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moorisb national republic feberal gobernment

~ ~ sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos - ~ 13ibint anb .Jlational :fflobtmtnt of tbt Wodb
nortbbJtSt amtxtm / nortbbJtSt afrita / nortl) amtrita / 'tbt nortb gatt'
abjoining atlantis anb amtritana islanbs
'-§>o ~ temple of tbt moon anb sun ~ '-§>o

tbt trot anb bt jurt natural ptoplts - btirs of tbt lanb

'-§>o ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ '-§>o

cober letter for untbersal soberetgn afftbabtt of commanb to appear tn court

(exercise of constitution for the united states of america- secured rights)

chava nike' bey rex relatione Doris A. Nettles]

sui juris, in propria Persona
moorish american national - all rights reserved at all times
consul / judge / minister and vizir mohammeden
moorish american consular court, article iii jurisdiction
in care of 1419 singing trees drive
near [memphis territory tennessee republic
Notice to Agent is notice to Principal - Notice to Principal is notice to Agent
provost marshall general
2800 army pentagon
Near [washington territory district of Columbia]


Please fmd enclosed a copy of the universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear in court for:
Wells Fargo and Company, C. Allen Parker d/b/a CEO (and all Assigns)
Wilson and Associates P.L.L.C., Jennifer Wilson-Harvey d/b/a Chief Operating Officer (and All Assigns)

your assistance is greatly appreciated regarding these matters on the land of the moors. we thank you for
your service to our vast empire and estate.

in honor at all times

chava nike' bey

international criminal court-judge and prosecutor
moorish national republic federal government
the city of memphis sheriff's office
city of memphis mayor

Clboriginal and .1ndigenous .Peoples' Documents: .Northwest llmexem I .North llfrica / .North CZmerica / '.'ihe .Moroccan Empire' - Continential United States:
'.1emple of the .Moon and Sun': Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non-Subject - Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
I. ,.i~ ~~

, .
• r}I.,
i ,... '
• C II .
' LJ/~

moorisb national republic feberal gobernment

~ ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos - ~
:flu,ortsb J3tbtne anb .Jlattonal fflobement of tbe Worlb
nortbtne~t amexem / nortbtnest africa / nortb amertca / 'tbe nortb aate'
abjointng atlantts anb americana tslanb~
\§)o ~ temple of tbe moon anb sun ~ \§)o

tbe true anb be jurt natural peoplt~ - betrs of tbe lanb

t.§)o ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ t.§)o
failure to appear uniberjal joberdgn afffbabit of commanb to appear in court
(exercise of constitution for the united states of america- secured rights)
moorish american consular court, article iii jurisdiction 29 january 2020
chava nike' bey (ex relatione Doris A. Nettles]
sui juris, in propria persona
moorish american national - all rights reserved at all times
consul/ judge / minister and vizir mohammeden
in care of 1419 singing trees drive
near [memphis territory tennessee republic

international criminal court provost marshall general

office of prosecutor and judge 2800 army pentagon
post office box 19519 near [washington territory district of Columbia]
2500 cm the hague
the netherlands
notice to agent is notice to principal - notice to principal is notice to agent
please find enclosed a copy of the universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear in court for:
Wells Fargo and Company, C. Allen Parker d/b/a CEO (and all Assigns) and Wilson and Associates
P.L.L.C., Jennifer Wilson-Harvey d/b/a Chief Operating Officer (and All Assigns); failed to appear.

your immediate response is greatly appreciated regarding these matters on the land of the moors. A full
detailed report of the audio court session is available at your request. we thank you for your service to
our vast empire and estate.

in honor at all times

chava nike' bey

international criminal court-judge and prosecutor
moorish national republic federal government
City of Memphis Sheriffs Office
City of Memphis Mayor
Governor of Tennessee Bill Lee

Clboriginal and J ndigenous 9'eoples' Documents: .Northwest llmexem / .North llfrica / .North llmerica / '5he .Moroccan Empire' - Continential United States:
'.1emple of the .Moon and Sun': Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non-Subject - Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors o f the Land.

-- -.;,


ii• ~ - '
- - • ·•~•
, • II
moori!)b national republic ftbtral gobtrnmtnt
':ff>o ~ !)Otitta!) rtpublitat ta al maurikano!) ~ ':ff>o
moorifb bibint anb national mobement of tbe tuotlb
nortbtntft amexem / nortbtut~ afl'ica / nortb amtrica / 'tbt nortb gatt'
abjoining atlantif anb amtricana iflanbf
~ ~ ttmplt of tbt moon anb fun ~ ~
tbt trut anb bt jurt natural peopltf - btirf of tbt lanb
~ ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ ~
universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear in court
[C. Allen Parker d/b/a CEO, President & Director of Wells Fargo & Company]
[Amy Wachter d/b/a/ Senior Vice President Home Lending of Wells Fargo & Company]
[Henry Jordan d/b/a Chairman & CEO Wells Fargo & Company]
[Douglas R. Edwards d/b/a EVP Interim General Counsel of Wells Fargo & Company]
[David C. Galloreese d/b/a Senior EVP, Head of Human Resources of Wells Fargo & Company]
[Richard D. Levy d/b/a EVP, Controller of Wells Fargo & Company]
[Mary T. Mack d/b/a Senior EVP, Consumer Banking of Wells Fargo & Company]
[All Agents, All Principals, All Heirs, All Assigns, Corporate Trustees, All Derivatives thereof)

cause of action - macw-cause000000212_1

unlawful occupation of sovereign original indigenous land

date commanded to appear

wednesday january 29, 2020 at 10am central standard time

moorish american consular court online video
audio dial in number 425-436-6200 access code 776994

you are hereby commanded to appear at the moorish american consular court to state your name and
nationality for the record to the people w ho are the moorish national republic f ederal government. This court
has sovereign jurisdiction in all matters on our land. the American Provost Marshal has been notified of your
command to appear as commanded. unt il such time, all of Your Commerce and that of all Agents, Principals,
Heirs and Assigns is hereby terminated by way of sovereign universal commercial code 1 lien. failure to appear
shall be just cause for Your arrest.

