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Risk Factors

1. Due to sought after in the ingredients of sanitizers in the market, there might be chances
of shortage of the capryloyl glycol which cause loss of money which was invested in this
2. Paint manufacturing and hand sanitizers are different products, most of the time hand
sanitizers are made by pharmaceutical companies not by paint companies, so there is
strong probability that people will not purchase the product due to their lack of
experience in this field. Shining Paints Co do not have license to produce it because it
required different chemicals which were only given to some restricted licensed
3. Grabbing customers for novel product which this company have not made in bygone, is
difficult in this short period which cost lot of budget of the company and might be leads
to loss.
4. If any pharmaceutical company made a vaccine of COVID -19 no one is going to buy
hand sanitizers which cause enormous loss to the company.
5. There are huge presumptions that supplier of Capryloyl Glycol gives expired or impure
product which impact negatively on our sanitizers as well as on the image of the
6. Company have to register their new product with government authorities to sell in the
market, might be chance that government will not approve which at the end cause lots of
7. Competition in the market of this product is at its peak in current pandemic which require
huge amount of money to invest in marketing after that we might have some chances that
we can sell our product.
8. For making new product we require new and experienced labor and staff which is
difficult to find in this short period of time as well as their demands of salaries were high
which we cannot afford in the current pandemic situation where every company is going
in loss due to lockdown.
9. For quality assurance company have to make a new department for this specific product
which is impossible in my opinion to make in short time.
10. Delivery of supplies cause delays because everything is closed, and new experiences can
cause huge problems.
11. There are huge chances that we will not meet our sales targets due to immense
competition in the market of same product.
12. Regulatory authorities can not allow our company to sell this product before checking the
quality of the product and if the benchmark of the quality were not met then they can also
put huge restrictions on our other products as well.
13. Rather than spending money on this product we have to invest in pharmaceutical
companies who are working on the vaccine, and if they were successful in making a
medicine for this our name will be more popular and different investors invest in our
14. If suppose the product is successful, what company will do when pandemic is over, no
one is going to buy hand sanitizers.
15. Rather than making sanitizers we have to make face mask, which required low budget,
and everyone can easily buy this without spending plethora of money in marketing.
16. There might be chances that new staff cannot follow the regulations of our company in
short time and they will try to do what they want which effect company badly.
17. For selling this product company required new shops or contracts with the existing shops
to sell our product which cause disputes.
18. What if customer is not willing to buy our product at the given price. What If our prices
were high for them?
19. This short-term plan might be not successful in the future for the reputation of the
20. Our brand name is at risk if the product fails, it will damage the reputation of our other
products unintentionally as well.

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