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Boy, is he.

In the 1980s, he kept a “fat picture” of Louise Sunshine and would take it out every time she
said something he didn’t like.

In 1990, he said about his wife “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why
give her negotiable assets?”

In 1991, he said it didn’t matter who you were married to as long as she was “a beautiful
piece of ass”.

In 1992, he said this about an Olympian : "Wonderful looking while on the ice but up close
and personal, she could only be described as attractive if you like a woman with a bad
complexion who is built like a linebacker". He also said about women, “You have to treat 'em
like shit”.

In 1994, he said that when he is home and his wife hasn’t made dinner, he “goes through the

In 1997, he called women “gold diggers”. He purchased the Miss USA contest and said this:
“They said, ‘How are you going to change the pageant?’ I said ‘I’m going to get the bathing
suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher’. ‘If you’re looking for a rocket scientist, don’t
tune in tonight, but if you’re looking for a really beautiful woman, you should watch.’ He
also said he would have “nailed Princess Diana”.

In 1999, according to the New York Daily News, Trump said he'd promised his daughter,
Ivanka, that he'd never date anyone younger than her:

“I have a deal with her. She’s 17 and doing great ― Ivanka. She made me promise, swear to
her that I would never date a girl younger than her,” Trump said. “So as she grows older, the
field is getting very limited.”

In 2000, he rated women he wanted to have sex with:

Melania Knauss (then his girlfriend, now wife) 

Ivana Trump (his first wife)
Princess Diana
Michelle Pfeiffer
Cameron Diaz
Julia Roberts
Cindy Crawford
Mariah Carey
Gwyneth Paltrow
Diane Sawyer
In 2003, he bragged about his 22 year old daughter’s body. "You know who's one of the
great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My
daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body. She made a lot money as a model
—a tremendous amount."

Tim Ireland on Twitter

In 2004, he said that all women on Apprentice flirted with him.

In 2005, he told a lady on his show that she would make a great wife.

In 2006, he made the infamous “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
incest joke.

In 2006, he also said this: “Rosie O'Donnell is disgusting, both inside and out. If you take a
look at her, she's a slob. How does she even get on television? If I were running The View,
I'd fire Rosie. I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers and say, 'Rosie, you're fired.'

"We're all a little chubby but Rosie's just worse than most of us. But it's not the chubbiness -
Rosie is a very unattractive person, both inside and out." He then said this: “Rosie's a person
who's very lucky to have her girlfriend. And she better be careful or I'll send one of my
friends over to pick up her girlfriend, why would she stay with Rosie if she had another

In 2007, he compared women to buildings: "Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a

building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see." He also said that
Angelina Jolie is not beautiful: “I really understand beauty. And I will tell you, she's not - I
do own Miss Universe. I do own Miss USA. I mean I own a lot of different things. I do
understand beauty, and she's not." He tried to create a game show called “Lady or a Tramp”,
but fortunately, it never ran.

In 2008, he said about women: “They’ll walk up, and they’ll flip their top, and they’ll flip
their panties.” He also made comments about “pancake tits” and said anyone with a breast
reduction is insane.

In 2009, Carrie Prejean claimed that Trump would have the women parade in front of him
so he could point out which ones were attractive (in the Miss USA contest).

In 2011, he called breast-feeding disgusting. He called a female journalist a “dog”. When

Cher criticized Mitt Romney, Trump went after her appearance.

In 2012, he sent this tweet about Huffington Post Cofounder Arianna Huffington:

Donald J. Trump 
.@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former
husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.
7:54 PM - Aug 28, 2012

 1,9381,938 Replies



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In 2013, he made a sex joke about Ivanka: A tape of Trump's appearance on The Wendy
Williams Show from 2013 has emerged, in which he cracks an inappropriate gag about his
daughter (again). Asked by Williams what she and her father had in common, Ivanka
replied "either real estate or golf."

Trump said: "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her" - pointing at his
mortified daughter.

He trashed Rosie O'Donnell again:


Donald J. Trump 
"@ForeverMcIn: @realDonaldTrump how much would it take for you to make out with
Rosie O'Donnell?" One trillion, at least!
10:11 AM - Mar 2, 2013

 212212 Replies



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In 2013, to Brande Roderick, he said: It must be a pretty picture. You dropping to your

He also said this:


Donald J. Trump 
26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these
geniuses expect when they put men & women together?
4:04 AM - May 8, 2013

 6,2816,281 Replies



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In 2015, he called Arianna Huffington ugly again.


Donald J. Trump 
How much money is the extremely unattractive (both inside and out) Arianna Huffington
paying her poor ex-hubby for the use of his name?
7:08 AM - Apr 7, 2015 · Manhattan, NY

 110110 Replies



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In 2015, he said this:

He called Megyn Kelly a “bimbo”. He suggested that she was menstruating: "You could see
there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”


Donald J. Trump 
"@timjcam: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump Fox viewers give low
marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!"
12:24 PM - Aug 7, 2015

 534534 Replies



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In 2015, he called Heidi Klum fat.

He insulted fellow republican candidate Carly Fiorina: “look at that face. Would anybody
vote for that?”

Trump said that abortion was “punishable”.

In the first presidential debate, Trump talked over Clinton 25 times in 26 minutes.

In 2016, he called 1996 Miss Universe “miss piggy”.


Donald J. Trump 
Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a
U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
2:30 PM - Sep 30, 2016

 17,58117,581 Replies



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He said that 12 year old Paris Hilton was “attractive”.

Trump: “Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really
beautiful is Paris Hilton. I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are
friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the
hell is that?’”

Stern: “Did you wanna bang her?”

Trump: “Well, at 12, I wasn’t interested. I’ve never been into that ... but she was beautiful.”

He went on to admit he'd watched her sex tape.

He said about a ten year old girl: “I’m going to be dating her in 10 years.”

In 2017, he praised the “good shape” of the french first lady.

And, of course, the infamous “Grab her by the pussy.”

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