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© 2020 IJRAR May 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Copper: A Therapeutic Preventer COVID 19

Komal Shivaji Munwar1, Shravasti Shivaji Munwar2 , Harshvardhini Shivaji Munwar3,

Assistant Professor; Doctor of Homeopathy; Sr. Technical Recruiter

Department of Chemistry M.S.G College (University of Pune ),Malegaon, Nashik, India ,423105

Abstract :

This survey paper deals with the systematic study of Covid -19 disease is unexplained low respiratory infections detected in
human beings. It studies the effects of Copper which can prevent future pandemic, and what it does to coronavirus.

It gives possible information about the Copper which can help to prevent pandemic through scientific methods. It put possible methods
how to prevent Covid 19 and take necessary prevention with the help of Copper and Medicines which contain copper as a base.

Index Terms : Covid 19, Pandemic, Copper, Disease, Prevention

 This study is all about Covid 19 / nCOVID – 19 / novel CoronaVirus disease and its symptoms.
 Copper and its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
 How Copper can Destroys Viruses and Bacteria
 It could help prevent future pandemic and coronavirus.
 Homeopathy can play an important role with copper to prevent from Covid 19.
 Development of copper based drugs, radiopharmaceuticals and medical material.

1. Introduction

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such
as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Coronaviruses constitute the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae, in the family Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales, and realm Riboviria. They
are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleo capsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of
coronaviruses ranges from approximately 26 to 32 kilo bases, one of the largest among RNA viruses. They have characteristic club-
shaped spikes that project from their surface, which in electron micrographs create an image reminiscent of the solar corona from which
their me derives.

Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s when an acute respiratory infection of domesticated was shown to be caused by
infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In the 1940s, two more animal coronaviruses, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and transmissible
gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), were isolated.

A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously
identified in humans. Most of these cases were epidemiologically linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Inoculation of
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from patients with pneumonia of unknown origin into human airway epithelial cells and Vero
E6 and Huh7 cell lines led to the isolation of a novel coronavirus, SARS- CoV-2, previously named 2019-nCov. Although vaccines
have conquered most of the infectious diseases, newer and emerging infectious diseases, such as Ebola fever, SERS coronavirus
disease, MERS-CoV, Nipah virus, Hantavirus, Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile virus
infection, etc., are still causing public health threats worldwide. coronavirus 19

IJRAR19W1097 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 1

2. Experiment

In India, Copper is used for making utensils since ages as they believe copper is helpful in killing bacterias and makes food more clean. In
Ayurveda, copper is known as Tamra, it is recommended to drink water empty stomach in the morning which has been stored in copper
vessel overnight that helps balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta).

Copper is essential to all living organisms as a trace dietary mineral because it is a key constituent of the respiratory enzyme complex
cytochrome c oxidase. In molluscs and crustaceans, copper is a constituent of the blood pigment hemocyanin, replaced by the iron-
complexed hemoglobin in fish and other vertebrates. In humans, copper is found mainly in the liver, muscle, and bone. The adult body
contains between 1.4 and 2.1 mg of copper per kilogram of body weight.

Ref: Wikipedia

( )

Copper deficiency and toxicity can be either of genetic or non-genetic origin. The study of copper's genetic diseases, which are the focus of
intense international research activity, has shed insight into how human bodies use copper, and why it is important as an essential
micronutrient. The studies have also resulted in successful treatments for genetic copper excess conditions, enabling patients whose lives
were once jeopardized to live long and productive lives.

Copper nanoparticles display unique characteristics including catalytic and antifungal/antibacterial activities that are not observed in
commercial copper. First of all, copper nanoparticles demonstrate a very strong catalytic activity, a property that can be attributed to their
large catalytic surface area. With the small size and great porosity, the nanoparticles are able to achieve a higher reaction yield and a shorter
reaction time when utilized as reagents in organic and organometallic synthesis. In fact, copper nanoparticles that are used in a
condensation reaction of iodobenzene attained about 88% conversion to biphenyl, while the commercial copper exhibited only a conversion
of 43%.

Copper nanoparticles that are extremely small and have a high surface to volume ratio can also serve as antifungal/antibacterial agents.
The antimicrobial activity is induced by their close interaction with microbial membranes and their metal ions released in solutions .
[8]As the nanoparticles oxidize slowly in solutions, cupric ions are released from them and they can create toxic hydroxyl free radicals
when the lipid membrane is nearby. Then, the free radicals disassemble lipids in cell membranes through oxidation to degenerate the
membranes. As a result, the intracellular
substances seep out of cells through the destructed membranes; the cells are no longer able to sustain fundamental biochemical processes.
[9]In the end, all these alterations inside of the cell caused by the free radicals lead to cell death.

