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Teaching English for Children in kindergarten aisyah located in

Malangjiwan, Kebonarum, Klaten with the Method of Reflection

Nova Nur Khasanah
NIM: A 320160259


Teaching English for Children in kindergarten aisyah located in Malangjiwan,
Kebonarum, Klaten with the Method of Reflection

1. Teaching English to young learners or children

2. Strategies of teaching English to young learners or children
3. Problem of teaching English to young learners or children
4. Previews research of teaching English to young learners or children
A. Background

Language is an important aspect in human development. If a person master the

language they will be easy to interact with people in the neighborhood or with
people of different countries. To facilitate communication between people of
different countries have agreed with the use of English as the International
language. Therefore, language English is very important for every people. Indeed,
learning English starts from the age of kindergarten because at that time the children
will be easily understand and develop the language. In addition the function of the
language for children in the kindergarten is as a tool to develop the ability to
intellectual for children (Gardner). In early childhood the acquisition of language
includes two stages, namely the acquisition of the first language and the acquisition
of a second language or can be called a foreign language. The first language is called
the mother tongue because the child first interacted with the mother. Meanwhile, a
second is a foreign language acquired after the mother language. In general used as
a second language by children in Indonesia is the Indonesian language and English

According to Lenneberg (1967:116) “There was a neurologically based ‘critical

period’, which complete mastery of language, but it is no longer possible, because
it will end around the onset of puberty. That is why learning English as the second
language must be started early”. That is everyone has certain period to facilitate
master language, which can be called a critical period. Critical period began when
someone had entered puberty. When someone has entered puberty will be a lot of
barriers faced so that the results of learning is not maximum, especially in mastery
of pronounciation. Therefore the importance of studied English as a second
language started since childhood. At the time a child will easily understand the
language that is taught because of the ability of his brain was still nice and different
if it had been the age of the teenager will be difficult to learn the language. “Children
more quickly acquire the language without much difficulties compared to adults”
(mclaughlin and Genesee). Children who classified as a young learners are those
who was aged between 5 years to 12 years, Rixon (1999). They were aged under
14 years old and not enter secondary school that included in the category of young
learners, Lynne Cameron.

Teachers play an important role in introducing the English language in the child.
The teachers can provide a wide variety of activities for children in the class using
English language. The activities of learning is done when learning to apply the
principles of play while learning and learn while playing. Because the most
affective learning for children of kindergarten age is through an activity oriented
game. Therefore teachers should be able to create learning strategies that make
children happy and not to fell bored during the learning process. A strategy used as
give show that educate for children through tapes cd or medium of learning other
of the internet. The educate this is certainly related to the English. The teacher can
take advantage of the environment in the class or was out on the class to teach
English. The teacher can teach English through the song, so that children will be
happy and easy to remember what they learned. The use of flash cards and videos
in learning to childrens in the kindergarten is a good strategy to train the brain’s
ability of on the students.

But in some areas it is difficult to teach English to children, generally in rural

areas. In general, constraints faced by inadequate facilities and infrastructure in
schools. The number of skilled teachers in English is minimal. This makes it
difficult for children to develop language skills in this modern era. Sometimes
parents are also indifferent to the material of English because of the lack of
knowledge and the limitations of the cost to enroll the children of guidance in the
institution learning English guidance that certainly requires no small cost. But when
compared with schools in the city is very much different. Schools in the city already
use English as the language of everyday conversation between teachers and students
during the learning process takes place.

According to me with the existence of this program will be improve student

ability in English so that student not stutter of technology. The article in childhood
itself is a golden age where they will easily capture the material taught because the
ability of his brain is still functioning properly and able to capture learning quickly,
precisely and efficiently. During the learning process will eventually be given the
students will be the strategies in studying the material. The use of the strategy itself
utilizes the learning media in the form of cards, songs, stories, after the learning
process itself students will be given a reflection to see if they understand the
material that has been taught during the learning process takes place.

Teaching English for kindergarten children has been applied in kindergarten

Kristen Immanuel II Sungai Raya. In the kindergarten. Before the introduction of
English learning is done teachers are required to make a plan of daily learning.
Kadir and Hanun Asrohah (2014: 157) stated, "The lesson plan (RPP) is essentially
a short-term plan to estimate what activities will be done in the learning."
Afterwards the teacher implements the learning process according to the lesson plan
that has been made. But in the learning process found several inhibiting factors such
as the average first-time children in English when entering kindergarten so that they
appear surprised with the use of English as the language of instruction. The article,
English is not the language that children use to communicate in their daily activities.

