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An Assignment on Recruitment &

Selection Process of a Lecturer

Management for Southeast University

[Group Name: INNOVATION]

An Assignment on Recruitment & Selection Process of a Lecturer
Management for Southeast University

Syeda Khadiza Akter

Course Lecturer
Course Title: Principles of Management
Course Code: MGT1113
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration
School of Business Studies
Southeast University, Dhaka - 1213

Md. Towfiqur Rahman -------------------- ID: 2016010000139

Md. Mahmuther Rahman -------------------- ID: 2016010000401
Ahsan Ullah Chowdhury -------------------- ID: 2016010000418
Farjana Akter Tushi -------------------- ID: 2016010000419
Umme Habiba Akhi -------------------- ID: 2016010000420
Abu Bakar Siddique -------------------- ID: 2016010000160
Mazbaul Islam -------------------- ID: 2016010000410
Mohammad Navid Hasan -------------------- ID: 2015210000105

BBA Program
Batch 42 , Section: MGT1113 (F)
School of Business Studies
Southeast University, Dhaka – 1213

Submission Date: August 22, 2016

Letter of Transmittal

Date: August 22, 2016

Dear Madam,

This is our truthful declaration that our assignment on “Recruitment & Selection Process of a
Lecturer Management for Southeast University” which we have prepared is not a copy of any
other assignment made by any other students.

We also express our honest confirmation in support to the fact that the said assignment has
neither been used before to fulfill to any other course related purpose not it will be submitted to
any other persons or any authority in future.

Yours Truly,

Md. Towfiqur Rahman

[On behalf of the group Innovation]

ID: 2016010000139
Batch 42nd
Section – F
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration
School of Business Studies
Southeast University

Southeast University, Dhaka – 1213

Executive Summary

This report is based on a “Recruiting & Selection Process.” As a part of BBA program, our
Principles of Management course teacher Syeda Khadiza Akter assigned us to prepare an
assignment on “Recruitment and Selection process of a Lecturer Management for Southeast
University.” In this assignment we are able to recruit a Lecturer Management for Southeast
University. For that we have choose the external source of recruitment because it is the process
of searching outside of the current employee pool to fill open positions in an organization. We
have discussed about the four points of Recruitment Process and Selection Process on the view
of recruiting Lecturer Management. After all Southeast University is one of the fastest growing
private university of Bangladesh. . It was initiated by the group of dedicated educationists and
philanthropists with a dream of developing human resources by nurturing creative thinking at an
affordable cost. The main objective is to uphold the torch of knowledge gained through quality
education in a research oriented, well-equipped and congenial academic atmosphere to cope with
the challenges of globalization.

Southeast University, Dhaka – 1213

Table of contents


Title Page II
Letter of Transmittal III
Executive Summary IV

Part 1: Introduction (6 – 7)

1.1: Background of the Study 6

1.2: Objective of the Study 6
1.3: Limitations of the Study 7

Part 2: Organizational Profile (8 – 9)

2.1: Southeast University at a glance 8

2.2: Vision 8
2.3: Mission 8
2.4: Southeast University Trust Organogram 8
2.5: Schools under Southeast University 9
2.6: Faculty 9
2.7: Core Strengths 9

Part 3: Findings and Analysis (10 – 11)

3.1: Appropriate Source of Recruitment 10

3.2: Recruitment Process 10
3.3: Selection Process 11

Part 4: Recommendation and Conclusion (12 – 12)

4.1: Recommendation 12
4.2: Conclusion 12


1.1: Background of the Study

Successful human resource department makes it possible for the organization to acquire the
number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization by
the recruitment and selection process. So it acts an important role in HR department. As a part of
BBA program, our Principles of Management course teacher Syeda Khadiza Akter assigned us to
prepare an assignment on “Recruitment and Selection process of a Lecturer Management for
Southeast University.” We have made a survey for required information in Southeast University
official site in net.

1.2: Objective of the Study

We have prepared this assignment based on three purposes. That are –

1.2.1 To Identify the Appropriate Source of Recruitment:

The searching of suitable candidates and informing them about the openings in the enterprise is
the most important aspect of recruitment process. All organizations have to use external sources
for recruitment to higher positions when existing employees are not suitable. More persons are
needed when expansions are undertaken. It is the process of searching outside of the current
employee pool to fill open positions in an organization.

1.2.2 To Identify the Recruitment Process:

A Recruitment Process is an organization-specific model of how the sourcing of new employees

is undertaken. Typically the ownership of the recruitment process resides within the Human
Resources function, although again this may differ depending on the specific organizational
structure. To identify the recruitment process there are four points:
• Identify Vacancy
• Prepare Job description and Job Specification
• Advertising the vacancy
• Managing the response

1.2.3 To Identify the Selection Process:

Selection is the process in which an organization chooses the applicants who meet the criteria for
the available Positions. To identify the selection process there are four points:
• Written Test
• Arrange Interview
• Decision Making
• Appointment Letter

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1.3: Limitations of the Study

We are lucky enough to get a chance to prepare an assignment on “Recruitment and Selection
process of a Lecturer Management for Southeast University.” We tried heart & soul to prepare a
well-informed assignment. But unfortunately we faced some difficulties when preparing this
assignment. We tried to overcome the difficulties. In spite of trying our level best, some
difficulties that hamper our schedule assignment work:

1.3.1 Lack of time:

Within a short time, we need to prepare some other courses’ assignments for in this session.
For this reason, we could not get a fluent time schedule for the assignment.

1.3.2 Lack of support:

Some of our group mates were not well known. Many of them were busy in their other courses’
assignments, for that we have not got that much support for preparing the assignment.