Researchers specializing in the fields of microbiology, toxicology, nutrition, and health risk assessments are working together to define
the precise copper levels that are required for essentiality, while avoiding deficient or excess copper intakes. Results from these studies
are expected to be used to fine-tune governmental dietary recommendation programs which are designed to help protect public health.

2.1 Antimicrobial

Copper-alloy touch surfaces have natural properties that destroy a wide range of microorganisms (e.g., E. coli O157:H7, methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus, Clostridium difficile, influenzaA virus, adenovirus, and fungi).[119]Some 355
copper alloys[clarification needed] were proven to kill more than 99.9% of disease-causing bacteria within just two hours when cleaned
regularly.[120]The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the registrations of these copper alloys as
"antimicrobial materials with public health benefits" ;[120]that approval allows manufacturers to make legal claims to the public health
benefits of products made of registered alloys.). Copper doorknobs are used by hospitals to reduce the transfer of disease, and
Legionnaires' disease is suppressed by copper tubing in plumbing systems.[121]Antimicrobial copper alloy products are now being
installed in healthcare facilities in the U.K., Ireland, Japan, Korea, France, Denmark, and Brazil [citation needed] and in the subway
transit system in Santiago, Chile, where copper-zinc alloy handrails will be installed in some 30 stations between 2011 and 2014 .[122]
[123][124] Textile fibers can be blended with copper to create antimicrobial protective fabrics. [125]

2.2 Biochemistry

Copper proteins have diverse roles in biological electron transport and oxygen transportation, processes that exploit the easy
interconversion of Cu(I) and Cu(II) .[139]Copper is essential in the aerobic respiration of all eukaryotes. In mitochondria, it is found in
cytochrome c oxidase, which is the last protein in oxidative phosphorylation. Cytochrome c oxidase is the protein that binds the O 2
between a copper and an iron; the protein transfers 8 electrons to the O2 molecule to reduce it to two molecules of water. Copper is
also found in many superoxide dismutases, proteins that catalyze the decomposition of super oxides by converting it (by
disproportionation) to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide:

 Cu2+-SOD + O2− → Cu+-SOD + O2 (reduction of copper; oxidation of super oxide)

 Cu+-SOD + O2− + 2H+ → Cu2+-SOD +H2O2

(oxidation of copper; reduction of superoxide)

The protein hemocyaninis the oxygen carrier in most mollusks and some arthropods such as the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).
Because hemocyanin is blue, these organisms have blue blood rather than the red blood of iron-based hemoglobin. Structurally related
to hemocyanin are the laccases and tyrosinases. Instead of reversibly binding oxygen, these proteins hydroxylate substrates, illustrated
by their role in the formation of lacquers. The biological role for copper commenced with the appearance of oxygen in earth's
atmosphere. Several copper proteins, such as the "blue copper proteins", do not interact directly with substrates; hence they are not
enzymes. These proteins relay electrons by the process called electron transfer.
3. Literature Review

3.1 Copper Destroys Viruses and Bacteria. Why Isn’t It Everywhere?

A study from 2015 found that a different coronavirus , human coronavirus 229E, which causes respiratory tract infections, could still
infect a human lung cell after five days of being on materials like teflon, ceramic, glass, silicone rubber, and stainless steel. But on
copper alloys, the coronavirus was “rapidly inactivated.”

In a new preprint on SARS-CoV2, the strain that causes COVID-19, researchers at the National Institutes of Health virology laboratory
in Montana sprayed the virus onto seven different common materials, reported MIT Technology Review. They found that it survived
the longest—upto three days—on plastic and stainless steel, suggesting that surfaces in hospitals or steel poles on public transit could be
places where people pickup he illness. Just a single droplet from a cough or sneeze can carry an infectious dose of a virus.

Bill Keevil, a professor of environmental healthcare at the University of Southampton in England who has previously received funding
from the Copper Development Association, said that if copper surfaces were put in communal areas where many people gather, it could
help reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses, like coronavirus 229E and also SARS-CoV2. Other than hospitals, he thinks the
ideal locations for copper are public transportation systems, like buses, airports, subways. Buthe doesn't stop there: He would also like
to see copper used in sports equipment in gyms, like weights, along with other everyday objects, including shared office supplies, like

In the preprint, SARS-CoV2 "liked copper least," Antonio Regalado wrote in MIT Technology Review."The virus was gone after just
four hours."

