DDT Contract - Dana Graham

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Digital Downtime Contract

Dana Graham
February 18, 2020

Introduction— ​It is an undeniable fact that I, like most 17 year olds, spend far too much time on my phone
(and my computer, and my kindle, and on Spotify, and especially on Twitter). This week (henceforth
referred to as Digital Downtime or DDT) will seek to remedy that problem. The purpose of DDT will be to
become aware of home much time I waste through technology, and how my life could be improved by better
limiting of these technologies. At the end of DDT, though I know that many of the technologies I’ve
prohibited will re-enter my life, I hope to have a better understanding of their effects and to be a more
mindful consumer of technology.

Part 1—Technologies and activities that are expressly and completely prohibited
● All social media, including Instagram, Twitter, and ​Snapchat
● Cell phone for any purpose other than those listed in Part 2- leave it at home and out of sight
whenever possible.
● Idle computer use beyond what is absolutely necessary
● Digital music and entertainment, including Spotify, podcasts, Apple Music, Netflix, Prime Video,
and Youtube

Part 2—Technologies that are permissible according to their purpose of use

● Hearing aid- to better interact with people around me (doesn’t include streaming music through it,
● Computer- limited to 2 hours a day, just for school work that cannot be completed through a hard
● Kindle- the benefits of reading more far outweigh any consequences of use of technology, but try to
use a physical book when possible.
● Google maps may be used for directions if I am driving to an unknown location without anyone else
in the car to navigate.
● CDs and methods of playing them may be used for language learning and SAT preparation for no
more than an hour a day.
● My cell phone may be brought with me if I do something outside of the course of my normal school
days (such as if I have a mock trial in Rockville, or any other club meeting).
● Texting and other forms of digital communication (email, Remind, Groupme, etc) only for group
activities in which this communication is vital and cannot be done any other way.
● Karaoke equipment when doing it with family and friends as a way of spending time together.

Part 3—Goals for the week

A. Quantifiable
Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night, read a book a day, use gained time to repaint/redecorate my bathroom,
learn how to crochet a scarf
B. Unquantifiable
Reduce anxiety around technology, sleep better, be more mindful about my time.

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________________

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