chronos: January 21, [2020] 1440

i am:_<!=:::...~ ~~L-~~ :i-4
judge/consul/vizir/minister, · opr~ nM ui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes.
all right'S txe;c1sed at all times.
free moor/muur northwest amexem~/ northwest africa / north america

notice to agent Is notice to principal • notice to principal Is notice to agent

notl1ing in this affidavit, declaration, proclamation and command shall be construed ll$ conse11t to any jurisdiction that is not the jurisdiction
ofour ancestral inherited estate.

amen, amen dico vobis, quae-cumqoe alligaverihs super terram erunt llgata et Ego in caelo et quaec.umque solverlUs super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, qu.ecumque alligaveritis super terram erum ligat.a et Ego in caclo et quaecumque solveritis super terrarn erunl sofuta et in cae.Jo
amen, amen dico vobis, qu.rcumque alligaveritls super terram erunt ligata et Ego In caeloet quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

a boriginal and indigenous p eoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'th e m-0roccan empire' - ontinential united utates: 't.emple of
the moon and sun': non - domestic, non - resident,non-subject - being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
l~ ~:y,, .

I· • -·
'• i:~ ·':
I _. -~ -5,.~
I -

moorh~b national republic feberal gobernment

~ ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~
moorisb bibint anb national mobtmtnt of tbt worlb
nortbtntst amtxtm I nortbtntst africa / nortb amtrica / 'tbt nortb gatt'
abjoining atlantis anb amtricana islanbs
~ ~ ttmplt of tbt moon anb sun ~ ~
tbt trut anb bt jurt natural ptoplts - btirs of tbt lanb
~ ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ ~
universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear in court
[Jennifer Wilson-Harvey d/b/a Chief Operating Officer of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.)
[Robert M. Wilson d/b/a Managing Partner of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
[Courtney M. Miller d/b/a Attorney of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
[Jason S, Mangrum d/b/a Attorney of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
&eC~ fRamtall S. Bueter d/b/a Managing Attorney of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
[J. Skipper Ray d/b/a Supervising Attorney of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.J
[Charles Ward d/b/a Attorney of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
[Matt Martin d/b/ Escrow Officer of Wilson and Associates, P.L.L.C.]
[Travis D. Martin d/b/a Director of Business Development and Escrow Officer of Wilson and Associates,
"and All Affiliates, Assigns, Agents and All Heirs"

cause of action - macw-cause000000212_1a

unlawful occupation of sovereign original indigenous land

date commanded to appear

wednesday january 29, 2020 at 10am central standard time

moorish american consular court online video
https :ljjoi n. freeconferencecal moorish nation
audio dial in number 425-436-6200 access code 776994

you are hereby commanded to appear at the moorish american consular court to state your name and
nationality for the record to the people who are the moorish national republic federal government. This court
has sovereign jurisdiction in all matters on our land. the American Provost Marshal has been notified of your
command to appear as commanded. until such time, all of Your Commerce and that of all Agents, Principals,
Heirs and Assigns is hereby terminated by way of sovereign universal commercial code 1 lien. failure to appear
shall be just cause for Your arrest.

chronos: January 21, [2020] 1440 ~

i a~~dge/c~ ~~r/~ in ~ a ; ~OM suijuris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes.

all rights lierciseo at all times.
free moor/muur northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america
notice to agent Is notice to principal - notice to prlnclpal is notice to agent
nothing in this affidavit, declaration, proclamation and command shall be construed as conse,tt to any jurisdiction that is not the jurisdiction
of our ancestral inherited estate.

amen, amen dico 1/obis, qu~c.umque alUgaveritls super terram ligata et Ego in c.aelo et quaecumque sofveritls super terram erunt so1vta e1 In caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, qu:rcumque alligaveritis super terram eTUnt ligata el Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram crunt .soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobls, quzcumque alligaveritis supe, terram erunt liga ta et Ego in c.aelo et quaecumque solveritis super tem1m erunt soluta et in c.aelo

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north arrica / north america / 'the moroccan empire' - ontinential united utates: 'temple of
the moon and sun': non - domestic, non - resident,non-subject - being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land. Detail Report

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jfrom tbe banb of tbe 1Jnbtgenous :lieing

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~onsular/:fflinister/..fl.atural ~erson , tt t}r~ ria ~ersona-~utboriJeb

l\epresentatibe, ~ll l\igbts l\eserbeb aftb'\~ ~erciseb at tbis «tme anb in all t)oints
in «tme. ~ jfree ffloorisb ~merican ~attonal/ ;ffluur/.fl.ortbtnest
~mexem/,lliortbtnest ~frita/..fl.ortb ~merica anb «be ~bjoining lJslanbs.
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