In 2012, Schmidt and his colleagues ran a clinical trial in three hospitals, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City,
Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston, and Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Administration Medical Center, also in

First, they figured out which items closest to a patient were the most contaminated with microbes—those were the bed rails, the nurse
call button, the arm of the visitor chair, the tray tables, and the IV pole. Enveloping these items in copper reduced the presence of
microbes by 83 percent. As a result, HAIs were reduced by 58 percent, even though the researchers had introduced copper to less than
10 percent of the surface area of the room.

We have other methods of killing bacteria and viruses to mitigate HAIs, including ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide gas. But both
require a hospital room to be empty, and once sick people re-enter rooms, surfaces can easily be contaminated again. “Copper is
continuously working 24/7 without supervision, without any need to intervene, and it never runs out,” Schmidt said. “As long as the
metal's there, it's good to go."

It doesn't seem like we'll runout of copper in the near future, according to the World Copper Factbook from 2019.Copper is one of the
most recycled of all metals—nearly all copper can be recycled and not lose any of its properties.

Another reason copper may have been passed over for steel, plastic, or glass is that it can easily tarnish and requires alot of cleaning to
remain shiny. “But copper is antimicrobial regardless of how grody it looks, if it turns green on you, it still has the ability to kill bacteria
and viruses and fungi,” he said.

Some places around the world have started to use copper. In Chile, a theme park called Fantasilandia, replaced a lot of its commonly
touched surfaces with copper. At the Atlanta airport, 50 water bottle filling stations are now made with copper. But Schmidt believes it
should be more widespread.

He said that one of the reasons scientists are worried about the current coronavirus is how infectious it is, and a major way people
might be getting it is from touching contaminated surfaces. He thinks it's possible that the pandemic could raise awareness for copper
—if it motivates anyone to start using it. Imagine, he said, I four hospitals and public spaces already had copper in place—it’s
impossible to say for sure, but it’s likely that transmission would have been affected.

“I have great confidence that it would work because bacteria or viruses are the ones causing the infection," he said. "If their numbers
go down, common sense would tell you: you should have fewer infections.”

3 .2 Copper could help prevent future pandemic, and what it does to coronavirus

CLEVELAND, Ohio - A recent clinical study that indicates copper is far better than other common materials at preventing the spread
of infectious diseases has caught the public’s attention amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Princeton University reported in The New England
Journal of Medicine this week that COVID-19 was “detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24
hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.”

Those findings raise the obvious questions: Why does the corona virus become inactive on copper much sooner than on other surfaces?
Why aren’t more high-touch surfaces made of copper? And will the recent study in conjunction with the coronavirus change

For answers, contacted Michael Schmidt, professor of microbiology and immunology at Medical University of South
Carolina; John Spear, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the Colorado School of Mines; Thomas Passek, president of
the Copper Development Association; and Amy O’Shaughnessy, vice president of marketing and strategic planning at Revere Copper
Products in Rome, N.Y..

3.3 Why is copper so special?

“It has to do with the fact that copper is schizophrenic, ”said Schmidt, who with the help of the copper industry obtained a Department
of Defense grant in 2007 to study the germ- fighting efficacy of the metal.

The metal is highly conductive and electrons are constantly moving back and forth, he said, and that “schizophrenic” behavior creates
the anti-microbial action.

Using a bit of science speak, Schmidt explained that the copper dents the crown-shaped virus and then slowly releases ions that interact
with oxygen and generate free radicals, or uncharged molecules that typically are highly reactive. Those free radicals create a figurative
grenade that goes off and destroys the virus’ RNA.

3.4 How effective a germ killer is copper?

Schmidt said he and his researchers were able to demonstrate that copper surfaces could reduce the infection rate in hospitals by 58
percent, although distinctions were not made between bacterial or viral infections.

Spear points to a study from 2015 by the University of Southhampton in England that found copper can help prevent respiratory
viruses from spreading.

“On copper, and a range of copper alloys – collectively termed ‘antimicrobial copper’— the coronavirus was rapidly inactivated (within
a few minutes, for simulated fingertip contamination),” states a summary of the study by Science Daily. “Exposure to copper destroyed
the virus completely and irreversibly, leading the researchers to conclude that antimicrobial copper surfaces could be employed in
communal areas and at any mass gatherings to help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses and protection public health.”

3.5 So why hasn’t the use of copper taken off?

Spear believes cost has been the biggest factor. Copper is widely used for wiring and pipe, he said, “but to have copper everywhere
would be prohibitively costly.”

Also, while copper is used in some medical machines, such as for tubing, it’s not prominent on external surfaces because it’s a soft metal
that dents and when exposed to the atmosphere forms a green patina that can rub off.

