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What are the centre operating hours?

Our office is currently operating 24/7 365 days a year

What channels are currently supported? Lighthouse Team (Salesforce Level 1 Technical Support, Development and Testing)
N-Sight Team (Auditing and Data Analytics)
Data Quality Team (Auditing FCm Partners and Back Office Res Data)
Ticketing Team (Airline Ticket Issuance)
SWOT team (HR, Finance & Payroll and Recruitment)
Product Loading (Airfare Loading and Product Package Upload)
Tech Support Team (Local IT Support)
N-Spire (Customer Service supporting BYO / Aunt Betty Client)
FC Assist (Customer Service supporting FC Asia Clients)
What’s the current AHT by contact type? We currently only measure AHT for N-Spire which is 11 mins
Where to the calls/chats originate from? Multiple countries depending on the client
FC Assist – Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong
N-Spire – NZ, AU, UK and Singapore
Lighthouse – APAC
Ticketing - Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong
Data Quality Team – Worldwide
Product Loading – Singapore and Hong Kong
N-Sight - Asia
What is the current training duration for a new starter? 3 weeks
Are there existing training materials that can be used? N-Spire have a training schedule in place with supporting training materials
Are there any requirements for PCI, PII or any other security needs? Aunt Betty / BYO require PCI compliance for emails and phones
Will the current contact centre platform be used to deliver calls and
call recording or will TTECH provide?
Please provide a list all technology and applications that is required
to fulfil the scope of services
What are the main drivers for calls--what percent of interactions 80% of Inbound calls relate to Flight Changes initiated either by Airline or Client
pertain to each driver? remaining 20% general enquiries
Are you able to provide seven days of intraday volumes and 6 Our last 12 months Call Volume data can be downloaded from the following link
months' of summary volumes representing typical business patterns
are needed

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