a price for it. Some people think that
without reading books we can't become wise enough to gather the right
experience and lessons in our life; however, Theories learned from books are
often pointless if you cannot use them in our lives. Suppose a student majoring
in nursing but doesn't know how to give artificial respiration to a person who has
just fallen into the water. Suppose a student majoring in nursing but does not
know how to give artificial respiration to a person who has just fallen into the
water. or Cuong is a civil engineer but he cannot design drawings for the bridge.
Moreover, many skills and knowledge can only be learned through practical
experiences. You cannot learn swimming by just reading from books on how to
swim. You have to actually get there and jump into the pool. For one more
instance, a person who wants to learn driving can go through various manuals
and guides that teach people how to drive, but all this knowledge is useful only
when you are actually driving the car on the roads. It would be an utter waste of
time if one just reads the books and does not use them for practical purpose.
there is no doubt to said that experience is the best way to develop your
personal abilities.
To conclude, knowledge gained from experiences is more important. Life
requires knowledge, and experience is the key.

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