So, while cooper may be good for wiping out certain microbes, it’s not necessarily a good material for working with on a daily basis,
Spear said.

3.6 Could the coronavirus change opinions about copper?

The Copper Development Association, a trade group representing the industry, believes that is already happening.

Copper is already recognized for its germ-fighting qualities, and is used in high-traffic facilities, including hospitals,
gyms, schools and mass transit hubs, according to the association.

For example, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta installed more than 50 drinking fountains made of “EPA-registered
copper alloys” and the Los Angeles Kings NHL hockey team has copper surfaces in its training facilities.

But the use of copper has been limited in part by the cumbersome regulatory requirements the industry has had to meet to tout the
antimicrobial benefits and in part because of the higher cost.

Passek said he expects the lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic will make the cost of copper less of an issue.
Said O’Shaughnessy, “We all thought this industry should have taken off 10 years ago.”

3.7 Can copper be used to make plastic, fabric more antimicrobial?

Yes, according to Mike Maczuzak, owner of SmartShape, a Cleveland firm that designs plastic products, including some for the health-
care industry, and engineers the molds to manufacture the products.

Maczuzak said copper, silver and zinc can be mixed with plastic to create a material with antimicrobial properties.

He said the germs are not eliminated immediately, but are prevented from multiplying so they slowly go away. coronavirus.html

3.8 Development of copper based drugs, radiopharmaceuticals and medical materials.

Copper is one of the most interesting elements for various biomedical applications. Copper compounds show vast array of biological
actions, including anti-inflammatory, anti- proliferative, biocidal and other. It also offers a selection of radioisotopes, suitable for
nuclear imaging and radiotherapy. Quick progress in nanotechnology opened new possibilities for design of copper based drugs and
medical materials. To date, copper has not found many uses in medicine, but number of ongoing research, as well as preclinical and
clinical studies, will most likely lead to many novel applications of copper in the near future.

4. Results &Discussion

As discussed above Copper could help prevent future pandemic, there is Homeopathic medicine recommended to prevent the pandemic
in the human being.

4.1 Homeopathy And Copper

The Homeopathic remedy Cuprum metallicum (Cuprum met) is obtained from the chemical element copper having the symbol Cu
(derived from Latin term Cuprum) & atomic no.29.Copper is a very malleable metal having an extremely high thermal as well as
electrical conductivity .In fact, unadulterated copper is somewhat supple & pliable, while exterior that is exposed to the air freshly
possess a reddish orange hue. Copper has numerous utilities. Apart from being used as thermal & electrical conductors & as an
important material for construction, it is also a vital element in several metal alloys. Last, but not the least important it also possess
therapeutic properties & is used in homeopathy to cure numerous ailments /health conditions.

Book : Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics by EdwinNeatby, Thomas George Stonham

4.2 Indications of Cuprum Met.

1) Convulsive cough : relieve by drinking cold water, whooping cough.

2) Diarrhoea , with colic, cramps & painful retching& vomiting.

3) Cholera cramps, painful vomiting & diarrhoea coldness & cold sweat.
4) Cramps & convulsions, clonic spasms beginning in fingers &toes.

5) Convulsions begins in hand &feet.

6) Nervous symptoms from non-appearing or retrocedent eruptions &discharges.

7) Attacks are intermittent, tend to recur & to be periodic.

8) Great weakness & prostration during & following illness.

9) Symptoms suddenly change in character, metastases.

10) Effects of fright, cholera : epilepey: asthma.

11) Hysterical subjects

4.3 Copper is found in Dulcamara

Dulcamara is a member of a botanical family Solanacea. It contains an alkalcrod called solanin to which it owes many of its properties.
Solanine depresses & paralyses the ragus with resulting slowing of the respiration with dyspnea & oppression of the breathing &
acceleration of the action of the heart, the pulse becoming quick, feeble & thready. The pulmonary tissues filled with a serous exudation
& isolated patches of the lung becomes emphysematous. The membranes of the medulla oblongata are highly infected but the nervous
system itself shows no organic change.

When injected in blood stream solanine has a depressing & paralysing effect on nerves & muscles. Ecchymoses are found in the serous
membrane of the stomach & intestines is swollen & congested & contains numerous extravasation of blood. The abdomial lymphatic
glands are often swollen &congested, blood caste fill the lumen of the tubules of kidney& albumin haemoglobin appear in the urine.

4.4 Characteristics of Dulcamara

1) Complaints aggravated by exposure to cold temperature, rainy weather or sudden changes in hot weather when days are hot and
nights are cold.