B. Limitation/Scope of the Study

In teaching English for young students or children in kindergarten with the
method of reflection refers to the kindergarten located in the rural
environment, for example the Aisiyah kindergarten in the village of
malangjiwan, kebonarum klaten.
C. Problem Statements
a. Whether by doing the method of reflection can improve the ability of
children in learning English?
b. What learning strategies can be used in learning English for children
using reflection methods?
c. What is obtained by using reflection method on learning English for
D. Objectives of the study
a. To investigate whether by doing the method of reflection can improve
the ability of children in learning English
b. To observe whether learning strategies can be used in learning English
for children using reflection methods
c. To observe what obtained by using reflection method on learning
English for Children

A. Literary Review

Juhana (2014) reveal that teaching English to young learners requires

various teaching strategies so that students are interested to learn English. Teachers
must keep their students focused on learning. Teachers are required to have more
than one teaching technique because students tend to get bored with one teaching
technique. Teachers are required to facilitate students to gain a variety of learning
experience. Learning experience in question is to expand the knowledge and needs
of students in order to obtain effective learning, useful and motivate the students to

Sukarno (2008) reveal that teaching English for young learners is certainly
different from teaching English to adults. Explained that teachers are required to
understand and apply the theory of learning to teach English. Teachers should be
able to manage the English class. And the teachers should be design the learning
materials in accordance with the applicable curriculum as well as fun for the

Yuliana (2003) reveal that since the English set as the International
language, most people began to learn English. As well as in Indonesia began to
learn English since the children. Here explain that children learn English as you
play, so they don’t feel saturated. One of the methods used is the song. Because the
song can train the ability to hear and train the understanding of the vocabulary of
the children.
Shaheen Ara (2009) reveal that the solution of teaching English to young
learners in Bangladesh with music because the author had a great fondness for
music, rhymes and games could easily to remember the music lessons. And now
the author practice the methods for teaching English to young children in
Bangladesh. The author is convinced that the music, rhymes and games, will not
make the children fed up and not interesting in learning the materials of learning
English. When using the methods make the children fun and enjoy to learning
because they did not present about the material in the future of classroom.

Mart (2012) explain that the story is an important part in the success of
mastery language. The story can also motivates the young learners to create an
environment learn comfortable to each individual. Children tend to love story
because of the most of the story was easy to understand. The story instrumental
important in the word of literasi. The story is also triggers the spirit of the children
in the study English.

Damar, Gursoy, Korkmaz (2013) explain that young learners acquire a

language more easily than at the level of students others in the field of voice and
the development of their competition implicitly. They have lower anxiety levels
than on adult learners. It is proved the young learner is better in receiving the
material being though than the other during the process of education ends. So in
this article the author explain that teachers should be trained in the implementation
of the curriculum in teaching English especially for young is expected
with this training of trainers, teachers, and young learners can be understand more
about the English.
Razali, Noraziah, Nazima, Muriatul (2017) explain that learning English
can be applied by using the card. In here the authors make use of the card to increase
the vocabulary of children. Learning this is fairly interesting because it uses a
different media of a learning process that usually only to listen the teacher. It is also
benefical for children or young learners to improve the ability to speak, read, and

Komachali (2012) explain that the influence of the use of flash card in the
understanding of English vocabulary. Its own bring the good impact for every
student because it can improve the ability of vocabulary, increase the participation
of students to take part in learning. In term of use of this flash card bring a
significant change compared to the other methods.

Miranti, Engliana, Hapsari (2015) explain that using children's songs as a

medium of learning is one of the right methods. The article, when using children's
songs can improve vocabulary, improve the ability of the brain, and also increase
interest in learning English in students. But the success of learning a student
learning English is also influenced by the ability of the teacher in providing the
subject matter.
Wang, Shang, Briody (2011) explain that games can improve the use of
games is able to provide a positive attitude on the effect to increase student
motivation and student vocabulary acquisition. This shows that students with higher
motivation or students who are able to master vocabulary faster by playing games
is an improvement in learning English.
The purpose of this study is to find out more and to consider whether using
reflection method can improve the understanding of English in children in
kindergarten especially in Aisyah kindergarten. And this research is held to find out
whether the method of reflection makes students happy to learn English. So the
capture power in learning English to be better .

B. Related Theory

From the results of observations on the thesis entitled "TEACHING

results that the thesis has in common with research to be conducted by researchers.
The research conducted by the researcher and this thesis both need more attention
to the English language for children especially for the kindergarten children who
are in the village which is used as the research place. In both these studies equally
use methods that can improve the English proficiency of participants. Both equally
prepare the material in order to get the maximum results. Both wanted to improve
the vocabullary of each research site.


KARANGMALANG SRAGEN" the author conducted research using TPR which
has its own advantages. As well as in the results of research conducted by
researchers using a reflection method that has its own advantages which can
increase the vocabullary of participants.

A. Type of study

The method chosen by the researcher is qualitative method by doing case study by
observation. This method is chosen by researchers because it is considered more
objective and relevant to the problems to be faced by researchers. The data obtained
by researchers obtained from conducting field studies in Aisyah kindergarten
located in the village of malangjiwan, kebonarum, klaten.