1.3.3 Lack of Information:

Within a short time we need to prepare this assignment and for that we didn’t get that much
information. On the other hand, our group mates were not able to get sufficient information
because of their other courses assignments work. These things hampered the information

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2.1: Southeast University (SEU) at a glance

Southeast University started its journey in the year 2002. It was initiated by the group of
dedicated educationists and philanthropists with a dream of developing human resources by
nurturing creative thinking at an affordable cost. The main objective is to uphold the torch of
knowledge gained through quality education in a research oriented, well-equipped and congenial
academic atmosphere to cope with the challenges of globalization.

The salient features of the university are:

• accredited by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
• governed by the Board of Trustees, Southeast University Trust
• curricula as well as programs are approved by the University Grants Commission,
• continuous and rigorous assessment of student performance
• medium of instruction in English

2.2: Vision

To flourish as prestigious seat of learning and a center of excellence with a global perspective

2.3: Mission

To provide higher education for the students at an affordable cost, keeping in view the challenges
of the 21st century

2.4: Southeast University Trust Organogram

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2.5: Schools under Southeast University
Southeast University conducted with three schools. They are –
• School of Science & Engineering
 Department of Architecture
 Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 Department of Electrical &Electronics Engineering
 Department of Information &Communications Engineering
 Department of Pharmacy
 Department of Textile Engineering

• School of Business Studies

 Bachelor of Business Administration
 Master of Business Administration (Regular)
 Master of Business Administration (Executive)

• School of Arts & Social Sciences

 Department of English
 Department of Bangla
 Department of Economics
 Department of Islamic Studies
 Department of Law & Justice

2.6: Faculty

Faculty members of Southeast University are qualified, experienced in teaching and research.
They have diverse academic and professional credentials from both home and abroad to enrich
the classroom teaching.

The Student-Faculty ratio is around 20:1 that facilitates close interaction with their teachers and

2.7: Core Strengths

Southeast University’s core strength lies in its students. The attributes of our students are their
honesty, sincerity, modesty, dedication, commitment and down-to-earth attitude.

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3.1 Appropriate Source of Recruitment:

The searching of suitable candidates and informing them about the openings in the enterprise is
the most important aspect of recruitment process. All organizations have to use external sources
for recruitment to higher positions when existing employees are not suitable. More persons are
needed when expansions are undertaken. It is the process of searching outside of the current
employee pool to fill open positions in an organization. Recruiting of Lecturer Management for
Southeast University we will follow the External Source of recruitment because in internal
source we will select candidates inside the university and in external we will search candidates
outside the university and the candidates will submit their CV for seeking job.

3.2 Recruitment Process:

A Recruitment Process is an organization-specific model of how the sourcing of new employees

is undertaken. Typically the ownership of the recruitment process resides within the Human
Resources function, although again this may differ depending on the specific organizational

3.2.1 Identify Vacancy:

When a vacancy arises, it is the responsibility of the resource manager to ascertain whether the
post is still required and whether the duties are compatible with the University needs for the
future for a Lecturer Management.

3.2.2 Prepare Job description and Job Specification:

The duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working condition and supervisory

responsibilities of a particular post are determined here. The qualities of a person to perform the
duties properly are also set in this step. For lecturer Management of Southeast University this
steps needs must.

3.2.3 Advertising the vacancy

This is the common source of recruitment. For Lecturer Management of Southeast University by
giving advertisement in the daily newspaper, online advertisement in University’s Official

3.2.4 Managing the response

Managing the response of recruiting lecturer management for Southeast University will be like in
the advertising the vacancy we choose two steps in newspaper and online for getting the
response from the candidates there must be address in the newspaper and mobile number or e-
mail address in the online.

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3.3 Selection Process:

Selection is the process in which an organization chooses the applicants who meet the criteria for
the available Positions. The selection process for a Lecturer Management for Southeast
University will be –

3.3.1 Written Test

Candidates must have to conduct written and other tests

3.3.2 Arrange Interview

After conducting written and other tests, human resource management department conducts
interview in order to find out the ability of the candidates perfectly.

3.3.3 Decision Making

The Human Resource Management department selects the candidates primarily who have passed
the tests and interviews. After that, the candidates have to face some verbal and analytical skill.
Selection process needs to take medical tests of the primary selected candidates in this level.

3.3.4 Appointment Letter

Final selection is the last step of selection process. Humana Resource Management department
select the candidates finally who have found most successful. Human Resource Management
department send appointment letter to the candidates according to number of vacant posts.

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4.1 Recommendations

From the findings I can suggest for lecturer management for Southeast University following
things for the more effectiveness of recruitment and selection process:

• More emphasis should be given on internet and advertisement so that more and more
candidates apply for the jobs and it will be easy to find the right candidate among them.
• Organization should try to use the internal recruitment process first because it incurs less
cost and acts as a motivational factor and then the external source.
• Also organization should adopt latest techniques like stress test, psychometric test and
personality test to find the right candidate suitable for the job.

4.2 Conclusion

The assignment has attempted to point out recruitment and selection process of Lecturer
Management for Southeast University. Recruitment refers to the process of attracting suitable
candidates to apply for a job. We can get little information about recruitment and selection
process in Southeast University. Recruitment as being one of the major topics is required by
most of the organization. Hence the study helped in understanding the various aspects
of recruitment and selection process. In the Southeast university the sources of recruitment is
effective, the external selection of the organization also in an economical means which also
increase costs, only after looking the efficiency of the existing candidates towards the company
and his sincerity that candidates will be selected, in Southeast University as a Lecturer
Management. It can be retained as such. Also the candidates and employees of Southeast
University are satisfied with the recruitment and selection process. Also they are well aware
about the various sources and methods of recruitment and selection.

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