TDS Genapol LA 099 English

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Technical Data Sheet


Av Nações Unidas, 18001

04795-900, São Paulo

GENAPOL® LA 099 Brazil



Nonionic surfactant for industrial & home care industry

Composition Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylated (9EO)

Product properties 1
Appearance (25°C) viscous liquid
Active substance [%] Approx. 90
Cloud point [°C] Approx. 63
(1% in NaCl 5% aq. solution)
pH (1% in aq. solution) Approx. 7.0
HLB ~14

Genapol® LA 099 a non-ionic surfactant and is compatible with all other
surfactants. Genapol® LA 099 is an excellent surface tension reducer and
provides high detergency/wettability for detergents, all-purpose cleaners,
industrial cleaning agents and degreasers for automobile formulations.

Storage and Shelf Life

Genapol® LA 099 can be stored for at least 2 years in original sealed containers
at room temperature under the recommended conditions. Protect from
exposure to cold during transport and storage. The properties of Genapol® LA
099 are reversibly altered by exposure to cold. If Genapol® LA 099 becomes
turbid, thickens or freezes through exposure to cold, thaw slowly at room
temperature and afterwards stir briefly.

Please see Material Safety Data Sheet before handling the material.

1 These characteristics are for guidance only and not to be taken as product specifications. The
tolerances are given in the product specification sheet. For further product properties, specifications,
safety and ecological data, please refer to the MSDS.

Page 1 of 2 GENAPOL® LA 099 January 2020


Av Nações Unidas, 18001

04795-900, São Paulo



This information corresponds to the present state of our know- * For sales to customers located within the United States
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Due to possible changes in our products and applicable national
and international regulations and laws, the status of our products
could change. Material Safety Data Sheets providing safety
precautions, that should be observed when handling or storing
Clariant products, are available upon request and are provided in
compliance with applicable law. You should obtain and review the
applicable Material Safety Data Sheet information before handling
any of these products. For additional information, please contact

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