B. Research participants

The research was conducted in Aisyah kindergarten in Malangjiwan village. The

subjects of this research are children of group A and B in Aisyah kindergarten in
Malangjiwan village with the number of students as many as 30 children. This study
is a program that aims to provide appropriate and appropriate information to
improve the English language of children. In this study the researchers will use a
method of reflection which will feed Time for three weeks. For three weeks the
researchers will dive directly to introduce English to the kindergarten children in
Malangjiwan village. The study participants were randomly selected from A and B
group children in Aisyah kindergarten in Malangjiwan Village, Kebonarum Klaten.
The participants of this study consisted of men (n = 10) and women (n = 20) who
were in Aisyah kindergarten for about 1-2 years. The age of the participants ranged
from 4 to 7 years, with an average age of 5.5 years. English proficiency of
participants is still considered to be the basic level in which English is not the
language of everyday conversation so it makes them foreign to English. Prior to
participating in the research, they reported that they previously rarely studied
English through video, song, and through various other learning media.

C. Sampling

The sampling technique used in this study used the Simple random sampling
technique which takes samples from the random population without distinguishing
the levels among the sampled populations. In this study did not distinguish between
children who quickly respond to the material that has been submitted and who still
difficult to understand the material. This is done to train the memory and capture
power of the population in learning English by applying the method of reflection.
The researchers hope to later increase the vocabullary of the sample population.
The article at the age of kindergarten children is the golden age where they are able
to more easily capture the material obtained. From 30 participants will be taken 10
samples of participants to be asked randomly. The ten students will be taken from
groups A and 5 from group B.

No Class/Group Male Female

1. Group A 3 2
2. Group B 2 3

D. Object of study

The object of this research is how to teach English for Children in Kindergarten by
applying Reflection Method in Aisyah Malangjiwan Kebonarum Klaten
Kindergarten which is still lack of understanding of English in children in
E. Data and Data sources

Researchers obtained data from activities conducted with children in Aisyah

kindergarten located in Malangjiwan, Kebonarum, Klaten. The acquisition of this
data using financial data in which the researchers directly interact with the object
used as research material. Participants involved in this study consisted of 30
children from groups A and B who attended the Aisyah kindergarten. So that will
be obtained data that na can be developed to do technique of data theft.

F. Data collection techniques / instruments

In the data collection here the researchers conducted research in Aisyah

kindergarten located in Malangjiwan, Kebonarum, Klaten by giving direct test to
the existing participants. But before that researchers made observations in order to
facilitate the delivery of materials and know the ability of English language owned
by participants. The researcher will ask for three weeks to the teacher in Aisyah
kindergarten to give English language material during teaching learning process.
Here the researchers are required to be directly involved in the observations made
on children in kindergarten aisyah located in Malangjiwan, Kebonarum, Klaten. At
that time the researchers will provide material in the form of videos, songs, stories,
games and others during the period of three weeks. Submission of the material will
be done gradually from easy material to difficult material so that participants easily
understand it. From penyampaiaan the material will be at the end of the session of
learning activities will be held a reflection of participants. Participants will be asked
randomly about the material already taught. This technique is used to determine the
capability and recall of the participants after learning English. This activity in the
Data Collection Tool will be documented via video using a digital camera.
G. Data analysis techniques

Based on the problems that have been formulated by the researchers, the goal is to
be achieved, as well as exposure of the results of research, the following will be
described discussion of the results of teaching the English language to children
kindergarten located in the village of Malangjiwan, Kebonarum, Klaten. Prior to
conducting the research, the researchers made preliminary observations. The
purpose of the initial observation is to find out how much English language ability
of children. The results of the preliminary observations will then determine the
action that will be conducted by researchers while in the classroom for research.
Researchers conducted research for three weeks with different materials each day
and within 1 week the researchers will go for 3 times. For example, on the first day
the researchers give the material with the song media, on the second day by using
the story, and on the third day the participants are shown animated video that uses
english. During the research process the researcher uses the reflection method at the
end of the meeting by giving a random question. From these results obtained data

No. Name Group/ Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Good Enough Decrease Good Enough Decrease Good Enough Decrease
1. Rafael A/M
2. Dicky A/M
3. Reza A/M
4. Hime A/F
5. Haruka A/F
6. Bisma B/M
7. Ilham B?M
8. Anita B/F
9. Ayana B/F
10. Sakina B/F

From the data have been obtained it can be concluded that in kindergarten
children in rural areas actually have the ability to speak English depends on how to
develop it. Although there are data from some students who sometimes up and down
the ability of English. So it can be concluded that based on the analysis it is
necessary to develop more English language for participants in rural areas and must
be supported by adequate infrastructure.

H. Bibiliography
Korkmaz ,Şule Çelik 1, Gürsoy, Esim2, Damar, Ebru Atak3. 2013. Teaching English
to Young Learners: Through the Eyes of EFL Teacher Trainers. Uludağ

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