2) There is increased secretion of Mucous Membrane which is a great symptom of Dulcamara.

3) Catarrhal condition & profuse discharges such as urine, saliva, loose stool, muscus in respiratory organs,e.g., are very conspicuous.

4) Due to catarrhal condition here is profuse discharge from the eyes.

5) Watery discharges from nose or there may be dry coryza too.

6) Spasmodic cough, These is tickling in larynx.

7) Stool is profuse& watery due to Catarrhal condition of mucous membrane of intestine.

8) Joints are inflamed &swollen. Aching pain sore lame& bruised feeling alloves.

9) Fever---There is dry burning heat all over the body with chilliness towards the evening & with thirst. There is dull headache during

10) Aggravation From cold in general ,Damp rainy

weather ,Cold air, Suppressed eruption & sweat

11) Amelioration Warmth, Dry weather

Book : Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics by

Edwin Neatby, Thomas George Stonham

4.5 Remedies which contain Copper in it are given below :

Other remedies which belongs to Solanacea family are Stromanium (Jimson weed), Belladonna (Deadly nightshade)

They have been used for the treatment of asthma for centuries. The Solanaceous plants have potent neuroactive properties.

Indications for Respiratory Sparmolytics

1. Tight, breathless, non-productive coughing.

2. Wheezing & other asthmatic symptoms.

4.6 Tamra (Copper )

Tamra (Copper) is another ancient metal known to human civilization. Charaka uses the term Arka in a few places which Chakrapani
clarifies as synonymous with Tamra. According to the descriptions of Rasa in Vagbhata Ref. there are two forms of Tamra viz. Nepaliya
and Mlechha, only the former being acceptable. Samples with characteristic metallic sheen (Snigdham), soft (Mridulam), bright reddish in
color (Shonam), having high tensile strength (GhanaghataKsamam), heavy (Guru), and devoid of impurities (Nirvikaram) are identified
as best used for medicinal purposes.

Formulations of ‘Tamra’ are useful in a wide range of diseases like Krimi, Sthaulya, Arsha, Ksaya, Pandu, Kusta, Swasa, Kasa,

Amlapitta, Sotha, Sula, YakritRoga and Grahanidosha etc. In addition, Charaka advocates the use of Tamra Patra (copper vessels) in
several pharmaceutical procedures. Normal doses mentioned for ‘TamraBhasma’ is 15 mg to 60mg.

5. Conclusion

Today Covid19 has spread widely all around the world. And every country which is developed or developing are trying their best to fight
against this pandemic disease. They have a big challenge to help people with hospitalization, medication and prevention too. From the
above research paper I came to the conclusion that the Copper is only metal who has the tendency to inactivate the virus on its surface

Lead researcher Dr Sarah Warnes said: "Transmission of infectious diseases via contaminated surfaces is far more important than was
originally thought, and this includes viruses that cause respiratory infections. This is especially important when the infectious dose is low
and just a few virus particles can initiate an infection.

"The rapid inactivation and irreversible destruction of the virus observed on copper and copper alloy surfaces suggests that the
incorporation of copper alloy surfaces -- in conjunction with effective cleaning regimes and good clinical practice -- could help control
transmission of these viruses."

The Homeopathic remedy Cuprum metallicum (Cuprum met) containing copper as an element will be benefitial against Covid 19. The
another medicine Dulcamara is being recommended for Covid 19. As Dulcamara contains an alkalcrid called solanin to which it owes
many of its properties . Other remedies which belongs to Solanacea family are Stromanium (Jimson weed),Belladonna (Deadly

In Ayurveda, copper is known as Tamra, it is recommended to drink water empty stomach in the morning which has been stored in
copper vessel overnight that helps balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata andPitta).

This Covid 19 is caused by Human and this can be further control by human habits, cleaniness and command on his own, even on
environmental and social development.

Now the time has came again to follow our ancient habits and rituals to fight against pandemic disease which has occurred today and
might occur in future too.


In the accomplishment of this project successfully, many people have best owned upon me their blessing and the heart pledged support,
this time I am utilizing to thank all the people who have been concerned with this project.

Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete this project with success. Then I would like to thank Principal of M.S.G College,
Malegaon Camp. And my colleagues ,their valuable guidance has been the ones that helped me patch this project and make it full proof
success. Their suggestions and instructions had served as the major contributor towards the completion of the project.

Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been very helpful in
various phases of the completion of the project.

Last but not the least I would like to my sisters and my brother who helped me a lot.


1. Source: Wikipedia: Copper In Health:






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